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Russia attacks Georgia - Printable Version

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- Duchess - 08-13-2008

* GASP *.....Kicks dogs in the head ?!!!!....

- The Antagonist - 08-13-2008

Yes Duchess and he says it with pride.

I won't tell you where this is as I do not want confrontation there but frankly I don't believe his story as to why he felt he had to.

He's boasted on other topics there that if any dog comes after him how he'd mutilate them with his feet as well among other atrocities.

His last story I coddled him with an answer as I do not believe anyone can kick a dog while it has one's ankle in it's mouth! You'd fall down. I think he posted it to get a rise out of me.

His low regard to animal life remains the same.

- Duchess - 08-13-2008

I loathe people who hurt animals...I truly do...Other than death of a loved one there is nothing that hurts my heart more than an animal abused.

- Sinister - 08-14-2008

jackboots Wrote:when i have been involved in an altercation, it's in cold blood. i win, you lose fucker, you're going to jail. i don't get hot or see red. i merely do it. i have dragged assholes out of my cruiser and stomped the shit out of them. no emotion involved. if they tried to kick the windows out of my car, they are getting their ass kicked when i get them to the jail.

I've had a few altercations where there was no emotion in me. Someone needed their ass kicked as an education so I was glad to educate. For you, it was part of the job. I would think it is necessary, if not vital to take emotion out of your job in this regard. Not that you are emotionless, because I have read how upset you get when a child is involved in something revolting.

It's one of the common things between Bikers and cops. One of the very few; do NOT fuck with kids.

- Cynical Ninja - 08-14-2008

The Antagonist Wrote:Yes Duchess and he says it with pride.

I won't tell you where this is as I do not want confrontation there but frankly I don't believe his story as to why he felt he had to.

He's boasted on other topics there that if any dog comes after him how he'd mutilate them with his feet as well among other atrocities.

His last story I coddled him with an answer as I do not believe anyone can kick a dog while it has one's ankle in it's mouth! You'd fall down. I think he posted it to get a rise out of me.

His low regard to animal life remains the same.

More lies about me from the biggest fucking liar and bullshit artist at Mock and at 24.

My post was about dangerous dogs not being on leads, I was attacked by a dog who had its jaws wrapped around my left ankle, it wouldn't let go and drew blood, the owner did absolutely nothing so I kicked the dog in the head until it let go, I didn't kick hard enough to do the dog any permament damage.

No doubt twitchen fucking kitten would just stand there and let a dog maul herfucking leg while saying "its not the dogs fault, I blame the owners".

Yousuch a fucking liar kitten,if you said the sky was blue I would look upand check for myself first you lying cunt.

- Sinister - 08-14-2008

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I didn't kick hard enough to do the dog any permament damage.
How do you know? When did you get your degree in veterinary medicine?

- The Antagonist - 08-14-2008

It's impossible to kick a dog with the opposite foot if he has the other leg in it's mouth.

If this dog was so dangerous why then did he only go after you and no one else? Did the old man let him loose just to attack you? Were you the ONLY human being for miles?

The description of the behavior of the dog and situation is really quite absurd as I cannot see any dog just going for anyone out of the blue like that.

And if you insist on using a user-name other than the one I want to have used on HERE Cynicalninja, then i shall stop giving consideration of privacy toward YOU in any way shape or form I find it. I did NOT go and give out links and forums where I pointed this out but if you want to play the dirty no privacy game I certainly can play that too. I've nothing to hide here, boy.

The only reason you blow up so violently here toward me is because you feel a deep need to defend yourself against the truth. You don't like people seeing you for what you truly are - rotten to the core.

You're full of shit with the dog story. And, I do not see where I lied. Please point out the lie! You posted it just to see if I would reply as I do on this site. So, tell me, did you bring the man up on charges? Is there a case pending? It wasn't that long ago.... do post a photo of the scars and marks the dog left when he drew blood. Something should still be visible! If you had a case, you'd need photos anyway and they'd be dated with the camera time stamp for the court records and proof.

You have posted many times in several topics on 24 how you will kick dogs and have kicked dogs. Would you like me to spend a day finding them and showing everyone?

You're a violent little shit who has a narcissism problem among deep inherent evil in your soul.

- Maggot - 08-14-2008

jackboots Wrote:when i have been involved in an altercation, it's in cold blood. i win, you lose fucker, you're going to jail. i don't get hot or see red. i merely do it. i have dragged assholes out of my cruiser and stomped the shit out of them. no emotion involved. if they tried to kick the windows out of my car, they are getting their ass kicked when i get them to the jail.

Don't let her fool you, she is a sweet and kind beautiful rose petal floating in a serene sea of tranquil water flowing from apure and pristinemountain stream.


- Sinister - 08-14-2008

The Antagonist Wrote:It's impossible to kick a dog with the opposite foot if he has the other leg in it's mouth.
I should have caught that. It IS impossible. Nice catch, A. I hate a fucking liar. Opie knows how much I hate a fucking liar.

- Lady Cop - 08-14-2008

Maggot Wrote:
jackboots Wrote:when i have been involved in an altercation, it's in cold blood. i win, you lose fucker, you're going to jail. i don't get hot or see red. i merely do it. i have dragged assholes out of my cruiser and stomped the shit out of them. no emotion involved. if they tried to kick the windows out of my car, they are getting their ass kicked when i get them to the jail.

Don't let her fool you, she is a sweet and kind beautiful rose petal floating in a serene sea of tranquil water flowing from apure and pristinemountain stream.

welcome back hunnybunny. Smiley_emoticons_biggrin

- Lady Cop - 08-14-2008

Sinister Wrote:
jackboots Wrote:when i have been involved in an altercation, it's in cold blood. i win, you lose fucker, you're going to jail. i don't get hot or see red. i merely do it. i have dragged assholes out of my cruiser and stomped the shit out of them. no emotion involved. if they tried to kick the windows out of my car, they are getting their ass kicked when i get them to the jail.

I've had a few altercations where there was no emotion in me. Someone needed their ass kicked as an education so I was glad to educate. For you, it was part of the job. I would think it is necessary, if not vital to take emotion out of your job in this regard. Not that you are emotionless, because I have read how upset you get when a child is involved in something revolting.

It's one of the common things between Bikers and cops. One of the very few; do NOT fuck with kids.
you are SO right!

- Middle Finger - 08-14-2008

Quote:...from the biggest fucking liar and bullshit artist at Mock and at 24....

The biggest?

- Liquid - 08-14-2008

Not to try to get this thread back on topic but did anyone see this -
U.S.: Russia should face consequences for crisis
Gates rips

- Mr. Incivility - 08-14-2008

First, there is a HUGE Oil pipeline running through the state. Russia wants desperately to control that pipeline, as it would give them control of the oil flow throughout Europe.

Second, Poland is giving the U.S. the ok to go ahead with building missle defense bases in their country. The U.S. has agreed to defend Poland as an ally. Not just another NATO country.

Afghanistan and Turkey are right there on the border with Georgia. If anyone tries to tell me that Russia is not trying to take back what it thinks is rightfully their's, I will properly smack you in the face!

- The Antagonist - 08-15-2008

Holy fucking shit! Did anyone see the press conference today with the president of Georgia and Condie Rice?

This guy minced no words and he's 100% right.

He called Europe gutless.

He called Russia barbarians of the 21st century.

He stated he will not let Russia take Georgia without a fight.

He said what we've been pointing out.... you don't mobilize an army across mountains that fast. Russia has been planning this for a very long time and he's been SCREAMING to the world for help because he saw it coming. His cries fell on deaf ears.

Russia wants Georgia because of the reasons Mr. I pointed out and because Afghanistan still holds a sore spot with them. Turkey would be another conquest and if they want Afghanistan again, they will have to have direct conflict with the USA. We will NOT abandon Hamid Karzai if they get invaded by Russia again.

Invasion WILL fuck up the Taliban's plans though... but who wants that right now in this context?

Keep in mind that the Bering Straight is a short passage to North America. This includes the Canucks to the north of the USA. Who by the way, are not that well equipped to hold off the Russian Bear alone!

Russia has been flying Russian Bear recon planes illegally over Alaska and the north pole for well over a year now. When confronted by US jets, they give fake apologies or deny it ever happened.

Scary shit.

- Middle Finger - 08-15-2008

I hate scary news like that ...

- Liquid - 08-15-2008

Let's be completely honest here. Russia might make a bunch of noise but they will NEVER invade or attack Alaska. I would think the same of Canada. We would bomb and eventually nuke them if any action against one of our states was to be taken. Additionally the Poland agreement is major. Assuming that actually does happen we will have major resources and missiles a stone throw away from Russia all sitting there under the guise of a "shield". Russia has been quickly rebuilding their resources and to regain their foothold in the region and that part of the world. I am not totally against them rebuilding and being powerful as long as their overall direction matches that of the USA's. Having another powerful nation across the pond will take some of the stress off the USA IMO.

- Maggot - 08-15-2008

There are more Billionares in the U.S.S.R. then anywhere else on the planet. They are rebuilding at almost the same rate as China. To be able to overtake these two giants the U.S. first needs to make them reliant on our exports much like they have done with America in the past 10-20 years. And they have learned this from none other than America. The lull in Soviet pressure on the world could have been easily predicted 30 years ago and I think it was.

- The Antagonist - 08-16-2008

I don't trust Russia one whit. Never did. They're sneaky and this action just proved it.

When Poland agreed yesterday to put our defense system there Russia was mighty quick to come out and say they are now going to be unpunished for this and that they are "Open to nuclear attack." That right there is fucked up and I think they'd do it just to show their strength.

I wouldn't put it past them to come across the Bering Straight. They're feeling mighty ballsy right now.

I don't think Russia thinks we are keeping our nukes in top condition. We also have made a HUGE mistake in sending our scientists there to help them stabilize their old nukes because they were starting to leak and some other shit. I saw a TV special on this awhile ago. The first thing in my head was, "bad idea, America. this is going to backfire on us." I think Clinton set this system up. Not sure.

I'd like to see that dumb-ass Obama talk his way out of this one. I say it can't be done.

China might be powerful or it might not. I think it depends on the people in the military there. The people do not want to be oppressed. They're not stupid people. I think there may be a good chance they wont' fight to the best of their ability if China comes into the mix. They'll have to rely on nukes which makes it all the more frightening from that angle but I'm not so sure of the ground forces will.

Either way, you don't go invading another country like that and Europe is acting like quite the pussy in all this. Since the inception of the EU, Europe as a whole is nothing but a pair of shaved, hairless faggot balls. England was smart not to join up in it! But, England is small in size..... not sure how much they can do on their own there.

Condie Rice untied Israel's hands last week. That is a good thing and good timing! But again, another itty bitty country and they too will need us to help out.

I guarantee that if this escalates, you'll see enlistments in our armed services double in record time too. The world probably thinks our military is depleted but they always underestimate us!

- Mr. Incivility - 08-16-2008

Has anyone noticed that oil prices are dropping a couple of buck per barrel a day? Coincidence, or are the Arabs just cutting us a break because of the Olympics? Neither, I say! Control of that pipeline in Georgia would give Russia an upper hand when it comes to oil control in Europe. That then scares the shit out of the countries who like to think that they control the World's oil supply!

The USA has no choice but to drill for its own oil anymore. We have more sources of oil than a good portion of the world combined, we just won't drill because of the hippie dippie love children. If we are to remain the Super Power that we are, WE MUST DRILL!

Our tanks, jet fighters and bombers all run on what? Oil based fuels! How the fuck else are we going to power our fighting machines? Solar? Wind Turbines? Give me a fucking break!

We also need to make it very clear that we will not tolerate the red russian army to invade ANY of our allies! Georgia may be a small, seemingly insignificant country, but they are our ally. We promised our support for their democracy, we need to live up to that promise.

If we back out of this one, we'll be the laughing stock of the world. Poland and the Ukraine will fall next, and then the next think we know is that Russia is the Dictatorship, Marxist, Communist country that it was a mere twenty years ago.