08-18-2011, 08:29 PM
She is pointing the fingers at everyone else because shes fucking hiding something, IMO there is no other reason to act like that...
Johnny S. Clarke & Lisa Straub- young Ohio couple murdered
08-18-2011, 08:29 PM
She is pointing the fingers at everyone else because shes fucking hiding something, IMO there is no other reason to act like that...
08-18-2011, 08:30 PM
Taken from the Toledo Blade:
Although the coroner said it is unlikely the couple were drugged, Mrs. Vasquez-Clarke said she "doesn't believe that for a second." She said a third person was probably in the Longacre Lane home and perhaps slipped the drugs into the couple's drinks because taking prescription drugs was "out of character for both of them. They didn't take prescription drugs." Remember how she tried to deny Johnny's drug use???? Once again, twisting the truth!! ![]()
08-18-2011, 08:32 PM
Taken from the Toledo Blade:
"Every kid I know that age has dabbled with marijuana," she said. "They weren't messing with Oxycontin or Percocet." I am 50 ---- can honestly say I have NEVER dabbled! ![]()
08-18-2011, 08:36 PM
![]() ![]() ^^Justice Will Prevail for Johnny and Lisa To all the evil haters READ UP
08-18-2011, 08:38 PM
(08-18-2011, 07:42 PM)Fibonacci Prima Wrote: Per the Blade article http://www.toledoblade.com/Police-Fire/2...d-Twp.html That statement sounds to me they believe the murder WAS personal. Or a message. Your choice.
08-18-2011, 08:44 PM
I agree. Maybe they KNOW it was personal. Maybe they KNOW it was a message. Hmmmmm, are they hiding something?
08-18-2011, 08:48 PM
well Johnny was in prison. Lisa didn't hang out with ex-cons normally. it was her tragedy to meet and fall for one. Johnny may have been trying to rehabilitate his life, he was very young. but the past has a way of biting people in the ass.
08-18-2011, 08:48 PM
Remember . . .
On JVM, Maytee stated Johnny had no enemies. So why are they so afraid? And you think kids don't pick up on that vibe from their parents? I believe this whole Mock bashing is a means to justify 'enemies' who exist only in her mind. And it appears to be contagious. Hubby got it, too.
08-18-2011, 08:53 PM
Taken from an article in the Toledo Blade:
Mrs. Clarke said she had re-enacted the crime scene in her living room. She bound her hands and positioned herself like Miss Straub and tried to pull a plastic bag off of a stuffed animal's head with her feet -- acting as if the toy was her son. I think this shows that she feels Lisa didn't save her son. SICK ![]()
08-18-2011, 08:55 PM
If I were Mr. Clarke and my wife was blaming me for not being able to revive the dead, I think I'd be more afraid to stay inside the house with her than to go to work. I'm not even being snide (really). If I were him and my wife was behaving so completely unstably and keeping my surviving children trapped in the house with her, I'd be quite concerned for their health. I don't know where Mr. Clarke fits into all of this, but he may well have a full time job at home, KWIM?
Again, I don't how Mr. Clarke is handling the whole situation, but it certainly sounds like neither he nor his children are victims in the eyes of his wife. They lost a son and a brother. But, judging by his wife's own public rants, Mr. Clarke and his sons are being made to pay for the loss that SHE feels. Selfish and sad, imo.
08-18-2011, 08:59 PM
Taken from the Toledo Blade:
"I will scream at him: Why couldn't he bring them back to life? Why couldn't he breathe life into them?" she said. "He says he tried. It is life in hell on Earth every single day." I would hope that this man would attempt to bring sanity to that home. But, chances are, he is like her. No one would stay with someone so unstable unless they too were a little touched. I am sure what he saw in that house devasted him. But, he can't be handling things much better than her. If he was, she would be under control. ![]()
08-18-2011, 09:06 PM
Taken from the Toledo Blade:
"My son isn't answering the phone. These kids could be dead in the house" Would you instantly think your son was dead because he didn't answer the phone??? ![]()
08-18-2011, 09:08 PM
R: Would you instantly think your son was dead because he didn't answer the phone???
of course not. unless you had good cause to fear. unless you knew what was going down. in reply to other comment, if you look at the records of maytee and her husband both, you see they are two of a kind. people don't really change who/what they are.
08-18-2011, 09:14 PM
HOLY FUCK what a fucked up trainwreck that lady is.
i spent a little bit of time just now catching up on all this drama... i just have a few things to say Any sympathy i have EVER had for this lady is now gone. this woman is grieving - I GET IT - but this person is and was clearly a fucked up and bad person even before this. It's just manifested into this even bigger monster now. Hypocrite - look up the word Maytee. I think it's pretty funny how she says Mock stalks HER site, what does she think SHE is doing to the Mock site? Stalking!! i love how she has a "friend" report back every single detail we put on this site. Man that friend must be pretty fucking fast because Maytee responds with a quickness to whatever is posted on here. Oh and what about how she constantly says that we spend our lives on the computer and we're loser chip-eating internet addicts - WHEN THE BITCH IS POSTING NEARLY EVERY HALF HOUR. sure it's "mobile" but what the fuck is the difference? she just has a smaller screen..lol. Oh and look who's talking about anyone "big nose"?!?! I guess she has won the lottery before, that's her excuse at how they are able to not have jobs? first I have heard of this... funny. Funny how Maytee seemingly has "hook ups" everywhere, somehow she has a contact in the FBI, the CSB, LE, etc. How's that working for you Maytee? Nothing yet? LC, have you even been contacted by the FBI or LE in any way about "cyber stalking" or "harassment" or "posting minor children and emailing minor children" ?? I just have to laugh at all the threats. And her asking people to call and report mock. i just try to imagine her and other's doing that "Hello, police? Can you please shut down this site called Mock. they are being mean to an insane lady." How about that the killers post here.. remember all those times Maytee claimed to know the killer and that an arrest was coming soon and she had ALL the details - yet she continues to urge people to call crimestoppers to help catch the murderers? man I can go on and on with this lady... holy shit. My opinion is that she enjoys and revels in this drama. She can EASILY avoid it but not only does she jump into it any chance she gets, she creates it. And go ahead maytee and call me a fat loser or whatever the fuck you want to make yourself feel better. I know for a fact what I am and NOTHING you say will hurt me! ![]()
08-18-2011, 09:16 PM
I truly feel terrible for everyone involved except Maydoo. When I learned of the case it sickened me. I felt so bad for Mr.Clarke. I can't even imagine what he felt when he found those kids! It's horrible. I am appalled by Maydoo's behavior. What type of wife would say that to their grieving husband! If I were him I would of LEFT HER ASS for sure.
08-18-2011, 09:19 PM
MC: LC, have you even been contacted by the FBI or LE in any way about "cyber stalking" or "harassment" or "posting minor children and emailing minor children" ??
of course not. it's all empty bullshit. i am STILL waiting to see the alleged emails (and from whom) to her kids. she can't produce them because they are a product of her fevered sick imagination. i wonder if her "friends" are starting to see the light.
08-18-2011, 09:20 PM
08-18-2011, 09:20 PM
(08-18-2011, 09:14 PM)Miss Conspiracy Wrote: Funny how Maytee seemingly has "hook ups" everywhere, somehow she has a contact in the FBI, the CSB, LE, etc. How's that working for you Maytee? Nothing yet? Somehow I just don't believe she has all these "hook ups". She's trying to portray herself as someone in the know, someone who is on the pulse of everything. Yea .... fat chance. ![]()
08-18-2011, 09:22 PM
Feelin' the love, "Justice"?
![]() How 'bout a shout-out for Mock? C'mon, babe . . . you know you want it!
08-18-2011, 09:24 PM
The other article I posted earlier may be more on to something than first thought. Were the killers told? And by whom? She did jump to one conclusion awfully fast. Did she set a robbery up and it went bad?! I wouldn't be shocked...
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