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I love animals and try my best to be a responsible owner. We have 3 dogs, 3 cats and a new kitten that was ONLY to be here for two days until my daughters friend could take it home.Bullshithah We have a lovely cockatiel that I appreciate because she always does a cat whistle call at me first thing in the morning as I stumble for my coffee cup (believe me, I am not worthy of that whistle first thing in the morning) There is also a sweet bunny, a tiny little turtle I found while I lived in Florida, a dwarf hamster and a chinchilla (he is my daughters, she does take care of him) The dogs and cats are all fixed (I told my daughter she can pay to have the new kitten fixed at six months) If I saw an animal being mistreated, I would have to do something about it.
I love being a pet owner and take them to see their doctor on the regular and as needed just as I do with my children. I have a 4 year old Bengalese cat and a 5 month old kitten (heritage unknown, but she's part dog, zombie, monkey and human). I don't tolerate any sort of animal abuse or neglect. I've reported people to the aspca and all of my cats and dogs (except for one dog) were shelter animals. I've taken in strays and if I hit the lottery, id open a no-kill shelter. Those commercis on tv about animal abuse often make me physically ill. I wanted to be a vet and actually took a job in a vets office until an abused animal came in and I couldn't handle it. She was so abused, she needed put down. I cried and cried and being part of a doctor for animals means you have to sort of disaccociate but I couldn't get over it. She was a sweet dog, when I went to pet her, she licked my fingers and I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to beat her so badly. I had to quit. I've never struck an animal in my life for any reason. My children have never struck an animal. I'm of the mind that if you don't have the time, the money or the patience, you shouldnt have pets.
(08-06-2012, 06:27 PM)pspence Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-06-2012, 10:24 AM)ramseycat Wrote: [ -> ]Yes I am. Having just gotten a puppy, I now know how much care is really involved in having a puppy. Scoobie is so much easier to take care of since he is older. Scoob went for his check up last week and then next month he goes back for his teeth to be cleaned. The only thing I really hate about having dogs is having to pick up the poop when we are out for a walk.

i carry a bag with a brick in it to fool the neighbors when i walk mine.

I love my sweet Corgi girl. She was a stray and now a member of our family. I'm with user on check ups. I stock up on her meds, but if she were to ever get sick, I would taker her immediately.
However, she does go to the groomer everytime I go to the salon to get highlights.
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