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RE: DEATH OR ISLAM - HairOfTheDog - 06-06-2014

(06-06-2014, 10:27 AM)Maggot Wrote: That's OK mine are French Canadian Indian. They hate the British.


You're good then -- assuming yours haven't steered away from the kissing part/art of their French heritage, and lean towards the Canadian side when it comes to humor.

Despite their short-sighted unleashing of Khomeini on the world, I like the European Frenchies alright though, in all seriousness.

It's a beautiful country and they generally seem to know how to go out and let their hair down without acting like idiots (the ones that I met, anyway).

RE: DEATH OR ISLAM - Maggot - 06-06-2014

That 32 hr work week is gonna bite them in the ass though.

RE: DEATH OR ISLAM - Mohammed - 06-07-2014

Thank you most gorgeous and of course you are right, naturally there are also good French people. Paris alone must have at least 5 of them, but generally they are just a bunch of snobbish and pretentious cretins that produce some awesome food and drinks but don't mind fucking up the globe in a very sneaky way. At least the British are open about that.

And now they run around, trying to make up for all their shit. You should see the way Total is trying to be so totally politically correct here and looking somewhat desperate doing so. Just recently it was found out that the former President sold the gas to Total at 3US$, when the global price is at 12!

Created quite the scandal here and those boys from Total were running around with their knickers up their cracks trying to do some damage control.

Only the French!!

RE: DEATH OR ISLAM - HairOfTheDog - 06-07-2014

Hi, Mo.

Let's talk truthful global trash, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (as we see it), regardless of who gets offended (but no offense intended of course, it just might happen to be a bi-product, is all).

Straight up, no bullshit, no holds barred. No contest about 'who's best or better'; just how we objectively see it without any intentional bias and without there being any "win" factor.

I'm drunk and therefor brave (okay, even sober, brave enough).

I've started a thread in the Discussion forum. All welcome. Please bring only facts and sincere opinions, no matter how wrong they may be!

RE: DEATH OR ISLAM - Mohammed - 06-07-2014

She's drunk! And I'm not there!

I shall commit seppuku this instant!!

RE: DEATH OR ISLAM - HairOfTheDog - 06-07-2014

(06-07-2014, 11:26 AM)Mohammed Wrote: She's drunk! And I'm not there!

I shall commit seppuku this instant!!

Just a little drunk -- more buzzed than drunk I guess.

Drunk enough to start that thread -- though I'm not sure the OP will make sense to anybody but me. It made perfect sense in my weary blurry mind last night!

Two (big) glasses of wine after what turned out to be a 10 hour road trip (taking the fast route, even). Now, I'm dragging and really needing some coffee.

This cheap motel has no room service!!!! I'm considering joining you in the Seppuku.

[Image: Seppuku.jpg]

RE: DEATH OR ISLAM - Midwest Spy - 06-07-2014

A little late, Mo.

One of my favorite movie lines would be appropriate here:

From School Of Rock with Jack Black.

Jack is a substitute teacher at a private school. Upon his arrival he's introducing himself to his class of 5 th graders and says:

JB- I'm hungover. Does anybody know what that means?

5th grader raises his hand: it means you're drunk?

JB- WRONG! It means I was drunk YESTERDAY!

RE: DEATH OR ISLAM - Mohammed - 06-08-2014

School of Rock was excellent.

One of my favorite movie lines is from Jack Black as well and he says it tied up to a tree in Tropical Thunder.

Jeff Portnoy: Alpa, if you untie me, I will literally suck your dick, right now.
Alpa Chino: Man, I told you for the last time, I love tha pussy!
Jeff Portnoy: I'll cradle the balls, stroke the shaft, work the pipe, and swallow the gravy. Get it over here, buddy. Let's do this.

RE: DEATH OR ISLAM - HairOfTheDog - 06-23-2014

Miriam Ibrahim Released from Sudanese Prison

The higher court overturned the lower court's conviction and death sentence and ordered the release of Ibrahim and her two children.

She is reportedly now reunited with her husband, who normally resides in New Hampshire.

I assume he's in Sudan with his wife and two children and don't know whether he will be bringing his family to the US.

38 Congresspersons had petitioned the Sudanese government to release Ibrahim from prison and grant her asylum in the US prior to her convictions being overturned.


RE: DEATH OR ISLAM - Duchess - 06-23-2014

Awesome to read, I thought for sure they were going to kill her given the last false alarm regarding her release.