Is America built on a lie? - Printable Version

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RE: Is America built on a lie? - Cynical Ninja - 10-20-2011

(10-20-2011, 12:12 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Only days after a deranged Anders Breivik claimed creeping Islamization of Norway as an excuse for cold-bloodedly murdering 76 people, the majority of which were children, a group of British Muslim extremists have seemingly mocked the tragedy by hanging bright yellow posters in several London boroughs declaring them “Sharia-controlled zones.”

One has to wonder about the timing.

Pasted on bus stops and street lamps, the posters have appeared in the London boroughs of Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Newham. The message they convey is that there is to be “no gambling,” “no music or concerts,” “no porn or prostitution,” “no drugs or smoking” and “no alcohol” in the areas where the posters are displayed. The warning at the top reads: “You are entering a Sharia-controlled zone – Islamic rules enforced.” The messages are going up in both Muslim and non-Muslim-majority areas and are expected to appear country-wide.

“We now have hundreds, if not thousands of people up and down the country willing to go out and patrol the streets for us,” said Anjem Choudary, 41, the Muslim “preacher” claiming responsibility for the poster campaign.


My source - BBC news online

Dicks source - frontpagemag - an ultra right wing anti Muslim site.

Says it all really.

What was meant as bit of fun dick has once again turned into a shit flinging clusterfuck.

I think he is just touchy about the issues raised about the declaration of independence so he has to fling his right wing flim flam into the mix as a another deflection.

RE: Is America built on a lie? - BlueTiki - 10-20-2011

(10-20-2011, 12:40 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: [Image: bunker-hill-026.jpg]

Without "Bunk" there'd be no Bunker Hill! Smiley_emoticons_wink

RE: Is America built on a lie? - IMaDick - 10-20-2011

(10-20-2011, 02:03 PM)Cynical Ninja Wrote:
(10-20-2011, 12:12 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Only days after a deranged Anders Breivik claimed creeping Islamization of Norway as an excuse for cold-bloodedly murdering 76 people, the majority of which were children, a group of British Muslim extremists have seemingly mocked the tragedy by hanging bright yellow posters in several London boroughs declaring them “Sharia-controlled zones.”

One has to wonder about the timing.

Pasted on bus stops and street lamps, the posters have appeared in the London boroughs of Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Newham. The message they convey is that there is to be “no gambling,” “no music or concerts,” “no porn or prostitution,” “no drugs or smoking” and “no alcohol” in the areas where the posters are displayed. The warning at the top reads: “You are entering a Sharia-controlled zone – Islamic rules enforced.” The messages are going up in both Muslim and non-Muslim-majority areas and are expected to appear country-wide.

“We now have hundreds, if not thousands of people up and down the country willing to go out and patrol the streets for us,” said Anjem Choudary, 41, the Muslim “preacher” claiming responsibility for the poster campaign.


My source - BBC news online

Dicks source - frontpagemag - an ultra right wing anti Muslim site.

Says it all really.

What was meant as bit of fun dick has once again turned into a shit flinging clusterfuck.

I think he is just touchy about the issues raised about the declaration of independence so he has to fling his right wing flim flam into the mix as a another deflection.

So are you saying that the story is false?Or are you just doing what you always do and try to divert from the truth into your little fucked up delusion and your fucked up lies concerning reality?

There are no relevant arguments that can do away with the Declaration of Independence.

What was meant as a fuck you is exactly what it was,a fuck you.

RE: Is America built on a lie? - Cynical Ninja - 10-20-2011

(10-20-2011, 02:25 PM)IMaDick Wrote: So are you saying that the story is false?Or are you just doing what you always do and try to divert from the truth into your little fucked up delusion and your fucked up lies concerning reality?

There are no relevant arguments that can do away with the Declaration of Independence.

What was meant as a fuck you is exactly what it was,a fuck you.

Legal professionals on both sides of the Atlantic are discussing the legality of the declaration of independence as reported by the BBC.

A few nutters putting up stupid signs has been reported by an Islamophobic/anti Obama website.

Who is the delusional one?, I rest my case.

You are reacting just as I knew you would, covering your ears with your hands and spitting bile over what was after all just a story with a bit of historical interest. You have reacted just like the jingoistic little right wing tit we all know you to be.

I have reeled you in and made you look like a complete fucking idiot ONCE AGAIN!

Like shooting fish in a barrel.


RE: Is America built on a lie? - Duchess - 10-20-2011

I removed him from my Christmas party list...he's a buzzkill.

RE: Is America built on a lie? - IMaDick - 10-21-2011

(10-20-2011, 03:52 PM)Duchess Wrote:

I removed him from my Christmas party list...he's a buzzkill.

Oh now that really hurts. hah

RE: Is America built on a lie? - IMaDick - 10-21-2011

Oh hell, BBC says

There are at least 2 dozen stories about this, and another lie is told, it's not just a few signs.

RE: Is America built on a lie? - Duchess - 10-21-2011

(10-21-2011, 02:49 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Oh now that really hurts. hah

...and it's going to hurt bad when you see what I gift my guests with. You'll wish you had me still have time to redeem yourself but it better be good, Paco.

RE: Is America built on a lie? - Middle Finger - 10-21-2011

England has become a socialistic cesspool that is fading from the world court more and more every decade, so their only real chance to validate their Queen and restore their good name is to try and grab the colonies back - hah!! We should kick their ass again just to remind them.

RE: Is America built on a lie? - Cynical Ninja - 10-21-2011

(10-21-2011, 08:17 AM)Middle Finger Wrote: England has become a socialistic cesspool that is fading from the world court more and more every decade, so their only real chance to validate their Queen and restore their good name is to try and grab the colonies back - hah!! We should kick their ass again just to remind them.


The war of independence had nothing to do with you or your family who are fucking immigrants from cowardly guido land, if left to people like you the Union Jack would still be flying outside the Whitehouse today.

RE: Is America built on a lie? - Cynical Ninja - 10-21-2011

(10-21-2011, 02:55 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Oh hell, BBC says

There are at least 2 dozen stories about this, and another lie is told, it's not just a few signs.

Its still just a handful of morons and is of course off topic and nothing to do with the legality of the declaration of independence.

Your default reaction to anything you don't like is to fling as much shit as possible, this is no exception.

RE: Is America built on a lie? - Duchess - 10-21-2011

(10-21-2011, 09:13 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: Your default reaction to anything you don't like is to fling as much shit as possible

I see a great deal of that online...and while it's not applicable in Mock I see those that disagree with someone being called a troll. That's so ridiculous to me. What the fuck, I disagree so I'm exhibiting trollish behavior? 78

RE: Is America built on a lie? - Cynical Ninja - 10-21-2011

If I even mention America dick immediately flings shit at the UK like a fucking moron.

"They are debating about the legality of the declaration of independence?, well fuck you limey!, look at these Muslims putting up signs in Britain!, see?, fuck you!"


He is so predictable and so fucking stoopid.

RE: Is America built on a lie? - Maggot - 10-21-2011

My answer: No

RE: Is America built on a lie? - IMaDick - 10-21-2011

(10-21-2011, 09:13 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote:
(10-21-2011, 02:55 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Oh hell, BBC says

There are at least 2 dozen stories about this, and another lie is told, it's not just a few signs.

Its still just a handful of morons and is of course off topic and nothing to do with the legality of the declaration of independence.

Your default reaction to anything you don't like is to fling as much shit as possible, this is no exception.

You spend your time fucking with America while your country is being lost, which by the way is my point.

I have already closed the door on your bullshit about the Declaration of Independence, It is a Document which was drafted and accepted by this COUNTRY, what the rest of the fucking world thinks is irrelavant.

We didn't give a fuck what the crown thought then and we still don't.