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The economy - Middle Finger - 12-26-2010

Ya think it's definitely on a turn around? Seems like some significant things have improved in 2010. It looks like a real mixed bag to me.

RE: The economy - IMaDick - 12-26-2010

I would explain it to you but there is so llittle of a chance that you would or could understand it why bother?

Instead I will ask you one question your answer to it will be the same as the answer to your question, are you ready?

Has any of the national debt been paid?

RE: The economy - Middle Finger - 12-26-2010

I'm not offended, Dickless. You commenting on economics or any intellectual discussion for that matter is like QueenBee commenting on the exciting night life of clubbers or Ramsey commenting on relationships.

RE: The economy - Maggot - 12-26-2010

I think silver will go through the roof this year one reason may be that the space program needs it and another is that everyone wants to get off this godforsaken marble. I will be there with my "good luck" sign smiling with a big "thumbs up suckas" as I contemplate what to plant this spring.

RE: The economy - Cracker - 12-26-2010

You know Owebama doesn't like our space program, right Maggot? Now that blacks have learned to swim, space is their new water. Plus, it isn't fun going to hotel pools anymore. I don't know what those folks put on their hair and skin (pretty sure it's Vaseline on the skin) but I know I don't like swimming in it.

Once China was given eminent domain rights here, we were fucked. Owebama gave us away to China. The economy will not "turn around" in our lifetime because of the massive trade deficit. This gave me pause:

Cracker Economics:
We have to stop buying things. Just buy food and second hand/antique items. If you look around your house, you have everything you need. Go ahead, look around. Your house is full, isn't it? Do you wear all the clothes in your closet? Do you still use every single item you own? If you don't, do you really need more of anything? If we all would stop buying from China and start spending our gift money on vacations and services from the good ol' USA, we would have a hope of recovering.

RE: The economy - Duchess - 12-26-2010

I need new patio furniture.

RE: The economy - Cracker - 12-26-2010

(12-26-2010, 04:27 PM)Duchess Wrote:

I need new patio furniture.

You need to purchase a lovely set of furniture that was made by a local craftsman or find one that has been previously owned.

I know you won't like that, but seriously consider it. If folks that are doing just fine will start this trend, everybody else would know it is OK and would follow.

Or buy a new one someone forced a Chinese 8 and 9 year old to make until their little fingers bled.

RE: The economy - Duchess - 12-26-2010

(12-26-2010, 04:30 PM)Cracker Wrote: buy a new one someone forced a Chinese 8 and 9 year old to make until their little fingers bled.

Alright! Thanks for the encouragement, sweetheart. Smiley_emoticons_bussi

RE: The economy - Maggot - 12-26-2010

If it makes you feel better Cracker I never buy anything "new" all my tools that I have are from the 50-60's and only one of my cars has a "computer". I hate that E-15 will be used in the gas stations as it fucks up all the old cars, keep your eyes open on that one. I agree though, there are plenty of usable things out there. But in 20 years even that will be gone wadya do then? Quality is not in the cards anymore and only a company that uses quality as a selling point and actually follows through will be a hit in the next 5 years. So .......start a company that sells quality items that do not break and you may have a winner in the future. Remember when nobody would ever buy Chinese junk? I do.

RE: The economy - Cracker - 12-26-2010

Miss Duchess,

I think you should get out the pressure washer and buy some paint/stain and maybe new cushions if you need them. I bet you don't really need anything. (Not being ugly, just don't see you as needy.)

I know my efforts are in vain. I know you will not feel one bit guilty going to the home center and buying a new set. At least try to sell your old set or give to someone who needs it. That would make me feel better and balance your actions. And please, buy now while they are half price. That would make me feel better, too.

RE: The economy - Duchess - 12-26-2010

Now I feel bad for being cheeky with her.

RE: The economy - Maggot - 12-26-2010

Just park the car in the back yard and sit in the fucking thing.......that outta make cracker happy for once.

RE: The economy - Cracker - 12-26-2010

(12-26-2010, 04:35 PM)Maggot Wrote: If it makes you feel better Cracker I never buy anything "new" all my tools that I have are from the 50-60's and only one of my cars has a "computer". I hate that E-15 will be used in the gas stations as it fucks up all the old cars, keep your eyes open on that one. I agree though, there are plenty of usable things out there. But in 20 years even that will be gone wadya do then? Quality is not in the cards anymore and only a company that uses quality as a selling point and actually follows through will be a hit in the next 5 years. So .......start a company that sells quality items that do not break and you may have a winner in the future. Remember when nobody would ever buy Chinese junk? I do.

I purchased a car last year (manufactured in Tennessee) because I needed more people to fit inside for trips. I plan on keeping it until it is paid off and until the wheels fall off. Another car is paid for (an American car) and has the oil changed every two months so I can keep it for ten years. I do have an import (made in Alabama, I checked before I bought it) that I paid cash for that is the throw away car for people to drive who I don't like driving my good cars. As much as I hate saying it, $25 fills it up for a good ten days of driving. It is the first foreign car I have ever owned. I remember brand loyalty and only buying dirt bikes and chainsaws with foreign names.

I am changing how I feel and think about how I live. I have TOO MUCH stuff. I took an honest look around and saw that it was outrageous. Every cupboard, closet, drawer, room, and garage is FULL. I don't use most of what I have. I started on my personal belongings (clothing, books, tchotchkes) and pared it down. Now I am doing the same with my entire household. We have brainwashed ourselves into thinking more is better. That isn't true. Better is better and less is more. I stopped buying so much stuff for myself. If I see something I want, I wait to buy it. Most of the time I don't even remember wanting it.

We have to make fundamental changes in our society. It is lovely to be a citizen of the world, but we have to make sure we take care of ourselves, too. We can't let our policymakers and lawmakers have the control. We have to do it ourselves. Being less of a consumer is the first step. Keep our money here at home. Instead of buying more stuff, pay Americans to fix what we have. Live more simply. Enjoy people instead of things. We need to change what we have become. We lost our way.

RE: The economy - Cracker - 12-26-2010

(12-26-2010, 04:37 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Now I feel bad for being cheeky with her.

I thought it was funny.

You work hard for what you have. I wouldn't begrudge you anything. Plus, you like your animals more than anything else you have. That gives you a lifetime pass to do whatever the fuck you want.

RE: The economy - Lady Cop - 12-26-2010

too much "stuff" certainly applies to me! i moved from large house to little place in Key Largo. put all the "stuff" in storage.
now i'm back in a large house with most of my stuff still packed in bins. i have more clothes than i will wear in my lifetime. more china than 6 restaurants. plus enough high-end cookware for the FOOD channel programs. i am not buying another damn item of clothing or any other damn thing. (now that i have my up-north woolies and boots and Coach bags. hah )
i have antiques and crystal and fancy crap, all still packed up.
i am starting to wonder what's going to happen to all this expensive stuff when i die since i can't take it with me--SHIT! it seemed important at the time i bought it all.
my big concern is antique china from Europe and the thousands of dollars i have in my village. my sons won't care about that kind of crap. and i'm not selling it. much is heirloom. *sigh* i am still stressing over that.

i already gave away a ton of very good clothes and books too, to a library.

RE: The economy - Cracker - 12-26-2010

(12-26-2010, 04:45 PM)Maggot Wrote: Just park the car in the back yard and sit in the fucking thing.......that outta make cracker happy for once.

Now THAT is a good idea!

I know I sound crazy. I love this country. My family has been here since before it was a country. I grew up working the land and buying very little. I moved away and lost touch with my upbringing and joined this possession-driven generation that always needs more and judges people based on what they have. We are losing the love of this country a little at a time in every generation. I don't want that to happen.

In some ways, the fucked economy is forcing people to figure out what is important and what isn't. Maybe we will see the error of our ways. I did buy the members of my family a bunch for Christmas, but I made them each get a box together to donate and I only spent cash-on-hand. We talked about taking a Christmas cruise next year instead of buying stuff. Baby steps, I guess.

RE: The economy - Cracker - 12-26-2010

(12-26-2010, 05:16 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: too much "stuff" certainly applies to me! i moved from large house to little place in Key Largo. put all the "stuff" in storage.
now i'm back in a large house with most of my stuff still packed in bins. i have more clothes than i will wear in my lifetime. more china than 6 restaurants. plus enough high-end cookware for the FOOD channel programs. i am not buying another damn item of clothing or any other damn thing. (now that i have my up-north woolies and boots. hah )
i have antiques and crystal and fancy crap, all still packed up.
i am starting to wonder what's going to happen to all this expensive stuff when i die since i can't take it with me--SHIT! it seemed important at the time i bought it all.
my big concern is antique china from Europe and the thousands of dollars i have in my village. my sons won't care about that kind of crap. and i'm not selling it. much is heirloom. *sigh* i am still stressing over that.

i already gave away a ton of very good clothes and books too, to a library.

I so feel you! I have unpacked boxes in my garage. Your sons will take wives someday, so keep the good shit for them. Divide up your boxes and put their names on the boxes they get.

Sell the rest and make some money. Go on a long trip.

You should set up your own ebay shop. You have a camera and a computer and know how to use both. The USPS will drop off boxes and will pick them up when they are ready to be shipped. Create your own economic upturn. Lady Cop Shop.

RE: The economy - Duchess - 12-26-2010

I don't know how I got to be so materialistic. Ima handbag snob as well as a snob about other bullshit stuff too like jeans & bras, that's insane & I recognize that it is but, it doesn't seem to matter to me. I can't imagine dressing in clothes from Walmart, what if I saw a dirty girl wearing the same thing. Smiley_emoticons_shocked

RE: The economy - Cracker - 12-26-2010

I have nice things. I don't buy from WalMart (ChinaMart), they are the cause of all this. OK, I buy socks and movies there. I got all my electronics at the PX this year. I would rather my government have my money than China's.

I buy nicer items, just LESS of them. Have you ever bought something then went to put away and you already have one almost exactly like it? I limited personal purchases. I am allowed to buy one or two items a month (shoes, sweaters, etc) and I make myself give up an item for every one that is brought in.

RE: The economy - Duchess - 12-26-2010

(12-26-2010, 05:31 PM)Cracker Wrote: Have you ever bought something then went to put away and you already have one almost exactly like it?

Yes 50