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Common core testing
(03-09-2015, 11:43 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I read that article you cut and pasted like 4 years ago in Forbes or Business Week or one of the financial mags, Mags.

Some of the conditions and numbers cited in it have since changed.
Anyway, I don't think everyone who strongly disapproves of Obama or dislikes him as a person is racist. Some are, I'm sure. Some will have a built in bias against the first female president too, I'm sure.

But, it's my perception that the majority of Obama-bashers are extremely conservative and would feel much the same way about him if he were white.
I can think of one that has for sure. 1 in 5 children are on food stamps.
(03-09-2015, 11:20 AM)FAHQTOO Wrote: Let's sit back and watch them all make excuses for her current e-mail scandal.

I think it's funny and I laughed when I first heard about it. Still laughing. hah

For one split second I wished I cared enough to be outraged but then it passed.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
When he was elected I said OK I will give him a chance but then he seals his academic records and a little later was bowing to other foreign leaders. Then I was thinking where the heck he got the thousands of pages of Obamacare legislation in such a short amount of time and my first thought was from Hillary but I don't think it all came from her ideas. Then the stimulus came along and I thought it was a good idea until it was not so great after seeing the waste of everyone's money at the hands of greedy politicians and bankers going into shady deals with others money.
Then he was getting into a lot of small problems like that stupid beer summit and I thought that he was looking like someone that loved the limelight and could care less about his real job.
Later as he got comfortable in the chair I hated that many laws and regulations were not up for discussion in the Senate getting a free pass.
Today I dread reading the news as you just never know what cockamany scheme he comes out with today, and everyday a new one comes out.
But that's my opinion and its not about his skin color. He just gives me a bad feeling and they are usually right about a person in the end.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
(03-09-2015, 11:51 AM)Duchess Wrote:
(03-09-2015, 11:20 AM)FAHQTOO Wrote: Let's sit back and watch them all make excuses for her current e-mail scandal.

I think it's funny and I laughed when I first heard about it. Still laughing. hah

For one split second I wished I cared enough to be outraged but then it passed.

That's really fucking sad that govt cover-ups don't bother you. On the slight chance she's charged with a felony, will you care then?
(03-09-2015, 01:12 PM)FAHQTOO Wrote: That's really fucking sad that govt cover-ups don't bother you. On the slight chance she's charged with a felony, will you care then?

I don't view it as sad in any manner. I'm realistic. If I had a true say and my opinion was valued I probably wouldn't feel so lackadaisical where politicians are concerned. My vote doesn't count. I had to accept that or be pissed off everyday when I read the news. Washington leaves me apathetic.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(03-09-2015, 01:20 PM)Duchess Wrote:
(03-09-2015, 01:12 PM)FAHQTOO Wrote: That's really fucking sad that govt cover-ups don't bother you. On the slight chance she's charged with a felony, will you care then?

I don't view it as sad in any manner. I'm realistic. If I had a true say and my opinion was valued I probably wouldn't feel so lackadaisical where politicians are concerned. My vote doesn't count. I had to accept that or be pissed off everyday when I read the news. Washington leaves me apathetic.

I DO have to agree with you there. I'll still drag my ass to the poles when it's time, knowing that it won't make a difference.
Here's a new one..........
Prez: I learned about Hillary's e-mail from the news.
Reporter: Ummmm Mr President, you e-mailed her through that account.
Prez: Well.....Errrrrrr....umm. I was in Hawaii that day and didn't pay attention.


And he majored in constitutional law, is that correct?
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
(03-09-2015, 03:46 PM)Maggot Wrote: Here's a new one..........
Prez: I learned about Hillary's e-mail from the news.
Reporter: Ummmm Mr President, you e-mailed her through that account.
Prez: Well.....Errrrrrr....umm. I was in Hawaii that day and didn't pay attention.


And he majored in constitutional law, is that correct?
And afterall, we strive to be more transparent in this administration! hah
I can find a lot of things that I disagree with the current administration about but, without googling anything, I believe there have been WAY more deportations under the current administration than prior and I haven't read (or heard) of any mainstream reporters saying that Hillary violated any laws by using her own email/computer server. Perhaps it SHOULD be required but as I understand it, Kerry is choosing to use a government email address but it hasn't/isn't necessarily mandatory.

And, as far as immigration reform goes, congress continues to sit on their fat thumbs and can't get their shit together enough, or agree on ANYTHING. The Republican party is so fucking divided, they should just throw in the towel and create two parties. One could be called the Tea Party/Religious Right and the other could retain the Republican Party title.

I read an interesting article about how well Bobby Jindal's tax cuts (which will ALWAYS create increased spending and job growth, right?) are affecting his state. I hate tax hikes but rather than cutting taxes and slashing and burning, you'd think somebody would actually look at public spending logically and cut what should be cut...before cutting taxes, and turning surpluses in to deficits. I've said it before, nothing will change without total campaign finance reform. THAT would be a game changer.
Commando Cunt Queen
Just a few:

"O"'s made USA into a laughing stock to our militant enemies for starters, they no longer fear the once mighty US of A!

Forced "O" medical care, just great.

Executing his "executive orders", disregarding our Congress.
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!

Yeah well, congress can't agree about wiping their own asses so I don't necessarily blame that on Obama. From the start of his presidency, the Republican Party has largely (and only) joined up to defeat any proposals he's put forth. Logical or illogical, the game seems to make him look bad. Meanwhile, congress has the lowest approval rating EVER. They're like deers caught in the headlights. Shocked in to inaction. It's shameful.
Commando Cunt Queen
Would congress PLEASE put forth an immigration reform bill? Or do they just want to continue to do nothing and accuse Obama of overstepping his executive priviliges?

Oh and they want him to act more aggresively in the Middle East but can't formulate a vote for that either. They LIKE it when they do nothing and he's portrayed as a king. Lying fuckers lie.
Commando Cunt Queen

They are a friggin' embarrassment.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
A great many of the "statistics" cited in Maggot ' s article are either deliberately misleading, erroneous, skewed or laid at Obama's doorstep maliciously (it's his fault he was unsuccessful in making the rest of Washington less corrupt? Huh?)
I don't have the time or inclination to search for it on this phone, but this entire article was parsed and debunked in large degree. I THING but can't swear that it was a site like which is a nonpartisan site known for keeping an eye on all sorts of fibbers and truthbenders.
As for Obamacare: I find it absolutely stunning again and again that people in this country have been brainwashed into thinking universal health care is a horrible thing. Same with cultural tolerance or empathy for the poor. Are you seriously saying that you are angry that your tax dollars are being spent to either feed a poor person and possibly keep him or her alive, or provide that person and their family with reasonable health care to also keep them alive? And don't beg off with a lame excuse about lazy blablabla, the specific citation above mentioned 1 in 5 CHILDREN on welfare.

It astounds me that the same folks calling themselves patriots, who violently oppose any attempt to "go against the constitution" for things like executive orders to provide amnesty or gun restrictions designed to protect American lives, seem to have forgotten that our own declaration of independence asserted that each and every soul in this land was guaranteed inalienable right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Unless they were, you know, black or brown or yellow or Irish or Italian or born in a poorer country or born poor here or female or followed a different ancient prophet or....

Thank the White Tyrant JesusGod most of our tax dollars are actually spent on building ways to kill all those undesirables or this whole human rights bullshit might get out of hand...
Thank god I am oblivious to the opinions of others while caught in the blinding splendor of my own cleverness.
Well I've just put on my glasses and agree that the president is just harassed because he is black. The Rethugs just cannot understand what he stands for and he is only trying to help all Americans understand the true meaning of love and understanding if we all just listened to him and did what he says all the troubles in the world would fade. He is only here to make a better world for all mankind.
Hell, he got the Noble peace prize! What kind of man gets that and is out to destroy America? I think congress should just let him do whatever he wants. its for the betterment of society and the world. If the leaders of the middle east could be convinced that we as Americans can embrace all races with open arms and all religions they would surely become civil and drop all this hatred.
Why does the United states need two parties even? It should be just one that decides our future and well being. I say let the Democrats dictate their loving message of unity to all of us and we would all just get along like in the days of old. No more fighting, wars or bigotry.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Wow, Smiley-rolling-joint really does make a difference! hah
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!

(03-09-2015, 05:37 PM)Carsman Wrote: Just a few:

"O"'s made USA into a laughing stock to our militant enemies for starters, they no longer fear the once mighty US of A!

Forced "O" medical care, just great.

Executing his "executive orders", disregarding our Congress.

The entire country is divided over how much we should be (or not be) involved in the Middle East. McCain would have us bombing the entire region, arming everybody that *might* be on our side and sending is US ground troops hither-nither. Do you agree with that?

Forced "O" medical care is faulty but hey, it got shoved through because, again, their was no bi-partisan plan. The plan that got shoved through was roughly based on a Republican's plan (good old Mitt!).

It's impossible to NOT disregard congress in the past few years. They're fucking immovable, squabbling idiots who can't put forth a bill on anything to save their lives. I haven't kept up on it, but didn''t they, at the 11th hour, just recently pass a bill to fund homeland security for a WEEK or something? And then there was the debacle over raising the debt ceiling. Obstructionism at its finest. The GOP has become a freaking, monumental mess. They're so busy bickering amongst themselves, they can't get anything done. I wish them luck fronting a candidate for 2016. The Democratic party won't have to do a thing. By the time the Republican party chooses a nominee, their own party will have ripped him/her to shreds.

It's a shame.

Campaign finance reform is the answer though. I keep saying...
Commando Cunt Queen
(03-12-2015, 01:42 AM)username Wrote: but didn''t they, at the 11th hour, just recently pass a bill to fund homeland security for a WEEK or something?

Yes, for a week. What do you think would happen if we all managed our homes & business the way they manage things?

...and that letter that was sent to Iran makes the perfect case for term limits. But hey, Cars says it's the Prez that has turned us into a laughing stock. 78
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(03-12-2015, 05:45 AM)Duchess Wrote:
(03-12-2015, 01:42 AM)username Wrote: but didn''t they, at the 11th hour, just recently pass a bill to fund homeland security for a WEEK or something?

Yes, for a week. What do you think would happen if we all managed our homes & business the way they manage things?

...and that letter that was sent to Iran makes the perfect case for term limits. But hey, Cars says it's the Prez that has turned us into a laughing stock. 78

Y' all can blame "B", why not? Our entire political system needs to be revamped somehow to actually perform the will of the people, not theirs. One can dream.
(Sadly it's true, Congress is just as embarrassing as the big "O")
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!


It's time for term limits in Congress. When you have people in positions of power who use the length of their term as a way of throwing their weight around, it's time.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]