02-20-2011, 07:11 PM
Awww, it isn't real. My day just became drenched in suck. Still, the release is funny. Go Anon!
OUTRAGEOUS! westboro wingnuts will picket funerals of victims
02-20-2011, 07:11 PM
Awww, it isn't real. My day just became drenched in suck. Still, the release is funny. Go Anon!
02-20-2011, 07:25 PM
LC,..that lawsuit shit has already been tried and failed.
A Father of a Marine who's son was a KIA had these lowlifes protest at his funeral.The Father bought a suit and it was thrown out.Cant recall what State it was in. The lawsuit did serve one purpose tho as it drained their funds.They were very worried that the lawsuit,if upheld and they had to pay,would wipe them out. Too bad it was thrown out. Problem with what happens when they do their protests is they have kids and women with them. A asskicking for the men is not out of the question to many of those who have met these assholes but anybody with any respect cannot scare or frighten the women and kids or put them in harms way.They know this and use it to their advantage. Code Pink does the same shit.
02-21-2011, 09:13 AM
And the text,just in case you dont want to go thru Facebook... Westboro Baptist Church challenges hacker group Anonymous to 'Bring It' February 20th, 2011 10:39 am ET .Do you like this Article? Follow me on Twitter The Westboro Baptist Church appears to have sealed the fate of all of its Web properties. You don't mock or challenge Anonymous, and that is what the Church has done in response to a threat by the hacker group, with challenges sent back to the group on Saturday, Feb. 19. Anonymous' open letter to the Westboro Baptist Church was "delivered" last week. It said, in part: We, the collective super-consciousness known as ANONYMOUS - the Voice of Free Speech & the Advocate of the People - have long heard you issue your venomous statements of hatred, and we have witnessed your flagrant and absurd displays of inimitable bigotry and intolerant fanaticism. We have always regarded you and your ilk as an assembly of graceless sociopaths and maniacal chauvinists & religious zealots, however benign, who act out for the sake of attention & in the name of religion. Being such aggressive proponents for the Freedom of Speech & Freedom of Information as we are, we have hitherto allowed you to continue preaching your benighted gospel of hatred and your theatrical exhibitions of, not only your fascist views, but your utter lack of Christ-like attributes. [...] Your demonstrations and your unrelenting cascade of disparaging slurs, unfounded judgments, and prejudicial innuendos, which apparently apply to every individual numbered amongst the race of Man - except for yourselves - has frequently crossed the line which separates Freedom of Speech from deliberately utilizing the same tactics and methods of intimidation and mental &; emotional abuse that have been previously exploited and employed by tyrants and dictators, fascists and terrorist organizations throughout history. ANONYMOUS cannot abide this behavior any longer. The time for us to be idle spectators in your inhumane treatment of fellow Man has reached its apex, and we shall now be moved to action. Thus, we give you a warning: Cease & desist your protest campaign in the year 2011, return to your homes in Kansas, & close your public Web sites. Westboro Baptist Church has made a name for itself by picketing the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan (saying that their deaths are a reprisal from God for LGBT tolerance in the U.S.) and even threatening to picket the death of nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green, one of those killed in the Tucson shootings. They went further, even applauding the acts of Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter. When WBC pickets or demonstrates, they usually carry signs with such messages as "God Hates Fags," "God Hates the USA" or "Thank God for 9/11." Their site, in fact, is http://www.godhatesfags.com/. Anonymous is not a group to be trifled with. Others, including corporations, have mocked them before, only to see their sites taken down by DDoS attacks. The response from Westboro Baptist Church was, for one, a Tweet by Megan Phelps-Roper, the daughter of the WBC's founder, Fred Phelps (pictured above). She said, Thanks, Anonymous! Your efforts to shut up God's word only serve to publish it further. God did that! Our response to you? Bring it, cowards Based on past such mockings, it won't be long before Anonymous does bring it, and despite what Phelps-Roper may think, the host of their website is probably not appreciative of her statement. In addition, WBC has released an open letter back to Anonymous. It's available in PDF form on their site and here (as their site may not be up for too much longer). The title is: "Open Letter from Westboro Baptist Servants of God to Anonymous Coward Crybaby “Hackers” BRING IT!" It ends with the line "GOD HATES FAGS & LOUSY 'HACKERS ..
02-21-2011, 09:21 AM
it's also posted in post 19, just click on it.
assholes look stupider daily. i hope they all die in a fire.
02-21-2011, 09:35 AM
My bad,LC..sorry for the double post...
02-21-2011, 10:44 AM
(02-21-2011, 09:35 AM)Misguided Wrote: My bad,LC..sorry for the double post... not a problem sweetie! ![]()
02-21-2011, 11:21 AM
![]() Better be carefull about saying that kind of stuff to me in public,you know....some fool will start talking trash about us!
02-21-2011, 01:41 PM
02-21-2011, 02:03 PM
![]() Guess it's now out in the open then,eh?
02-21-2011, 02:18 PM
It will be once I get a new sharpie.
02-21-2011, 02:29 PM
You know what they say...a busy body is a healthy body.
02-27-2011, 04:28 PM
failed lawyers, the scum of the earth
It is good to see the anon info was posted in this thread. I found this 'story' @ dslreports.com peace, Gogo 'Duchess Wrote:Yes, I like apples, so do my horses & so do the deer that I buy apples for because they have stripped my fruit trees bare. ~Gogo~
Divine Friend of MOCK FORUMS
02-27-2011, 04:31 PM
Fred Phelps - the truth behind the so called church
this link is well worth the time to click and read http://kanewj.com/wbc/ 'Duchess Wrote:Yes, I like apples, so do my horses & so do the deer that I buy apples for because they have stripped my fruit trees bare. ~Gogo~
Divine Friend of MOCK FORUMS
02-27-2011, 05:02 PM
Thank you Lady Cop, it is nice to be here!
I see you are taking care of business as usual with the server move. There are a few threads of yours I want to see if they were followed up, "trailer trash" and the nasty Boston murder one committed by the young Haitian girl and her friends. They killed the pizza delivery guy for his pocket change. That was a horrible story, hopefully justice will find a way to deal with that mess. A true heartbreaker it was reading about the pizza guy and his life struggle to attain a future for his family. I have a lot of reading to do, if I get lost I will ask via pm ![]() 'Duchess Wrote:Yes, I like apples, so do my horses & so do the deer that I buy apples for because they have stripped my fruit trees bare. ~Gogo~
Divine Friend of MOCK FORUMS
03-02-2011, 11:40 AM
AP WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the First Amendment protects fundamentalist church members who mount attention-getting, anti-gay protests outside military funerals. The court voted 8-1 in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan. The decision upheld an appeals court ruling that threw out a $5 million judgment to the father of a dead Marine who sued church members after they picketed his son’s funeral. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the opinion for the court. Justice Samuel Alito dissented. "What Westboro said, in the whole context of how and where it chose to say it, is entitled to ’special protection’ under the First Amendment," Roberts wrote, "and that protection cannot be overcome by a jury finding that the picketing was outrageous." Matthew Snyder died in Iraq in 2006 and his body was returned to the United States for burial. Members of the Westboro Baptist Church, who have picketed military funerals for several years, decided to protest outside the Westminster, Md., church where Snyder’s funeral was to be held. The Rev. Fred Phelps and other family members who make up most of the Westboro Baptist Church have picketed many military funerals in their quest to draw attention to their incendiary view that U.S. deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq are God’s punishment for the nation’s tolerance of homosexuality. They showed up with their usual signs, including "Thank God for dead soldiers," ”You’re Going to Hell," ”God Hates the USA/Thank God for 9/11," and one that combined the U.S. Marine Corps motto, Semper Fi, with a slur against gay men. The church members drew counter-demonstrators, as well as media coverage and a heavy police presence to maintain order. The result was a spectacle that led to altering the route of the funeral procession. Several weeks later, Albert Snyder was surfing the Internet for tributes to his son from other soldiers and strangers when he came upon a poem on the church’s website that attacked Matthew’s parents for the way they brought up their son. Soon after, Albert Snyder filed a lawsuit accusing the Phelpses of intentionally inflicting emotional distress. He won $11 million at trial, later reduced by a judge to $5 million. The federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., threw out the verdict and said the Constitution shielded the church members from liability. Forty-eight states, 42 U.S. senators and veterans groups sided with Snyder, asking the court to shield funerals from the Phelps family’s "psychological terrorism." While distancing themselves from the church’s message, media organizations, including The Associated Press, urged the court to side with the Phelps family because of concerns that a victory for Snyder could erode speech rights. ![]()
03-02-2011, 12:36 PM
One time,during a counter protest in DC against Code Pink and Cindy Shehan wannabee's who was protesting outside the gates of Walter Reed Hospital..one of the GOE leaders found out where Code Pink's house was in the area's so after they choose to leave,we assembled together and went to their place and protested outside their front door.
Media Benjamin(leader/founder of Code Pink) came asked and asked why we were doing that? I told her we were just returning the favor and hoping she hated us being there. The DC Cops came after a bit and after telling us they understoood and supported out cause,asked us to please leave,as we did. Maybe Westboro needs some of the same....often. If the law protects them,it should also work in the reverse.
03-02-2011, 12:37 PM
Right to protest military funerals has been upheld, it's a sad day for America. these fucks need to be followed around and have their loved ones funerals picketed.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams |
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