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RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Duchess - 05-05-2022

*face palm* Jesus Christ.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - sally - 05-05-2022

(05-05-2022, 08:32 AM)Duchess Wrote:
(05-05-2022, 07:47 AM)rothschild Wrote: You have a really bad memory. 6 or so months ago the National School Boards Association wrote to the DOJ suggesting that parents who object to mask mandates and the promotion of CRT in classrooms are domestic terrorists.  Don't know how you missed that because there was quite a furor over it, and most of the media supported that characterization 110%.

rothschild, I ask this in all seriousness, not being snarky at all--why are we still dealing with the CRT bullshit? I'm not referring to you & I, I'm asking in general terms only. People have been told over & over again that CRT is not being taught in their schools and they continue to insist it is without having any proof of it. As far as I can tell, their problem lies in HISTORY being taught. So why won't they own that? They are banning books FFS!

You can just look it up, there are many school boards across the country promoting CRT. History has always been taught, if it wasn't then how come we all know about it? You learned it in school. CRT in the form that many are pushing for, however, is not the teaching of history. I saw something in Chicago where they had middle schoolers doing an essay on white privilege.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - sally - 05-05-2022

Children have always been taught about slavery for example. They can use critical thinking in why when and how it came to be, nothing wrong with that. Same thing with the native Americans, we know the Christians slaughtered them. This CRT anti racism crap which has nothing to do with what CRT in college is, is an agenda being pushed and we ain't having that bullshit in Florida.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - pyropappy - 05-06-2022

The Roe v Wade leak proves a point that I have been trying to make for sometime, there’s entirely too much emphasis on the court’s decisions. The solution does not lie with stacking the court, because the Republicans will just restack the court if they ever regain power . The permanent solution is to follow the Constitution, let the states decide: federalism.

We are one judge away from the Supreme Court deciding that all abortion is murder and will not be allowed in any form in this country.

I submit this is moot, but what is not is the system of government the framers designed. That system places the responsibility of holding the elected representatives accountability (they select the judges), squarely, on the citizens; for far too long, too many of the unenlightened have abdicated that responsibility.

Federalism gives the states final say on decisions concerning matters affecting its people, because the framers knew the closer to home the decision was made the easier it would be to hold said official accountable.

That is the real question that needs debate; who decides?

Honestly, does anyone here care what happens in Alabama or Idaho? You couldn’t pay me enough to move there.

Let them make what ever stupid decisions they want, as long as they can’t affect the rest of us. In my opinion, that is the beauty of federalism. The Democrat Party controls every major city in this country, that should continue to be our focus.

Federalism makes the Supreme Court irrelevant, An irrelevant Supreme Court is the conservatives biggest nightmare.

If you want this country to truly progress and never be regressed by troglodytes, join the group of enlightened citizens trying to make the progress permanent. Let’s move our government to a position of security. Please, sign the petition, roll up your sleeves and lets get to work, together.

[Image: 279698678_2180461612116533_9934999198369...e=627B2E5C]

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Duchess - 05-07-2022

I appreciate seeing you refer to it as an inalienable right, I want to be clear about that because I'm not so sure about the rest of it. I really don't see how having different rights, for different women, depending on which state they live in, would work. I just don't think it can work.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - rothschild - 05-07-2022

(05-07-2022, 11:27 AM)Duchess Wrote: I appreciate seeing you refer to it as an inalienable right, I want to be clear about that because I'm not so sure about the rest of it. I really don't see how having different rights, for different women, depending on which state they live in, would work. I just don't think it can work.

It would give people reason to consider carefully where they live. Hopefully, it would also lead to people dissociating from the extremes that both parties embrace, and the polarization that stifles public discourse.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - pyropappy - 05-07-2022

(05-07-2022, 11:27 AM)Duchess Wrote: I appreciate seeing you refer to it as an inalienable right, I want to be clear about that because I'm not so sure about the rest of it. I really don't see how having different rights, for different women, depending on which state they live in, would work. I just don't think it can work.

That is how our system of government works; you have the right to choose - to choose where you live, what contraception to use and to support the representative that best meets your values.

The point is simple. when this court overturns Roe, what is to stop them from deciding that abortion is murder and outlawing it everywhere? We know states like Alabama, Texas and Georga probably will, but states like California, Illinois and New York won't.

5 judges should not have the power to decide things that are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. Those decisions are specifically mentioned in the Constitution as to be left the states to decide.

The Supreme Court is a two-edge sword, and they have been usurping power for 100 years. It is time to stop government in its tracks and restore the checks and balances in our WRITTEN Constitution.

You were happy when they ruled on things you agreed with, but the shoe is on the other foot now. This court can do whatever it wants based on the stare decisis created by Roe. That is wrong, and I agree with the decision.

Wake up and smell the coffee; conservatives have changed tactics. They are using the left's playbook to undo the things the left has accomplished.

The only peaceful solution in my opinion is to limit government and put the states back in charge through a Convention of States. DC will never voluntarily relinquish power.

The bloodbath heading for the Democrats the fall is going to empower the Republicans to ram their agenda through. I don't think that is right either.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - rothschild - 05-07-2022

(05-07-2022, 12:28 PM)pyropappy Wrote:
(05-07-2022, 11:27 AM)Duchess Wrote: I appreciate seeing you refer to it as an inalienable right, I want to be clear about that because I'm not so sure about the rest of it. I really don't see how having different rights, for different women, depending on which state they live in, would work. I just don't think it can work.

That is how our system of government works; you have the right to choose - to choose where you live, what contraception to use and to support the representative that best meets your values.

The point is simple. when this court overturns Roe, what is to stop them from deciding that abortion is murder and outlawing it everywhere? We know states like Alabama, Texas and Georga probably will, but states like California, Illinois and New York won't.

5 judges should not have the power to decide things that are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. Those decisions are specifically mentioned in the Constitution as to be left the states to decide.

The Supreme Court is a two-edge sword, and they have been usurping power for 100 years. It is time to stop government in its tracks and restore the checks and balances in our WRITTEN Constitution.

You were happy when they ruled on things you agreed with, but the shoe is on the other foot now. This court can do whatever it wants based on the stare decisis created by Roe. That is wrong, and I agree with the decision.

Wake up and smell the coffee; conservatives have changed tactics. They are using the left's playbook to undo the things the left has accomplished.

The only peaceful solution in my opinion is to limit government and put the states back in charge through a Convention of States. DC will never voluntarily relinquish power.

The bloodbath heading for the Democrats the fall is going to empower the Republicans to ram their agenda through. I don't think that is right either.

Well said, Pappy.


The Feds have stolen much of the power that states once had. It's the United States not the Federal collective. That's why when states get to do their own thing and get back what they lost it is always good. Like getting taxed less, it's always good.

California, new York, New Jersey and Illinois took Roe v Wade to the far left with partial birth abortions but when other states take the other route and keep it in the first trimester that babies get their rights back.


Happy Mothers day!!!  Oops wrong thread.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Duchess - 05-09-2022

Florida Senator Marco Rubio is introducing legislation to punish private companies that provide travel benefits for women to obtain abortions in states where they are legal.

Kansas GOP are pushing to remove abortion protections guaranteed to its citizens by their state constitution.

Alaska GOP has rejected its own state's ruling on abortion and is calling for a state convention to permanently criminalize abortion.

Idaho GOP is discussing banning IUD's.

Missouri GOP considers bill banning women from traveling out of state to obtain an abortion.

Oklahoma GOP passes abortion bounty hunter law.

West Virginia leaves in place a 19th century law that makes obtaining an abortion punishable by 10 years in prison.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - pyropappy - 05-09-2022

(05-09-2022, 05:30 AM)Duchess Wrote: Florida Senator Marco Rubio is introducing legislation to punish private companies that provide travel benefits for women to obtain abortions in states where they are legal.

Kansas GOP are pushing to remove abortion protections guaranteed to its citizens by their state constitution.

Alaska GOP has rejected its own state's ruling on abortion and is calling for a state convention to permanently criminalize abortion.

Idaho GOP is discussing banning IUD's.

Missouri GOP considers bill banning women from traveling out of state to obtain an abortion.

Oklahoma GOP passes abortion bounty hunter law.

West Virginia leaves in place a 19th century law that makes obtaining an abortion punishable by 10 years in prison.

Congress is proposing legislation to make abortion illegal in the US. SCOTUS can do it by judicial fiat today. 

You can't stop states from doing it (except your own), but you can stop the feds from doing it. Choose wisely.


Under his eye

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Duchess - 05-10-2022

With all this in the news lately I checked to see what the law is like here and I was happy to discover that they codified Roe in 2017 and just last year they removed antiquated parts of the state law that criminalized abortion and this year they passed a bill that allows for advanced practiced clinicians to provide medication abortion.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Duchess - 05-19-2022

There are some republican lawmakers who believe there are cases of healthy women on the verge of delivering a healthy baby who at that moment demand an abortion. These are not serious people in positions of power, they are fucking ridiculous.


Someone I know is trying to get pregnant. She found out she was pregnant, she had a doctor apt the other day and when she got back she was extremely sad. I assume she is not pregnant anymore.
People don't understand the sadness that is felt and that these decisions aren't done lightly. There is a stgma that people used to just get abortions every day w/out care.
This gal didn't have an abortion, but trying to get pregnant and not be able to is so hard.
I'm probably not making any sense.

In the same week I saw a goose mamma and pappa and thier baby and then one day the baby was gone and the mamma and pappa were still hanging out. You could sense the sadness.

Women aren't just fucking murderers-that is what the GOP wants people to believe.


They can carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Clang McFly - 05-19-2022

(05-19-2022, 02:49 PM)Maggot Wrote: They can carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding.

Billy Joel, great singer, woman hater.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Duchess - 06-24-2022

I expect to see a lot more of this in the coming days. 

[Image: FWB4O5TUsAIY1JX?format=jpg&name=medium]


Big Dicks Halfway Inn.