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- Cynical Ninja - 12-15-2008

F.U. Dont ask again Wrote:
newbiecollector Wrote:Well ty poophole.......Just what I think or feel or know or maybe what I think I know.

Heyba Newbie Whatba didba youba sayba?
You are retarded enough without doing Jar Jar Binks impersonations.

- F.U. - 12-15-2008

Now that's more like it. No toe pics, no talk of house work. Just some good old insults. You guys almost bring a tear to my eye.

- newbiecollector - 12-15-2008

Fuck You

- Middle Finger - 12-15-2008

This Thread Has Been Tarded.

- F.U. - 12-15-2008

[quote=Middle Finger]This Thread Has Been Tarded.

- newbiecollector - 12-15-2008

Someone should pull you head off FU.......and shit in it. You need a brain transplant

- F.U. - 12-15-2008

You are 1 funny little man Newbie.

- newbiecollector - 12-15-2008

Yeah i am..and I bet you scrunched your shoulders waiting to get your head pulled off. Never wory I would only shit in your neck. You will not get a brain transplant here, I don't do needed cases.

- F.U. - 12-15-2008

Don't do needy cases??? Fuck pall look around, you are one.

Look at this shit, Newbie found his balls. Good job newbie, now keep track of them this time.

- newbiecollector - 12-15-2008

F.U. Dont ask again Wrote:Don't do needy cases??? Fuck pall look around, you are one.

Look at this shit, Newbie found his balls. Good job newbie, now keep track of them this time.

Open your mouth boy. I know where my balls are.

- F.U. - 12-15-2008

Now newbie, I am not one of your dates, nor will I ever be one, so stop calling me boy.
So why don't you run along now, I am sure it is almost activity's hour at your nursing home there pops. So you have a good time at bingo, and get a good nap . And we will see you later prune sack.

- newbiecollector - 12-15-2008

F.U. Dont ask again Wrote:Now newbie, I am not one of your dates, nor will I ever be one, so stop calling me boy.
So why don't you run along now, I am sure it is almost activity's hour at your nursing home there pops. So you have a good time at bingo, and get a good nap . And we will see you later prune sack.

He talks to me a lot like that all when I excite him. Sorry FU...........I am not gay for you.

There is a corner near you, I am sure, where you can get what you want. This time dont take a pocket full of quarters.

- ihatefucktards - 12-15-2008

It should be a womens choice. Just as it is for them to have the sex to get knocked up in the first place.

I however would not put my body though that. I would exauste all means to NOT get knocked up in the first place before hand. But not many people see things that way.

- newbiecollector - 12-15-2008

Just cross your legs you dumb cunt

- Sinister - 12-15-2008

ihatefucktards Wrote:It should be a womens choice. Just as it is for them to have the sex to get knocked up in the first place.

I however would not put my body though that. I would exauste all means to NOT get knocked up in the first place before hand. But not many people see things that way.
Very smart. That's the thing that pisses me off about this topic; while I do believe it is a woman's choice to have an abortion, it is sickening that so many happen when the prevention is so simple and accessible.

- ihatefucktards - 12-15-2008

EXACTLY Sin... It is pure stupidity at its finest.

- newbiecollector - 12-15-2008

Sinister Wrote:
ihatefucktards Wrote:It should be a womens choice. Just as it is for them to have the sex to get knocked up in the first place.

I however would not put my body though that. I would exauste all means to NOT get knocked up in the first place before hand. But not many people see things that way.
Very smart. That's the thing that pisses me off about this topic; while I do believe it is a woman's choice to have an abortion, it is sickening that so many happen when the prevention is so simple and accessible.
What i tried to say Sin.

- ramseycat - 12-15-2008

Sinister Wrote:
ihatefucktards Wrote:It should be a womens choice. Just as it is for them to have the sex to get knocked up in the first place.

I however would not put my body though that. I would exauste all means to NOT get knocked up in the first place before hand. But not many people see things that way.
Very smart. That's the thing that pisses me off about this topic; while I do believe it is a woman's choice to have an abortion, it is sickening that so many happen when the prevention is so simple and accessible.
Now that I agree with. Life starts the minute the sperm reaches the egg. Just think - most of us have children, didn't you consider that embryo your child the minute you found out your were expecting? I do not think the government should be involved in the decision making process though as it's a personal choice. My choice would be that I couldn't do it. That may not be someone else's choice but that is not for me or anyone else to judge. I do think that any abortion over 8 weeks should be outlawed. It's a baby by then. It's taking a life. With all the forms of birth control we have and the morning after pills, there should not be so many unwanted pregnancies. AND if you are irresponsible enough to get pregnant accidentally, well then that accident is your responsibility. You play, you pay. Period.

- Sinister - 12-15-2008

ramseycat Wrote:You play, you pay. Period.
Fuckin'-A. Got my vote. ::thumbs::

- Zenith - 12-15-2008

I am pro choice although I would have to admit that I long for the day that modern science develops a way to prevent pregnancy altogether. If there could be some way to delay the ability to procreate upon birth and then only grant the privilege to those who demonstrate a sound responsibility to raise and care for a child then there would be no need for all this debate.

Of course then, even this would open up another can of worms and the debate will shortly ensue.::nuts::

[I really hate stupid people who fuck and bring life into this world when they had no intentions of that as an outcome to their orgasmic pleasures ]::wait::