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The REAL Mafia ran Cuba, prior to the communist Cuban revolution. .................................................... They aren't the street thugs. The crap that came to the US in the Mariel boat lift, during the Carter administration, were the worst criminals in Castro's prisons and Jimmy Carter let them all in. I could see that ilk being Maytee's (and Johnny's) relatives.
How do you know all this and put it all together? I guess I have
known dribs and drabs but never the sequencing you share here. I
feel so stupid.
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Time to go to bed...but I fully expect to wake up to read a stream of good analyzing posts about this case that were made while I was sleeping...who knows maybe a surprise arrest! PLEASE!
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference!
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Again it was that her life drama, that made her seem suspicious. also. What I mean is, I guess if you were here at the very beginning of this thread when it happened. I was here at the very beginning only a few post had happened. I know this, because then I couldnt view it anymore and freaked out at the beginning. It was a withdrawl. I needed my mock and wasnt a member yet. Anyway. At the beginning of this thread, like right immediately following the murders, someone posted on mock about Miss TIff and how she was friends with the mother of minor Z. She continues to go on that he is dating this girl, who is a herion dealer, who just happens to be the girl on 911 call. So then the investigation starts on Miss Tiff. Then her rap sheet, then we hear about her being pregnant. Then we hear she is not only dating minor Z but also AP...then just hearing about her ex husband and being killed on a robbery gone bad. Then just viewing her my space page and facebook. I mean great she does seem to have some supporters but she sures seems suspicious to me. I mean lets face it, she is pretty popular with everyone and then we see her mother. Which I had the pleasure of viewing her my space page last night after only reading about it. Actually like her mother's music. Who would of knew? All I know is, if she isnt involved in this murder in some way then yeah her story is very very interesting being that she is pregnant right now and could have a second chance to be a good mother. She defintely is a street smart person. I just know this could be a Lifetime movie....Because Tiff's life is really juicy. I still think she is suspicious and I know you said she has a response to that, but I dont know. It doesnt look good for her. Even if she had nothing to do with or doesn't get caught. She really always will be thought of as suspicious in this story. I would think that alone would suck, if in fact, she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time trying to see what the hell happened.
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(02-26-2011, 07:50 PM)TotallyCurious Wrote: For those of you asking for Johnny's dad - here is the video.
He is visibly upset.
Good link and thank you. Painful :(
If someone did that to my loved ones I would want the perps killed. Th irony is that I oppose the death penalty. I'd rather see it done by those who have an emotional investment. That, however, never works well. I remember a California lady who shot her little boy's molester on the courthouse steps and SHE went to prison for it. Stupid ass jury. She should have received a freaking medal.
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(02-26-2011, 09:13 PM)TotallyCurious Wrote: Lady Cop. I realize every case is different, but is it usually this quiet
after such a violent act? I live in a major city where this would be
on the front page every single day and at least a couple hours front
page on the internet edition of the newspaper. Quite honestly, I
have not read about such an emotionally heinous crime since the
Joel Steinberg case in NYC. (Bastard is out of prison.) How does
this rate on the Horrible Meter from your experience?
Off topic, I know, but what a bullshit that that guy EVER got out of prison. That little girl's name was Lisa, if I'm not mistaken.
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(02-26-2011, 10:06 PM)Butterfly Girl Wrote: Toledo police scanner
Thanks! Used to listen in LA a lot. There were murders every night! They have a gang unit called Rampart and that was some edge of your seat shit to listen to.
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(02-26-2011, 11:42 PM)wanttoknow Wrote: This is my first post. So hello to everyone! I have enjoyed the 500+ posts so far.
Good to have you! welcome...Im so looking forward to hearing what else you have to say.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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(02-26-2011, 11:47 PM)shitstorm Wrote: (02-26-2011, 05:22 PM)Duchess Wrote: (02-26-2011, 05:18 PM)stoof725 Wrote: So I got an email from TW threatning to beat me up because of something I said on FB.... 
Oh wow. The pregnant mother of three threatening violence. Imagine that.
hahaha! Who could make this shit up?
An aside - When I lived in Los Angeles one of the gals in the office I worked in was Mexican American. Parents from Mexico. She was beautiful and refined but she would also fight, lol! I couldn't believe it. She had removing her earrings and braiding her hair down, when the need arose. At an office Christmas party there was another Mexican chick there, who was pregnant, and the one I'm talking about got pissed off at her and punched her out! She didn't give a shit that she was pregnant. I guess this is standard operating procedure in some cultures. Blew my mind.
Considering that I am an actual minority in NM, and am surrounded by Mexican culture, I would definitely agree with that post.
"Girl, hold my earrings, Imabout to fuck a bitch up"
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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(02-26-2011, 10:20 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: Storm: I found that gang banger post to be both chilling and educational. Sounds like routine business to rape a girl in front of her boyfriend. I'd like to know if Lady Cop has ever heard of this when dealing with gangs.
i've heard of it among "outlaw" type cultures.
You mean bikers?
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(02-27-2011, 12:11 AM)pspence Wrote: Sadness is it being Sat night...having a beer....husb is out of town so don't have to worry about pissing him by being on Mock too long and you look up and you are at the end of the thread...
Hey...are living my life and sitting in my living room?
LOL the very same thing happened to me, so I refreshed a couple of times,
to no avail. SO, I did some laundry hoping when I came back all would
be well in my world again...and it was.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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(02-27-2011, 12:27 AM)pspence Wrote: I wish I could? believe her....(Tiffany )I feel kinda sorry for her after seeing her mother's post. I guess when you have that 1st gut instinct "why did she wait 2 hours, the way she sounded on 911 call, then fb.
Maybe she didn't want to call the police to the house.
Tiffany told me she didn't have Maytee's phone #...called Sharita for it but Sharita wouldn't give it to her...Sharita finally called Maytee herself.
Wasnt there a Ruben involved in this phone call chain to Maytee?
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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(02-27-2011, 12:27 AM)TotallyCurious Wrote: One can't help but bash Tiffany. She's every parent's worst nightmare and her ignorance is beyond comprehension. My biggest problem with her, besides the fact that she probably assisted in the crime, is that she has babies. And babies. And more babies. Once you birth a child, you life is no longer your own. You have to grow up.
We should judge Tiffany only on what she did that night.
Actually she was more proactive than LE.
That is impossible to do based on her criminal history. Its documented that she has lied to LE before.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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(02-26-2011, 10:24 PM)imsuchawildflower Wrote: (02-26-2011, 10:05 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-26-2011, 09:58 PM)imsuchawildflower Wrote: Around here, they can go for up to 30 bucks a pill when they are in short supply....but usually around 20-25 bucks a pill according to a family
friend who is a 20 year LE here.
wow, if there's people paying up to $30 for one percocet, that's some desperate niggaz!
We are in a more rural area...Im sure in the bigger cities here its alot less.
My MIL had a cable guy in her house fixing a problem, and he stole a brand
new Rx of vicodin and one of percocet (my SIL's Rx). They are bank around
here...Lots of oil fields in NM and there is a huge drug problem in the oil
fields. Meth is a big one, but heroin is making a comeback, because they
have totally cracked down on the Rx trade here. BUT there are always
Dr.'s ready and willing to take your 85 dollars and give you narcotics
because you *hurt your back*.
This is problematic because people in pain should have right to get any all pain meds they need. The fucking DEA has made is hard on doctors who specialize in pain management. My own brother had spinal fusion and he suffered for years. he couldn't have gotten through a day without drugs that would kill most people.
ALL of this shit needs to be legalized for recreational use. It might keep the dirtbags adequately sedated so they aren't out on the street. They can pass out playing their X Boxes. If these drugs were cheap and available they'd be out of business in terms of selling it and they wouldn't have to rob anyone to get it. There is a REASON that even harmless substances like weed are illegal and it's all about money. Don't forget that Catherine Austin Fitts video that I posted about the illegal drug trade funding Wall Street. Certain elements of the US gov't were running heroin out of SE Asia as far back as Vietnam. It's big business that funds black ops projects. Now we have the smoking Nazis trying to outlaw cigarettes. They day that happens, I join a gang.
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The REAL Mafia ran Cuba, prior to the communist Cuban revolution. The Cubans who worked for the Mafia all emigrated to the US and are tight with the criminals in the CIA. They were the guys who did the Bay of Pigs invasion during the JFK administration ...........................during the Carter administration, were the worst criminals in Castro's prisons and Jimmy Carter let them all in. I could see that ilk being Maytee's (and Johnny's) relatives.
You may find this interesting....
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(02-26-2011, 10:47 PM)imsuchawildflower Wrote: (02-26-2011, 10:44 PM)shitstorm Wrote: (02-26-2011, 04:22 PM)imsuchawildflower Wrote:
Ditto. I started out thinking Tiff was involved. Then I changed my mind, suspecting some involvement by Maytee. Then I went back and listened to Maytee on the 911 calls and changed my mind. We certainly have damn little to go on in terms of forming opinions. Everything is speculation. From the perspective of an on-looker chatting on a forum I'm cool with theories, but from the other far more important perspective, that of a fellow American, Tiffany and Maytee are INNOCENT of any involvement until I see proof otherwise.
Amen to that. There but for the Grace of God (and good moral foundation) go I. (or mine)
I mentioned this before: Since most here are crime buffs, everyone needs to rent The Thin Blue Line and read John Grishom's, The Innocent Man. Both stories of innocent people on death row. It happens a lot and I can't imagine a worse nightmare than being convicted of something you didn't do. *shudders*
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It is just a matter of when someone makes the move for the reward or has someone do it for them. These types talk big of not snitching, but when push comes to shove. Money or lacking a heavier sentence speaks volumes!
When I was in Family Dollar today, the girls behind me were talking about the reward. That's alot of money in this neighborhood. I think someones going to talk soon. I hope so, this is driving me nuts.
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(02-27-2011, 01:43 AM)imsuchawildflower Wrote: (02-27-2011, 12:27 AM)TotallyCurious Wrote: One can't help but bash Tiffany. She's every parent's worst nightmare and her ignorance is beyond comprehension. My biggest problem with her, besides the fact that she probably assisted in the crime, is that she has babies. And babies. And more babies. Once you birth a child, you life is no longer your own. You have to grow up.
We should judge Tiffany only on what she did that night.
Actually she was more proactive than LE. That is impossible to do based on her criminal history. Its documented that she has lied to LE before.
But she called Sharita and tried to get ahold of Maytee. That had
nothing to do with cops except perhaps protecting the people in
the house from a bust and herself from any problems if she was
fucked up.
*Tiffany, I hope you do not disappoint me.*
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ALL of this shit needs to be legalized for recreational use. It might keep the dirtbags adequately sedated so they aren't out on the street. They can pass out playing their X Boxes. If these drugs were cheap and available they'd be out of business in terms of selling it and they wouldn't have to rob anyone to get it. There is a REASON that even harmless substances like weed are illegal and it's all about money. Don't forget that Catherine Austin Fitts video that I posted about the illegal drug trade funding Wall Street. Certain elements of the US gov't were running heroin out of SE Asia as far back as Vietnam. It's big business that funds black ops projects. Now we have the smoking Nazis trying to outlaw cigarettes. They day that happens, I join a gang. 
Don't plan on visiting New York City. No smoking on main streets and parks
or beaches in another couple months.
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LC, if someone in this case "snithces" and it leads to a conviction, would the snitch be eligible for the witness protection program, getting moved out of town with a new (fake) identity? If so, are they provided with some money to get started anew?
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(02-27-2011, 01:42 AM)imsuchawildflower Wrote: (02-27-2011, 12:27 AM)pspence Wrote: I wish I could? believe her....(Tiffany )I feel kinda sorry for her after seeing her mother's post. I guess when you have that 1st gut instinct "why did she wait 2 hours, the way she sounded on 911 call, then fb.
Maybe she didn't want to call the police to the house.
Tiffany told me she didn't have Maytee's phone #...called Sharita for it but Sharita wouldn't give it to her...Sharita finally called Maytee herself.
Wasnt there a Ruben involved in this phone call chain to Maytee?
Sharita is Ruben's girlfriend. He was never in the phone call chain.