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If you were a fruit, which one would you be? For example, Ramsey would be an overly ripe pear - plain, boring, thinks it's "nice and interesting," but is really just a fat-bottomed potato in disguise. Smegma would be a lemon - sour, bitter, used like a whore and then banned from the kitchen. Lady Cop would be a cranberry - tough and good for holidays. Maggot would be a kiwi ... a whacky fruit that is hairy on the outside. Ninja would be a watermelon ... a big head full of annoying seeds, used to getting spit out, and takes up more room than it is worth. I of course would be a mango. Smiley_emoticons_smile

Passion fruit, of course. Rich, ripe & sweet with an amazing flavor that lingers in your mouth. heh heh
Sorry, I'm a Beef steak, I will never know the shame of being a fruit.
I'm think I'm more like candied ginger. Sweet and interesting at first and ends up burning the shit out of your mouth. Good for digestion too.

Well, maybe not that last part.
(11-15-2011, 11:55 AM)IMaDick Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry, I'm a Beef steak, I will never know the shame of being a fruit.

OP is the tomato. Confused about his sexuality and in denial that he's actually a fruit.

I see you more as the Malaysian Durian fruit... described variously as almonds, rotten onions, turpentine and gym socks. The odour has led to the fruit's banishment from certain hotels and public transportation in southeast Asia.

I hate pears.

MF is a piece of rotten fruit. Doesn't matter what kind really except that he needs to be thrown out.
(11-15-2011, 12:09 PM)sally Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-15-2011, 11:55 AM)IMaDick Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry, I'm a Beef steak, I will never know the shame of being a fruit.

OP is the tomato. Confused about his sexuality and in denial that he's actually a fruit.

I see you more as the Malaysian Durian fruit... described variously as almonds, rotten onions, turpentine and gym socks. The odour has led to the fruit's banishment from certain hotels and public transportation in southeast Asia.

Your school girlish attempts to get attention from me are cute.

(11-15-2011, 12:09 PM)sally Wrote: [ -> ]OP is the tomato. Confused about his sexuality and in denial that he's actually a fruit.

Nice. Smiley_emoticons_biggrin
(11-15-2011, 11:55 AM)IMaDick Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry, I'm a Beef steak, I will never know the shame of being a fruit.

Get with the program & play the game. [Image: slap.gif]

I thought tomatoes were a fruit. Didn't we have a discussion arguing that?

(11-15-2011, 12:53 PM)Duchess Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-15-2011, 11:55 AM)IMaDick Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry, I'm a Beef steak, I will never know the shame of being a fruit.

Get with the program & play the game. [Image: slap.gif]

I thought tomatoes were a fruit. Didn't we have a discussion arguing that?

Ok then, I would be a Cherry a great big one that looks like a beef steak.

Beef steak tomato?
(11-15-2011, 12:53 PM)Duchess Wrote: [ -> ]I thought tomatoes were a fruit. Didn't we have a discussion arguing that?[/i][/size]

That was the pepper, Dick thinks both tomatoes and peppers are vegetables. Dick is a Dumbass fruit.

(11-15-2011, 01:09 PM)sally Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-15-2011, 12:53 PM)Duchess Wrote: [ -> ]I thought tomatoes were a fruit. Didn't we have a discussion arguing that?[/i][/size]

That was the pepper, Dick thinks both tomatoes and peppers are vegetables. Dick is a Dumbass fruit.

Do you put out on the first date?

Dick didn't have a problem with tomatoes being fruit, Dick does have a problem with Chilis being fruit.

Dick wants to put his hand up your skirt.

How much of a dumb ass could he be?

MF: I of course would be a mango.

mangoes are my favorite, sweet and juicy, you need to dive overboard after having a mango for lunch, to wash off the sticky goodness that has dripped down your lush ripe sun-kissed breasts. [Image: BoatSmiley.gif]

Cracker is a Georgia peach of course, fuzzy but sweet.

Fibo is a rhubarb, tall and slender and tart.

User is a crisp crabapple.

not a fruit, but Maggot is a pickle [Image: badassbuddy_com-ticklemypk.gif]

Dickie is a bunch of sour grapes. [Image: 1sm226sourgrapes.gif]

Mo is a camel-riding banana

[Image: camel.gif]

(11-15-2011, 01:19 PM)IMaDick Wrote: [ -> ]How much of a dumb ass could he be?


(11-15-2011, 01:19 PM)IMaDick Wrote: [ -> ]Dick didn't have a problem with tomatoes being fruit, Dick does have a problem with Chilis being fruit.

Here is the address to the Botanical Society of America. Send your complaints about fruits, veggies, nuts and legumes to them.

The Botanical Society of America. PO Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299 · Voice: 314-577-9566 · FAX: 314-577-9515 · Email: [email protected] ·


Well done, LC.
Midwest spy would be a jicama (also known as a hick-ama).
(11-15-2011, 01:46 PM)sally Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-15-2011, 01:19 PM)IMaDick Wrote: [ -> ]Dick didn't have a problem with tomatoes being fruit, Dick does have a problem with Chilis being fruit.

Here is the address to the Botanical Society of America. Send your complaints about fruits, veggies, nuts and legumes to them.

The Botanical Society of America. PO Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299 · Voice: 314-577-9566 · FAX: 314-577-9515 · Email: [email protected] ·

They will just tell me to call them what I want to, since chilis are listed as a cultural vegi in some places.

I guess you should have read the whole thing and not just the part that made you into a dumb ass.

Here is the line that fucked you up.

Chili peppers are botanically fruits, but are generally considered in culinary contexts to be vegetables

LC would be a prune.

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