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RE: NO SMOKING - Maggot - 04-30-2014

Thats not including the stinky sweaty urine smelling subway. No smoking in the subway but you can piss in a dark corner.

RE: NO SMOKING - cannongal - 04-30-2014

(04-30-2014, 12:46 PM)Blindgreed1 Wrote:
(04-30-2014, 11:40 AM)Midwest Spy Wrote: I don't want to go to the park and get stinky smoke all over me and my kids.
So what happens if you or one of your kids step in dog shit? Should dogs be illegal too?

Actually, letting your dog shit in the park is illegal in my town. You get a fine if you get caught walking away from your dog shit. I suppose getting caught smoking would net the same result, a fine.

RE: NO SMOKING - Blindgreed1 - 04-30-2014

(04-30-2014, 12:54 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote:
(04-30-2014, 12:46 PM)Blindgreed1 Wrote:
(04-30-2014, 11:40 AM)Midwest Spy Wrote: I don't want to go to the park and get stinky smoke all over me and my kids.
So what happens if you or one of your kids step in dog shit? Should dogs be illegal too?

I'm guessing in some parks dogs aren't allowed.

Why do people always reach for something else/some sort of comparison?

Like the guns and cars analogy.

"Ooooh, let's take away cars because they kill people too."
Because it sets a precedence and the line must be drawn somewhere. People are fucking lazy. We don't need laws making things illegal to keep people from doing things. If you don't want to be around a smaoker in the park, get off your ass and move away from the smoker. If a smoker comes to your area and starts blowing smoke on you and your kids, kick his ass or tell him to keep his distance. FFS! It isn't rocket surgery.

RE: NO SMOKING - sally - 04-30-2014

Instead of banning it all together why not just have designated smoking areas. That way everyone will just go to that area to smoke instead of throwing their butts all over the sidewalk outside of the property and there would be no need for the cigarette police.

RE: NO SMOKING - Blindgreed1 - 04-30-2014

(04-30-2014, 02:28 PM)sally Wrote: Instead of banning it all together why not just have designated smoking areas. That way everyone will just go to that area to smoke instead of throwing their butts everywhere and there would be no need for the cigarette police.
Agreed, and while your at it, provide recepticles for the butts. Generally, people in this day and age are mindful of litter. People are just too damned quick to demand a law against something now. That's what our forefathers came to this country to escape. It's the foundation America was built on. Life, liberty and the persuit of fucking happiness.

RE: NO SMOKING - aussiefriend - 04-30-2014

I think it is hysterical not being able to smoke outside. I am not a smoker these days. But if you make these rules they must be evidence based, with research to justify your law. You cannot just make laws for the sake of it. Although I must say, it's the way it is here too. To me, it's about freedom and personal choice, I understand the health aspect, but it must be based on facts not hysteria.

RE: NO SMOKING - QueenBee - 04-30-2014

Interesting how things have changed. The other day hubby and I were channel surfing on TV and tuned into The Exorcist..made in early 70s. In one scene, where mom had the kid in the hospital for tests, before they knew she was possessed. Anyway, doc comes out of room where there were doing the MRI or whatever, and while talking with mom in waiting room, lit up a cigarette, and offered one to the mom. In a hospital. Now,heaven forbid you even walk into a hospital carrying a pack of cigs.
Never took up the habit of smoking. At least not the legal stuff.

RE: NO SMOKING - sally - 04-30-2014

My aunt is an her late 70's and told me she smoked in the hospital room after delivering her kids. They even provided ashtrays.

RE: NO SMOKING - Blindgreed1 - 04-30-2014

(04-30-2014, 04:59 PM)QueenBee Wrote: Interesting how things have changed. The other day hubby and I were channel surfing on TV and tuned into The Exorcist..made in early 70s. In one scene, where mom had the kid in the hospital for tests, before they knew she was possessed. Anyway, doc comes out of room where there were doing the MRI or whatever, and while talking with mom in waiting room, lit up a cigarette, and offered one to the mom. In a hospital. Now,heaven forbid you even walk into a hospital carrying a pack of cigs.
Never took up the habit of smoking. At least not the legal stuff.
The good ole days. Mouth pippeting blood with a cigarette burning in the ash tray next to an eluate panel. *waxes nostalgic*hah

RE: NO SMOKING - SIXFOOTERsez - 04-30-2014

Cig smoking is a nasty fucking habit, Period. That said IF folks could do it and not affect me I would have no problem with it as long as they were not sucking up govt benefits for lung cancer and the like.
problem is, they Can't or Don't do it without affecting me. I hate having to walk through the "Smoking Area" to get into a "No Smoking" area. I am not afraid of second hand smoke, the shit just stinks.
I also have to deal with a lot of people that smoke, they always come in my office from being outside smoking and come in Reeking and breathing dragon breath on me. I have a container of "Ice Cubes" mints on my desk and have to hand the damn things out.
Then there is the litterbug nut fux, pick that nasty shit up ya rude fuck.

RE: NO SMOKING - sally - 04-30-2014

Well I hate smelling people's stinking ass perfume too, but I don't try to control what they do outside.

RE: NO SMOKING - thekid65 - 04-30-2014

Disclaimer: I smoke

My 2ยข

My town too, has enacted no smoking in public parks...AND downtown in the city (outside). Going way too far, IMO. A little whiff of second-hand smoke while being outside presents no heath hazard at all. Is it unpleasant for those that don't smoke? Of course it is. No worse than bad cologne, or bad B.O. STFU, and get over it. You'll live. Now, at the same time, smokers have a responsibility to be courteous around others. If you're outside in a crowd of people, step away from them if you want a cigarette. If you notice your second-hand drifting into the face of a non-smoker...move your ass somewhere else. It's just common courtesy, and we don't need big brother telling us this shit, and enacting stupid legislation.

Funny that 6-footer brings up the littering thing. Got into a Facebook discussion about this a month ago, with a self-righteous triathlete. He was bitching about smokers, and their littering, casually throwing their butts on the ground. He's got a valid point. But I countered with the argument that triathletes do it every race with their empty water cups, energy bar wrappers, etc, etc. They just toss them on the ground. One of his friends piped up and said "But we have volunteers that pick up the garbage after every Ironman" So, I countered with "Well first of all, you're intentionally throwing garbage on the ground, relying on others to pick it up. Much like a smoker that would toss his butt in the street...hell the street sweeper will get it. And on a windy day, do you think all the trash that gets discarded by runners/bikers on the race route gets picked up? Of course it does not. I was trying to make the point that his gripe was more about smoking, and not necessarily littering, and trying to get him to see the hypocrisy in his/their words. Stones, glass know.

I think these self-righteous pricks got my point, as they stopped replying. They simply had no argument. And really, anyone who bitches about littering, and cigarette butts needs to take a hard fucking look in the mirror.

That being said, me personally...I do make an effort to not toss my butts on the ground. If I'm outside, I'll generally stub my butt out, and then put them in the cellophane wrapper that's around the package of cigarettes so that I can toss them in the next convenient trashcan. This is not to say I've never not littered with my butts, but I do make a conscious effort. Unfortunately, not all do.

My town has also enacted no smoking in bars. Which I think is total bullshit, and an infringement on businesses. There can be smoking bars, and non smoking bars...simple is that. Let the bar patron choose which place he/she wants to go. Same goes for the employees. Work for a non-smoking bar if it bothers you. All this particular law has done is to hurt the business owner.

No smoking in restaurants? I'm 100% for ifs, ands or butt's (pun intended) about it.

If smokers would just practice a little common courtesy and show consideration of others, and non-smokers would quit acting like self-righteous, entitled cry babies...none of this would even be an issue.

RE: NO SMOKING - sally - 04-30-2014

(04-30-2014, 06:25 PM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: Cig smoking is a nasty fucking habit, Period. That said IF folks could do it and not affect me I would have no problem with it as long as they were not sucking up govt benefits for lung cancer and the like.

The median age for smoking related deaths is somewhere between 60-70. I don't think those old timers are sucking up your taxes. And then over half the cancer rates below that isn't even due to smoking.

You're a fat fuck, lets hope you don't have to suck up the government benefits anytime soon.

RE: NO SMOKING - Midwest Spy - 04-30-2014

I thought this was about smoking in Philly's parks?

Non-smokers shouldnt have to be subjected to the second-hand smoke, the stink or the garbage in public places.

Smokers seem pretty sensitive when it's really just common sense.

RE: NO SMOKING - Duchess - 04-30-2014

I asked if there were no smoking laws where you live and then went on to mention what Philly's mayor did. That's irrelevant, we want the conversation to evolve.

RE: NO SMOKING - Duchess - 04-30-2014

(04-30-2014, 08:10 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: Non-smokers shouldnt have to be subjected to the second-hand smoke, the stink or the garbage in public places.

...and childless people shouldn't have to tolerate the sounds of children playing in the park. They are loud and annoying. Parks should be peaceful except for the sound of the pervy perv fucking in the love tunnel.

RE: NO SMOKING - Maggot - 04-30-2014

(04-30-2014, 08:10 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: I thought this was about smoking in Philly's parks?

Non-smokers shouldnt have to be subjected to the second-hand smoke, the stink or the garbage in public places.

Smokers seem pretty sensitive when it's really just common sense.

hah.........You bastard. How the hell will Mr. "T" light off those "blow up later" bombs if nobody on the "A" team smokes? Kmmmm.....they are good for a 10 min commercial and what kind of American are you anyhow?

RE: NO SMOKING - Midwest Spy - 04-30-2014

(04-30-2014, 08:34 PM)Duchess Wrote:
(04-30-2014, 08:10 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: Non-smokers shouldnt have to be subjected to the second-hand smoke, the stink or the garbage in public places.

...and childless people shouldn't have to tolerate the sounds of children playing in the park. They are loud and annoying. Parks should be peaceful except for the sound of the pervy perv fucking in the love tunnel.


You funny woman!

RE: NO SMOKING - Midwest Spy - 04-30-2014

I smoked for 5+ years on two separate occasions.

Yes I started smoking again when I split from my first wife.

I'm now a non-smoker for the 3rd time in my life.

I have so many fond memories of walking through/sitting in smoke filled bars.

Good times, really.

The times are changing, though, and common sense is prevailing.

Smoking really shouldn't be an option in any public settings.

Walking down the street? No problem, but at least try and find the garbage with your butt.

In your home or car? No problem. Behind the building at work/the bar? No problem.

Just my $.02.

RE: NO SMOKING - Maggot - 04-30-2014

What about cigars? Don't be dissing a good Havana. hah That chit smells gooooooood.