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(01-24-2012, 10:10 PM)Cracker Wrote: Is anyone going to watch the SOTU? I was starting to, but I just can't.

Michelle Obama looked way better than Hillary. Then I got bored.

I watched the first 20 minutes intently but now it's just playing in the background. I guess I'll get the highlights in the news tomorrow. Not surprisingly, I agree with him about 50% of the time and I think he's a dickwad the other half of the time. *sigh*
Commando Cunt Queen

I didn't even know it was on.

This is really pathetic but most of the current event news, I get in Mock. I wouldn't normally do that on any site but I know you people check your facts or you'll be called out on it. Awink
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
the question is...will vera wang do barney's dress, and will he wear white??

[Image: wedding-086.gif]

[Image: e285be_ltp110210franksc09.jpg]

U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, the openly gay Newton Democrat who announced his retirement in November, plans to marry his longtime partner in a Massachusetts ceremony, Frank’s spokesman confirmed today.

There is no timetable for when Frank, 71, and his partner Jim Ready plan to marry, said spokesman Harry Gural, nor did he say where a ceremony will take place other than to say it will be in the commonwealth.

I wonder if they'll hyphenate last names, Frank-Ready.
Commando Cunt Queen
I heard about this for the first time on the news today. It's a pretty good mock!

In 1995, when Newt Gingrich first became speaker of the House, Bob Dole was already on the threshold of becoming the longest-serving Senate Republican leader in U.S. history. Relations between the two GOP leaders, which were never chummy, were not helped by Gingrich's openly disparaging Bob Dole as "the tax collector for the welfare state."

Barely two years later, after having been chosen Time magazine's Man of the Year, Gingrich had plummeted in public esteem to where, in a CBS-New York Times poll, just 14 percent of voters had favorable personal feelings toward the speaker.

This prompted an apocryphal Washington exchange between a perplexed Gingrich and Dole. "Why do people take such an instant dislike to me?" asked a perplexed Gingrich, to whom Dole bluntly explained: "Because it saves them time."
Commando Cunt Queen
whoever wins in florida today will likely be the nominee. i hope the usual clueless fumbling florida voters and the many deceased 96 who also vote get out there and hang those chads today. hah

[Image: 9c41f41d0883ca03050f6a7067001491.jpg][Image: 2012-01-31T011241Z_01_BKS42_RTRIDSP_3_US...ROMNEY.jpg]

Tampa, Florida (CNN) -- Mitt Romney will win the Florida primary, CNN projected Tuesday in a result that will cement the front-running status of the former Massachusetts governor for the Republican presidential nomination.

The CNN projection was based on unofficial returns and exit polling that showed Romney with a double-digit lead over his closest challenger, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

[Image: romney660_20120131_195435.jpg]

Roseanne Barr is seeking US Presidential candidacy. She will legalize marijuana and solve the country's problems! Her Green Party campaign platform includes forgiving all mortgage and credit card debt and mandating more women in government. She says the two major parties aren't serving the American people and that they sell out to the highest bidders, but she can't be bought. She says it's not a joke.

[Image: 67842977.jpg]

Finallly, a serious independent candidate. 103
Las Vegas (CNN) -- CNN projects that Mitt Romney will win the Nevada Republican presidential caucuses based on results and entrance polling.

With 10% of the results in, Romney had about 48% of the vote while Rep. Ron Paul and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich were in a tight race for second with 21% and 20% of the vote, respectively. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, who had largely bypassed the state, had 11% of the vote. Those numbers were gathered from vote counters at caucus sites across the state.

Mitt's campaign banner on his site reads "We have a moral responsibility to not spend more than we take in." If he backs that up by spending less, not taking in more, I'm good with it.

I know he is a crazy Mormon, but he is very humpable. I don't think the Mormon church is any crazier than those churches that wrap people in the Torah, so that is becoming less of an issue to me. I think most religions are kinda crazy, so I won't discriminate. I wouldn't vote for a J'sW, though, because they knock on my door. Eff that.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
Obama mis used scripture the other day so what if the mormons have strange beliefs. The one thing they do right is they take care of each other and their families are number one, especially the dark haired blue eyed boys but WTF? every family has their favorites.

No where n the bible does it say to pay more taxes to the government and let them help the poor.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(02-04-2012, 11:13 PM)Cracker Wrote: Mitt's campaign banner on his site reads "We have a moral responsibility to not spend more than we take in." If he backs that up by spending less, not taking in more, I'm good with it.

In theory, that's great but I haven't been able to find much positive analyses about his tax plans.

Back in November, Romney said he would cut $500 billion in federal spending but I'm still not clear on the specifics in that regard.

Simpson Bowles. I don't think we're going to be able to reduce the deficit significantly without painful cuts (in entitlement and defense spending) and some tax increases and closures of loopholes.

I don't think further cuts in income taxes are going to magically stimulate the economy. We can all see how well we're doing under the Bush tax cuts.

The 47% who don't pay any taxes should pay something.
Commando Cunt Queen
I admit to being a life-long Mormon basher because I grew up close to Donner Pass and the old stigmas still exists. Plus, I lurve Coca Cola and coffee.

After doing some research, I very much agree with the LDS (Mormon) stand on the separation of church and state. It seems the LDS church doesn't interfere with politics as much as all the other mainstream religions do:

Oh, and the LDS outlawed polygamy over a hundred years ago. Only crazy fringe groups still do that, they just call themselves Mormons. They are really excommunicated from the LDS church.

I don't care what you believe as long as it doesn't interfere with your obligations to the citizens of this country.

(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
His religion doesn't bother me at all. Steve Young is a mormon; they can't be all bad.
Commando Cunt Queen
(02-04-2012, 11:51 PM)username Wrote:
(02-04-2012, 11:13 PM)Cracker Wrote: Mitt's campaign banner on his site reads "We have a moral responsibility to not spend more than we take in." If he backs that up by spending less, not taking in more, I'm good with it.

In theory, that's great but I haven't been able to find much positive analyses about his tax plans.

Back in November, Romney said he would cut $500 billion in federal spending but I'm still not clear on the specifics in that regard.

Simpson Bowles. I don't think we're going to be able to reduce the deficit significantly without painful cuts (in entitlement and defense spending) and some tax increases and closures of loopholes.

I don't think further cuts in income taxes are going to magically stimulate the economy. We can all see how well we're doing under the Bush tax cuts.

The 47% who don't pay any taxes should pay something.

User do yourself and the rest of us a favor, and take a look at what the government was spending when the Bush tax cuts originally went into effect and see what the government is spending now.

For chirst sake you can't have tax cuts and increase the economy by 15% and then increase spending by 200% from 2008 to today and expect the same results from what the cuts were designed to do in 2000 through 2008 even though they are what has kept us from going into a depression, even obama knows that and is the reason he has extended them 2 or 3 times.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(CNN) -- Rick Santorum awoke to a new reality Wednesday after sweeping all three Republican presidential contests a day earlier, reshaping the contest that will decide who runs against President Barack Obama in November.

Santorum won caucuses in Minnesota and Colorado, as well as a nonbinding primary in Missouri to energize his campaign and raise questions about front-runner Mitt Romney's ability to attract broad conservative support.

[Image: 120208082816-natpkg-santorums-big-victor...ry-top.jpg]

(02-08-2012, 10:46 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: [b](CNN) -- Rick Santorum awoke to a new reality Wednesday after sweeping all three Republican presidential contests a day earlier, reshaping the contest that will decide who runs against President Barack Obama in November.

This surprises me. Interesting...

With Santorum you are firmly in right wing lunatic land, capital city Dicksville.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Obama's approval rating up to 50% now; rising as the unemployment rate decreases.

Continuing economic recovery will likely further boost his approval ratings and his chances in the November election. Yet we have seen temporary increases in consumer confidence before -- most memorably in January 2010 -- that quickly ebbed in the face of later negative economic news.

Either way, the economic trends of the next six to eight months are likely the most important factor in determining whether Barack Obama wins a second term in November.
(02-10-2012, 08:12 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Obama's approval rating up to 50% now; rising as the unemployment rate decreases.

Dick will be all over this like fudge on a sundae.
Commando Cunt Queen