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Finally got a chance to hit the range and cycle 100 rounds through my Beretta 92 X Compact and 60+ through the Hi-Power!
The best part, of the seven lanes and the 10 shooters, 6 shooters were women.
Although I'd highly recommend the 92 X, my decades-old affair and affection, to my Hi-Power, remains true and unapologetic.
Yeah . . . a couple of the guys, with their Glocks and Kimbers, had a bit of Browning envy and accuracy shock..
Like I said to one of them (after they began chatting me up between magazine feedings): "I prefer my personal carry as I do my chocolate . . . made in Belgium."
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I've always wanted to go to a shooting range. I've only shot a shotgun in the woods when we were camping.
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the hi power was my favorite out of like 45 guns i owned, that and the mini 14.
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and the ten twenty two, and the super blackhawk and the 870.
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(02-25-2023, 12:48 AM)BigMark Wrote: and the ten twenty two, and the super blackhawk and the 870.
Purchased a Ruger GP100 (.357 magnum), back in the 80's, specifically for my backcountry outings.
Believed I needed more punch than what my Browning would deliver.
To date, it's the only modern wheel gun I own.
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I was surprised to find out they make a .40 hipower now.
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I've never held a gun in my life other than a BB gun and I'm a good shot. I aimed and shot a kid in the ass once when I was 13. Got in trouble. I feel like if I had a real gun I'd get in even more trouble. I don't trust myself. My husband makes me see red sometimes, my kids would hate me if I killed him.
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One time I drove up to the convenience store parking space where this crack head cunt was getting out of her piece of shit car. I parked nowhere near her, got out of my car and she said "watch it bitch". I'm a nice person until someone fucks with me for no reason and if I had a gun I'd have no problem shooting her stupid brains out other than going to jail for life. So yeah, I don't need a gun. Or a baseball bat.
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(02-25-2023, 07:14 PM)sally Wrote: One time I drove up to the convenience store parking space where this crack head cunt was getting out of her piece of shit car. I parked nowhere near her, got out of my car and she said "watch it bitch". I'm a nice person until someone fucks with me for no reason and if I had a gun I'd have no problem shooting her stupid brains out other than going to jail for life. So yeah, I don't need a gun. Or a baseball bat.
This sounds familiar. Did you post about that when it happened?
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Yeah it was bizarre. All I did was pull into a parking space, and perfectly at that. Then this crazy woman points at me and says "watch it, bitch" and proceeds to walk into the store. Jayne was in the back seat and it took a lot of restraint not to start a fight. I'm always polite to everyone so it's infuriating when someone fucks with me for no reason, I'd be perfectly content blowing their brains out, preferably in front of their kids.
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Do you ever just hate people so much and then think to yourself that not everyone is so bad and just chill out?
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I've only ever hated one person, but have disliked many. I've never thought that everyone was not so bad, but only because someone has to be pretty frickin' fucked up for me not to like them. There is a reason we hate people or don't like them and they gave us the reason.
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(02-25-2023, 07:14 PM)sally Wrote: One time I drove up to the convenience store parking space where this crack head cunt was getting out of her piece of shit car. I parked nowhere near her, got out of my car and she said "watch it bitch". I'm a nice person until someone fucks with me for no reason and if I had a gun I'd have no problem shooting her stupid brains out other than going to jail for life. So yeah, I don't need a gun. Or a baseball bat.
I hear you, sister!
In no behavioral order . . . stupidity, disrespect, entitlement, arrogance, cluelessness, and bullying, are triggers to get my dander up. Do I dare say "I see red", in a non-native sort of way . . . or is that considered cultural misappropriation?
Anyway, unless my or someone else’s life is in imminent danger AND without any other options to intelligently escape the threat, I would not brandish or threaten the use of my firearm.
My anger is not a viable reason to take a life . . . no matter how big of a douchebag you are.
Even though you probably deserve it and I would be doing all of mankind a favor.
Yeah, asshole . . . count your blessings. You just dodged a bullet.
But not my mouth or my middle finger . . . bitch!
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I should have at least had mace w/ me today. But then-I freaking worry about carrying it in my car. I walked in to a cloud of bear spray once and it was awful.
I was really thinking today that I should have had a weapon on me tho.
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Unknown area
My paranoia.
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I'm curious if people here think crime stats that report racial data are necessarily racist. Should I make a separate thread or is it OK to discuss it here, assuming anyone is interested in discussing it?
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Mostly nobody cares what you post or where you post it, dude…have at it
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
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(02-26-2023, 06:40 AM)rothschild Wrote: I'm curious if people here think crime stats that report racial data are necessarily racist.
Just because the 13% cause 80% of the crime?
Yeah . . . somehow it's racist.
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I was more worried of wildlife than human life.