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Was Lisa,s tongue really cut out? Cam was hanging out at the bar all last weekend. What happened to make him go into hiding?
@ RedCloud, What is the word on the streets about who all is involved in this crime? Any names?
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(08-13-2012, 11:33 AM)sharit Wrote: Was Lisa,s tongue really cut out?
i knew someone would ask. only natural.
that story circulated for a long time, as well as fingernails pulled out, and beaten with baseball bat among others. i was assured by someone in authority those things did not happen. but rumors have a life of their own. they persist.
i have not seen the ME's autopsy report, i doubt it's been released. and i don't know what the ME testified to.
edit to add...Sharit, have you read all Red Cloud's posts? he says a lot about what you have asked. for one thing, Cameo feels threatened.
it helps a lot to read previous posts.
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I have a kind of random question. Lets say the people who the unidentified DNA belongs to die before LE matches the DNA to a person. Do coroners ever do any DNA testing other than if they are trying to ID the deceased?
I guess a better way to phrase my question is would it be possible to link someone to that unidentified DNA posthumously, without LE actively seeking that person or if the coroner needs to ID the body (i.e. If it was found abandoned/not matching missing persons descriptions)
Sorry if this is long and kind of on my phone and it is hard to go back and edit
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Lady Cop, Mattie had commented on an article on line, from one of the local news stations..... " prostitute/ wife crying hysterically in the courtroom today" not sure exactly what she said about her, but she made it sound as though Starla was there..
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To greenfrog and the person emailing LC (I didn't catch if they were the same or not)
You want us to have pity for your son because his father will not be around. I have pity for your son because both his parents are obviously stupid. Yes, I'm sorry for the insult but it is true. You opened your legs to a psychotic pimp/drug user. That is a fact. So you must not be smart either. The truth hurts. I'd recommend if you are attracted to thugs to at least just swallow or get a morning after pill so your stupid decisions stop infecting the world. Again, I apologize but the truth hurts.
Second, yes Maytee is partly responsible for her sons death, that is why she acts why she does. Her son was not innocent and it was because of the way she raised him. I'd behoove you to learn from her mistakes and change your life. Make a complete lifestyle change, move from Toledo, separate yourself entirely. If not you will doom your son and be as guilty as Maytee when your son ends up like Johnny or Sam.
Yes, Cameo is retarded. Saying that he's not or is just not smart doesn't take away that it was proven in court that he is borderline retarded. It is now a matter of fact that he's a retard.
Third, if you think Cameo was not there and his DNA ended up on the cigarette in some other way then YOU are a retard. It's called the law of probability but I'd venture you don't understand it because you are in fact a retard.
Forth, I hope Sam enjoyed his time selling pussy. Now the only pussy he's going to be selling is the 3 inches below his eyeballs.
Fifth, if you think "Cam never leaves his phone, not even to go to the bathroom" then again, you are retarded. If you believe that I'd like to sell you a brick of the Brooklyn Bridge. You are obviously as dumb as Cameo to believe that lame ass excuse of an alibi.
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prostitute/ wife crying hysterically
now there's some libelous tabloid reporting! or creative anyway! 
and no, i never said who was sending me the emails. they may not even be a member here.
Justice for Johnny & Lisa
2 hours ago via mobile
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RedCloud---I am enjoying your posts as you really seeem to have the the inside scoop on what's going on in the streets---scary stuff--hope you are not involved.
As for Cam--I stated before that I give him 2 months before "something" happens to him---just my opinion.
I am also waiting for Maytee to really lose it ( like she hasn't already!) and do something stupid like really physically hurt someone---I really feel sorry for her other children
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(08-13-2012, 11:38 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: (08-13-2012, 11:33 AM)sharit Wrote: Was Lisa,s tongue really cut out?
i knew someone would ask. only natural.
that story circulated for a long time, as well as fingernails pulled out, and beaten with baseball bat among others. i was assured by someone in authority those things did not happen. but rumors have a life of their own. they persist.
i have not seen the ME's autopsy report, i doubt it's been released. and i don't know what the ME testified to.
edit to add...Sharit, have you read all Red Cloud's posts? he says a lot about what you have asked. for one thing, Cameo feels threatened.
it helps a lot to read previous posts. 
I attended the trial the day the deputy coroner testified...and no, L.S. tongue was not excised, at least not according to the testimony I heard. But, she had contusions and abrasions on neck, wrists, hip, chin, elbow (similar to johnny ) mostly from trying to fight off the duct tape. And, fyi no signs of sexual assault.
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RC , your starting to sound like someone personally out for cameo ! not that , thats a bad idea but , you seem to know alot of whats going on the streets out here on the east side , did you also hear that the snitch , Eric Yingling , recently within the last day has been given a LUMP some of money for his actions ?? Did you know that the snitch was personally good friends with the Straubs ??
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(08-13-2012, 07:17 PM)gurl2323 Wrote: Eric Yingling , recently within the last day has been given a LUMP some of money for his actions ??
If this is a fact, good for him. The guts to stand up for what is right and to tell truth should be rewarded!!!
(08-13-2012, 07:17 PM)gurl2323 Wrote: Did you know that the snitch was personally good friends with the Straubs ??
Where is the proof in this accusation?
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In so far as I despise murderers, yes I am out to see justice done ( I really have no desire to be an innocent bystander, nor "co-lateral damage" by letting scum to walk freely in our society. I have served 13 years in the US Army "developing a particular skill set" and making contacts that let me hunt threats to me, my friends, and society at large)
Now, honestly, these evil assholes are pretty stupid (oh Yeah ! cameo IS an official Retard ! )and Toledo is really a small place, so it's not like it takes real effort to find out whatever you want to know. (actionable 'evidence', real legal stuff.....well, who cares? the Bates assholes will just have it thrown out of court and render summary judgement.) Many people are pissed off at how this is turning out. Mostly because two actual murderers are walking free..........maybe walking next to you.
Yingling is REALLY interesting ! WAY TOO MUCH 'speculation' about him - and I have heard incredible things (like he was really FBI sent in to get the testimony....yeah right. I dont know how people get these things, let alone believe the nonsense. I would imagine it would have something to do with marinating your frontal lobes in street drugs, not graduating high school and never, ever reading anything.)
Surprisingly, from what I heard, Yingling is free and clear (a nifty 'Get Out Of Jail Card'), but the money ? There was No Money. The MOST money actually in reality is only about $1000 or otherwise in 'trade goods' (which is probably worth more than 10 $100 bills; hell, cut it with detergeant and/or rat poison and double your money !)
The Straubs are having nothing to do with this; they are waiting for the proper authorities to do their jobs.
the "trick" is to know 90% is bullshit, finding that 10% is key. (and since the East Side talk at about 100 words per minute, all you really have to do is buy them another beer or shot and then sift their words ).
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there dont have to be proof , eric yingling oldest daughter was friends with lisa straub . So yes just like you hear your stories , im proving that i also hear this on the other end .
and yes a lump some of money , the same amount your hearing for someone to catch cameo , is about the same amount i heard eric got cashed out with !
as for your speculations of AC there very accurate and hopefully she will be the NEXT one the police FINALLY arrest !
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excerpts from friday WTOL facebook.
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Hahahaha we are laughing at you pathetic maggot samuel williams i truly hope johnny and lisa faces haunt you for the rest of your miserable life i hope you get raped shanked killed you are despicable you worthless parasite!!!! YOU THOUGHT Y...
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Friday at 5:35pm via mobile
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Hahahahaha put down the crack pipe or acid michelle its a DONE DEAL and what fantasy world you are living in with all the drugs youre on WAKE UP GUILTY AS SIN PERIOD ALL WILL PAY ULTIMATE JUSTICE!!!!!!
Friday at 8:14pm via mobile · Like · 3
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez devonna im calling detectives thats the black demon one of his baby mommas since he has five and i think her DNA needs to be taken ASAP
Friday at 8:15pm via mobile · Like
maytee also gloats that williams was on suicide watch. if so, it is because that is ROUTINE after someone receives a serious sentence. does not mean he threatened suicide.
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Last I knew, suicide watch means they take your clothes, give you a paper gown (nothing you can use to strangle yourself), feed you 'soft' food and check on you every ten minutes.
okay, maybe something in the justice system is actually working.
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no paper gowns. they can be twisted into a strong length of "rope". it's a thick padded "dress" with velcro closures. usually have to be watched and logged every 15 minutes. sometimes a deputy sitting right in front of cell 24/7. food not an issue, but no cups, spoons, toothbrushes, nothing. no sheet on bunk.
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(08-13-2012, 08:24 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: excerpts from friday WTOL facebook.
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Hahahaha we are laughing at you pathetic maggot samuel williams i truly hope johnny and lisa faces haunt you for the rest of your miserable life i hope you get raped shanked killed you are despicable you worthless parasite!!!! YOU THOUGHT Y...
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Friday at 5:35pm via mobile
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Hahahahaha put down the crack pipe or acid michelle its a DONE DEAL and what fantasy world you are living in with all the drugs youre on WAKE UP GUILTY AS SIN PERIOD ALL WILL PAY ULTIMATE JUSTICE!!!!!!
Friday at 8:14pm via mobile · Like · 3
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez devonna im calling detectives thats the black demon one of his baby mommas since he has five and i think her DNA needs to be taken ASAP
Friday at 8:15pm via mobile · Like
maytee also gloats that williams was on suicide watch. if so, it is because that is ROUTINE after someone receives a serious sentence. does not mean he threatened suicide.
Is she just spurting out random names?
If so she might as well start walking through crowded parts of town screaming out accusations and chasing down everyone who looks her way.
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(08-13-2012, 09:42 PM)Aberlin Wrote: (08-13-2012, 08:24 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: excerpts from friday WTOL facebook.
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Hahahaha we are laughing at you pathetic maggot samuel williams i truly hope johnny and lisa faces haunt you for the rest of your miserable life i hope you get raped shanked killed you are despicable you worthless parasite!!!! YOU THOUGHT Y...
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Friday at 5:35pm via mobile
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Hahahahaha put down the crack pipe or acid michelle its a DONE DEAL and what fantasy world you are living in with all the drugs youre on WAKE UP GUILTY AS SIN PERIOD ALL WILL PAY ULTIMATE JUSTICE!!!!!!
Friday at 8:14pm via mobile · Like · 3
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez devonna im calling detectives thats the black demon one of his baby mommas since he has five and i think her DNA needs to be taken ASAP
Friday at 8:15pm via mobile · Like
maytee also gloats that williams was on suicide watch. if so, it is because that is ROUTINE after someone receives a serious sentence. does not mean he threatened suicide.
Is she just spurting out random names?
If so she might as well start walking through crowded parts of town screaming out accusations and chasing down everyone who looks her way.
Aberlin, I don't think Maytee is spurting out random names, although she can sure spurt out a lot  I believe she is talking about Michelle Wainwright with all these Cameo children, I believe the charming Cameo called her a fool when they were discussing the Newport Cigarette butt,
over the phone in jail. Cameo should just marry her they are both fools!
I think Maytee is just taunting her, I'm sure the Detectives' have checked all these women who dote on Cameo
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Justice for Johnny & Lisa
18 minutes ago via mobile
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Justice for Johnny Clarke and Lisa Straub
The pain that all you evil vile demons inflicted on my johnny and lisa IS GOING TO REFLECT ON ALL YOUR MOMMAS AND KIDS FACES and thats A PROMISE!!!!!!
Justice for Johnny Clarke and Lisa Straub
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Justice for Johnny Clarke and Lisa Straub
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Carrie C... Be carefull!!!.dont get urself hurt
21 minutes ago via mobile · Like
continued under rantings of a lunatic
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(08-14-2012, 12:35 AM)Older Than Dirt Wrote: Justice for Johnny & Lisa
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-----------> Justice for Johnny Clarke and Lisa Straub
like she masterminded the great jewelry store heist??