Poll: Dear Julie
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You better watch your ass...
2 40.00%
You go gurl!
3 60.00%
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Oh Snap...WTF...My Rep
(12-24-2009, 07:41 PM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: Why is this even an issue? Either you believe me or you don't, you should know my veracity by now... and Julie is an unknown. Bitch is OBVIOUSLY fucking with us, why, I have no idea. If you choose to believe her obvious bullshit, then that's fine. You're a complete idiot if you do, but it's your choice.

Hellooooo I'm sticking up for YOU there.
Much appreciated. My comment wasn't directed to you, just a general complaint.
Wrath is one of the 7 deadly sins.

This is the lesson here.
I will not be participating at this forum.
This is a toxic place. Goodbye.
Who the hell says "You go Gurl" anymore??
Oh yeah, the newbie retard, that's who.
Take it and yourself back to the mommy board.

Personally, you don't seem to be fitting in here at all. With the exception of the Admin, but he's a retard too.
Take him with you please.
(12-24-2009, 06:31 PM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: I commented to Frank that Julie was posting from work. That's it. That's what this fucking CUNT is making a major upheaval over.

Congrats, cunt. You've managed to seriously piss me off.

Julie is a pill popper, don't mind her. She works at some top secret place that she calls "the Spot", she's probally the lawn and garden lady at fucking Target.
(12-23-2009, 07:14 PM)Julie Wrote: Is this comon practice here? Am I making a newb error?

It's pretty common for people to use info from PMs as ammo here.

Pretty much anything, aside from personal identifying information not previously shared, is fair game.
(12-24-2009, 03:44 AM)FAHQTOO Wrote: Oh for fucks sake. It seems we have another BROTHER on our hands. what the fuck is up with people who come to a forum to drag in a bunch of shit from another forum?

The people who belong to this forum don't give a rats ass what's going on in another one.....or we would be THERE!

'Brother' was a borderline retard with maybe a 3rd grade education (and sense of humor).

Julie is obviously way brighter and capable of expressing herself in interesting ways. The forum drama will iron itself out when everyone realizes that no one here really gives a flying fuck where a person came from.
(12-24-2009, 11:12 AM)Duchess Wrote:

Who the fuck is this person to be coming into Mock & acting like some kinda Grande Dame...This is bullshit with her, "Igfuckingnore" and "maybe I'll forgive you"...Shut the fuck up already... Read my font, you are NOBODY.

(12-24-2009, 06:01 PM)Julie Wrote: And, like I said earlier - the content wasn't SuperPersonal. I honestly did not feel comfortable with how you took the info about me being a federal person and posting while I am @ the office out into the open in an argument with Frank.

Now, if I had told you I had an ovary transplant and was in recovery or gave you my cell phone number, maybe you wouldn't have done that. Maybe you felt the info was no big deal. When I saw that thread where everyone was sharing, I shared a little too and said I work in the federal sector...maybe that was part of it.

Honestly, when I saw that post, I just figured she looked at the time of day of your posts and put '2 & 2 together' to figure out that you were posting from work.

You seem cool, but this appears to be a bit of an over-reaction to me.
She had already admitted she was posting from work in the open forums.

Enough, she's probably very happy she's managed to cause this much conflict in such a short time. I won't play her game anymore.
(12-24-2009, 07:41 PM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: Why is this even an issue? Either you believe me or you don't, you should know my veracity by now... and Julie is an unknown. Bitch is OBVIOUSLY fucking with us, why, I have no idea. If you choose to believe her obvious bullshit, then that's fine. You're a complete idiot if you do, but it's your choice.

I think you should just ignore the bitch. The people here that know you know what your really like.

I'm sure meJulie's getting a huge buzz out of all this drama.
I would stop eating chocolate.. but I'm not a quitter!

(12-25-2009, 12:05 AM)sally Wrote:
(12-24-2009, 06:31 PM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: I commented to Frank that Julie was posting from work. That's it. That's what this fucking CUNT is making a major upheaval over.

Congrats, cunt. You've managed to seriously piss me off.

Julie is a pill popper, don't mind her. She works at some top secret place that she calls "the Spot", she's probally the lawn and garden lady at fucking Target.

Sally is an off brand bitter trailer trash bitch with saggy teats who hates the fact that minorities have married into her family.
I will not be participating at this forum.
This is a toxic place. Goodbye.
(12-25-2009, 08:53 AM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: She had already admitted she was posting from work in the open forums.

Enough, she's probably very happy she's managed to cause this much conflict in such a short time. I won't play her game anymore.

Sure you wont; therefore, you keep going with it, escalating things, and trying to get folks to validate your perceptions. But who's counting? Smiley_emoticons_biggrin
I will not be participating at this forum.
This is a toxic place. Goodbye.
(12-25-2009, 10:29 AM)Freak magnet Wrote: I think you should just ignore the bitch.

I agree.
I will not be participating at this forum.
This is a toxic place. Goodbye.
(12-24-2009, 06:31 PM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: I commented to Frank that Julie was posting from work. That's it. That's what this fucking CUNT is making a major upheaval over.

Congrats, cunt. You've managed to seriously piss me off.

I only saw YOU making a big deal about it. The problem is your lack of respect for PM privacy, not Julie expressing a dislike of your post, you rotten bullshitter. If you just shut up about it Julie probably wouldn't post about it.

Stupid bitch.
86 112
(12-26-2009, 09:41 AM)Middle Finger Wrote:
(12-24-2009, 06:31 PM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: I commented to Frank that Julie was posting from work. That's it. That's what this fucking CUNT is making a major upheaval over.

Congrats, cunt. You've managed to seriously piss me off.

I only saw YOU making a big deal about it. The problem is your lack of respect for PM privacy, not Julie expressing a dislike of your post, you rotten bullshitter. If you just shut up about it Julie probably wouldn't post about it.

Stupid bitch.

Your actually calling Lumpy a bullshitter........ go suck on Saints ballsSmiley_emoticons_razz
I would stop eating chocolate.. but I'm not a quitter!

(12-26-2009, 09:41 AM)Middle Finger Wrote: I only saw YOU making a big deal about it. The problem is your lack of respect for PM privacy, not Julie expressing a dislike of your post, you rotten bullshitter. If you just shut up about it Julie probably wouldn't post about it.

Stupid bitch.

And is a key concept.

LP simultaneously claimed she was going to ignore me and continued to say in not so many words that I had no basis for feeling uncomfortable about talking to her privately (AT HER INVITATION) and then suddenly have aspects of what we discussed being placed in the center of the conflict between the 2 of you. It's not that I PMed her the location of my secret food cache for use in the event of a zombie apocalypse or my home phone number...but it was an icky feeling nontheless....

Also adding fuel to the flame: I think that from the beginning, LP & Douchess were highly pissed off because you & I were getting along.

Confusing: I am of the understanding that Mock is about shit stirring and stating things in a "colorful" manner. If that's true... LP accusing me of shit stirring is laughable in a forum like this one.
I will not be participating at this forum.
This is a toxic place. Goodbye.
(12-26-2009, 10:23 AM)Julie Wrote: LP & Douchess were highly pissed off because you & I were getting along.

Stop making assumptions about me you silly nigger bitch...You don't know me & I intend to keep it that way...If you think something as simple as that would ever have the power to get to me, let me assure you that I don't conduct myself in that manner...86
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(12-26-2009, 10:09 AM)Freak magnet Wrote:
(12-26-2009, 09:41 AM)Middle Finger Wrote:
(12-24-2009, 06:31 PM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: I commented to Frank that Julie was posting from work. That's it. That's what this fucking CUNT is making a major upheaval over.

Congrats, cunt. You've managed to seriously piss me off.

I only saw YOU making a big deal about it. The problem is your lack of respect for PM privacy, not Julie expressing a dislike of your post, you rotten bullshitter. If you just shut up about it Julie probably wouldn't post about it.

Stupid bitch.

Your actually calling Lumpy a bullshitter........ go suck on Saints ballsSmiley_emoticons_razz

Again, it's "you're" not "your." Go read a fucking book and educate yourself.

Also, how I have handled the problem situations at 24 has nothing to do with how or who I mock here, fool.
86 112
(12-26-2009, 11:16 AM)Duchess Wrote: you silly nigger bitch...

86 112