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(08-19-2011, 02:47 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Personally, I find it cruel that her supporters and those in her inner circle apparently haven't addressed her frightening behavior with her. Enabling. I don't have anything personal against her and I hope justice is found for her son, his girlfriend and their families. But, there are big red flags waving throughout Mrs. Clarke's increasingly belligerent statements and posts. She has gone off the rails, period.
If what she says about how she is treating her husband and children is true (and considering the paranoid delusions she's been posting publicly regarding people she's never met), she most certainly needs professional help, be it voluntary or forced. I hope someone close to her cares enough to be truthful with her and intervenes.
Rational, yes?
I think the problem is that her friends and family are afraid to tell her anything. To go against her in any way is to be shut out. I bet they are afraid of getting the same treatment that we are now, for trying to help her. Maytee doesn't want to hear that. She doesn't want help, she thinks she's perfectly normal imo. Anyone try to tell her differently, she will have a ball dragging you through the mud. I believe her friends and family DO know that she is batshit crazy, delusional and wrong with her rantings. that's why she hardy EVER gets any responses to her FB comments. Better to keep your trap shut, right?
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(08-20-2011, 01:36 PM)Miss Conspiracy Wrote: (08-19-2011, 02:47 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Personally, I find it cruel that her supporters and those in her inner circle apparently haven't addressed her frightening behavior with her. Enabling. I don't have anything personal against her and I hope justice is found for her son, his girlfriend and their families. But, there are big red flags waving throughout Mrs. Clarke's increasingly belligerent statements and posts. She has gone off the rails, period.
If what she says about how she is treating her husband and children is true (and considering the paranoid delusions she's been posting publicly regarding people she's never met), she most certainly needs professional help, be it voluntary or forced. I hope someone close to her cares enough to be truthful with her and intervenes.
Rational, yes?
I think the problem is that her friends and family are afraid to tell her anything. To go against her in any way is to be shut out. I bet they are afraid of getting the same treatment that we are now, for trying to help her. Maytee doesn't want to hear that. She doesn't want help, she thinks she's perfectly normal imo. Anyone try to tell her differently, she will have a ball dragging you through the mud. I believe her friends and family DO know that she is batshit crazy, delusional and wrong with her rantings. that's why she hardy EVER gets any responses to her FB comments. Better to keep your trap shut, right?
Wrong! Her family, especially her husband, needs to have her committed (at least for 72 hours) to get to bottom of her irrational behavior. If they cared about her at all, they would get her the help she needs. Who cares if they're 'shut out'? I would rather be shut out than have to deal with a crazy looney tune any day.
They are all enabling her and they will be to blame when the line is crossed to the point of no return! Crazy people don't know they're crazy...someone needs to step up to the plate and take charge of this woman.
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(08-19-2011, 06:49 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: ![[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRQMyeutzP8NG38cQm7U1f...-n55m-H8FA]](
pspence Offline
(57 years old)
Betty Boob
pspence ('betty boop') has always been two-faced and sucked up to maytee. wait until SHE gets accused of being a child molester or emailing maytee's kids.
we are horrible people, so cruel. while she is saintly and understanding. i am so ashamed of myself for spending MONTHS trying to help solve this case and keep it alive on the internet. maytee has about 4 (semi-illiterate) readers, i have hundreds of readers following this and other cases. nobody has any clue whatsoever the information i get. this is THE forum of record for this case. so i will not be abused by a fucking loon for my efforts. go be saintly at maytee's voodoo-land-o-rama-drama site. if my members want to verbally kick maytee's sorry fat pajama-clad ass, they are welcome to do so. and not be chastised by you. fucking holier than thou bullshit. you think i don't know you've always been at maytee's playing one against the other?
here for you AGAIN pspence:
to quote properly, click on the person's post quote button found at bottom of their post. then when the box comes up, post YOUR comment UNDER this------->
this has been explained repeatedly and there are HELP threads in HQ.
Wow. Tell me your true feelings LC. ...your ugly/bullying responses to an obviously mentally ill woman savaged with grief - has been over the top. If you don't realize that, I feel sorry or you.
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(08-19-2011, 12:26 AM)Butterfly Girl Wrote: On a serious note that woman is very angry and spiraling out of control. My question is why isn't anyone around her getting her the help she obviously needs? Maybe they have tried and she refuses because she thinks this is the "normal sane" way to grieve. I'm sure she has a lot of shoulda, woulda, couldas and if only's she has to live with for the rest of her life. She needs to take that energy and use it in a positive way instead of posting the same thing over and over on her webpage.. Get out and make a difference! She has a cause do something with it . Make the world a better place. I know in a perfect sane world 
Beautifully said Butterfly Girl!
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this has been explained repeatedly and there are HELP threads in HQ.
Wow. Tell me your true feelings LC. ...your ugly/bullying responses to an obviously mentally ill woman savaged with grief - has been over the top. If you don't realize that, I feel sorry or you. Signs_173
STILL can't quote?
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Ban the bitch.
Or at least take away her Mock elder status. It's obvious that she doesn't support Mock in the least.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
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(08-20-2011, 04:31 PM)pspence Wrote: Wow. Tell me your true feelings LC. ...your ugly/bullying responses to an obviously mentally ill woman savaged with grief - has been over the top. If you don't realize that, I feel sorry or you. 
 It's like a broken record.
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Wow! Been away for awhile taking care of my sick Mom who recently passed away and things sure got heated here! I have always thought that Maytee had SOMETHING to do with the robbery at the Straub's--not the murders but the robbery and maybe that's her KARMA (IMO).
Funny thing--while I've been grieving for my Mom at the cemetary in my skanky Bud Light pj bottoms I have not seen Maytee at Johnny's grave. It is quite VISIBLE from my Mom's gravesite. Just sayin'
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Dickie, i don't ban people just for being stupid. 
anyone who has been here and followed both threads knows i was never cruel or bullying to maytee. until the "child-molester, killers, emailing her kids" hallucinations. then the gloves came off.
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 I never complain about multiples, but all the threads on the board are having issues with posts multiplying. Makes me wish I'd posted something really good!
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(08-20-2011, 05:26 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I never complain about multiples, but all the threads on the board are having issues with posts multiplying. Makes me wish I'd posted something really good!
we know. please everyone put tech issues in HQ.
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(08-20-2011, 05:28 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: (08-20-2011, 05:26 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I never complain about multiples, but all the threads on the board are having issues with posts multiplying. Makes me wish I'd posted something really good!
we know. please everyone put tech issues in HQ.
Sorry LC! Will do. Just playing, nice break from the amateur grief counselling lessons.
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(08-20-2011, 09:51 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: (08-19-2011, 06:06 PM)pspence Wrote: Of course it is still about a mother's grief...yes, twisted as hers might be...there is no statute of limitations on a mother's grief.
You said "This is about a woman who is dispaying delusional behavior ..." EXACTLY my point.
I don't believe the hateful outbursts, lies and deliberate cruelty . . . yes, cruelty . . . from her, is exclusively from grief. In fact, it is my opinion that grief hardly plays a role in her attacking posts.
Yeah . . . I know. "We all grieve differently."
Yup . . . heard that one during the OJ trial. Oh wait! I damned near forgot Casey Anthony! In court, her bizarre behavior was explained as "an absence or inability to grieve." Hence, the partying. And the lying.
Let's focus on the lying. Lying, to my knowledge, is not considered a stage of grief.
Maytee stated she was in grief counseling. I'm sorry pspence, maybe I'm just a [insert one of the numerous colorful descriptions by Maytee], but is there any "evidence" to support this statement?
I'd love to know what grief counselor encourages a client to visit a website (especially filled with child molesters and killers), repeatedly, in the hope of finding peace and health.
YOUR point, pspence, is she is displaying delusional behavior. Ima thinkin' this 'family grief counseling' is just one component of her delusion.
However, on a happy note, I do see some progress.
In the beginning, Maytee's statements about her loss seemed more like a woman who lost a lover versus a mother losing a child. She never mentioned the loss of Lisa.
Finally, Lisa is now mentioned . . . and Maytee is STILL geting in Johnny's pants.
Cruel or fact?
You be sure and let me know.
Thanks for your interesting post...I thought it was respectfully delivered and thought provoking ...until I got to the part with the implication I'm like that crazy psychologist ...have to admit that was pretty funny when I looked her up on the net.
This site is like the soup Natzi on Seinfield....I still can't figure out that dumbass #@!%^ ed quote button like half of all your other posters) ...
I have to put my big girl pants on for this site. Geesh, I wanted to come to a site to discuss cases after living my whole life a frustrated detective. I've never been so insulted at one place in my 56 years.
I'm enthralled by the majority of Mockers but geesh, it's advertised to be the sight where you can "say what you really mean"..."curse if you want to", etc....everything is cool as long as you:
Never disagree or God forbid - tell LC and others you think they are going "over the line"... having your own opinion...ummmm
Futile Resistance - How dare you. I've admittedly got my issues just like everyone else I know, but damn, have a vicious streak much?
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(08-20-2011, 05:05 PM)Lady Cop Wrote:
anyone who has been here and followed both threads knows i was never cruel or bullying to maytee. until the "child-molester, killers, emailing her kids" hallucinations. then the gloves came off.
i notice the self-righteous pspence continues to ignore this truth.
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(08-20-2011, 05:34 PM)pspence Wrote: Never disagree or God forbid - tell LC and others you think they are going "over the line"... having your own opinion...ummmm
You cross a line when you take it upon yourself, to delve into TW's life and formulate a "relationship" with her. bet you didn't know while AP is locked up in jail, that WHORE you are friends with is out sucking, fucking, and perc'ing again! All my friends in Ohio (some who don't know each other) seem to have the same information! Mother of the fucking year! She used you moron, and you fell right into the old "Oh, TW is just a victim in all of this bullshit".! AND now you DEFEND Maytee's FALSE accusations by throwing her grief into the mix?? You're Mother Fucking Teresa! I am so not impressed!
There is nothing wrong with having an opposite thought on this site, no matter what the material may be about. However, a line was drawn in the sand by that whack job Maytee. Its obvious where you stand alone, while all of us remain united. Even those with differing opinions are bright enough to know when to band together. So SUCK IT....
(08-20-2011, 05:34 PM)pspence Wrote: Futile Resistance - How dare you. I've admittedly got my issues just like everyone else I know, but damn, have a vicious streak much?
You justly deserve the harsh words, and it didn't take a dare. Just common sense to know your right on the cuckoo train with Maytee. To defend or even justify her false allegations against MOCK and its members is pathetic! Hate to burst your bubble, but normally I am a very respectable member on this site. But your fucked up mentality and consistent defense of these fuck-tards is beyond annoying! You just have not gotten the drift yet. Take a Hike!
very much!
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It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.
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(08-20-2011, 05:41 PM)Fibonacci Prima Wrote: What's a natzi?
A product of phonics?
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here is maytee's new page for those who wish to view.
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I'm prepared to let her finish her descent into madness by herself as long as she leaves my baby's name out of her filthy mouth & stops bleating lies about our members. When she pulls that kind of crap I take it as her opening the door to my snarky comments & she gets precisely what she deserves.