Having Newbietard on ignore - Printable Version

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- Cynical Ninja - 11-03-2008

Sinister Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I don't think anything I have conclusively proven her to be a fucking liar, making up stories about me harrassing her via PM and E-mail when she knows for a fact I have never sent her a PM or E-mail.......ever.
I always mention it as a cautionary reminder to other members, when antagonist (twitchin kitten) realises she can't get to you with words she will switch to blatant lies, like "you virtually raped me in a chat room". Which she will then pass on to her "British lawyer friend" to investigate.

Since you feel the need to continually inform everyone why you're so fearful of The Antagonist might I reiterate that you, yet again have been proven to be an obsessive, compulsive delusional liar. Kinda like Taint!

First of all let's start on the reason you decided to put her on ignore, which by the way, is a fucking lie. You did not have her on ignore from this point forward, but we'll ignore that for now.
Take note of this topic here on Mock.... nowhere did she say you sent her PM's. She also said that if the harassing emails stop she would leave it be.

Now as for that British lawyer she speaks of and you're so skeptical about, well let's just say I know who she is and another member here knows of her as well. This is not a ficticious woman.'re wrong again!!!

You are a fucking coward in the first degree.... you've got a big fat yellow stripe down your back. Using the ignore button on a sitewhere the membersrag each other out is just that -COWARDLY. In fact, MF should rename it the Coward button. *snork*

How does it feel that a girl can take what you spew, regardless if it's a lie or not, time and again and slap you repeatedly at that - but you are too weak-willed to hear what she has to say in return?

That, my friend, is cowardice.

This topic here:

is where everyone reminded you time and again how you're completely and utterly wrong on who's a liar and who isn't. You claim to have her on ignore but check the dates of the topics as to when they were posted. LIAR.

What was happening is that it was indeed killing you who this person was and you convinced JB to help you out. What Ant was saying to you stung and it stung repeatedly and it left a mental mark on your sorry ego. You just HAD to know who this person was. Again like where you think AnonyMouse is Millenium, you thought that you hadthem pegged by "their writing style" You had Ant wrong..... very wrong. So what did you do? I'm going out on a limb here and say you begged JB to break a trust given by moderators and snoop IP addresses and compare them with who you think it is on 24. Then when you found who it was you decided that you should harass via email (as she claims) and then start saying TK this and Kitten that as if it would rattle her. But it didn't. Noooooo, not by a long shot. I know her; she doesn't rattle that easily. Unlike you.

It fueled her and gave her more ammo to slap you into reality with and that's when you cried and used the coward button. You will think nothing of saying something about or toward her all the while hiding behind the Coward button because it's cheap. Cheap like you. You're nothing but a cheap insult whore who cannot actually produce anything but slanderous comments and no genuine mocking. When those who've slapped you proper you have no other recourse other than slander.

Next time you cry about someone who who hurts your little cheap whore feewings, remember to make sure you haven't shoved your foot in your mouth previously.

Hmmmmm........all a load of complete and utter shit as usual then biker bitch?.

Twitchen fucking kitten accused me of doing something I haven't done, the fact she can offer no evidence whatsoever is telling don't you think? She may have concocted some e-mails claiming that they were from me but any investigation or analysis of these E-mails by IT experts will prove conclusively that they did not come from me. She knows this for a fact.

The fact that I have yet to hear from any "British lawyer friend" or the authorities also speaks volumes about her bullshit accusations, also the fact I don't know her E-mail address is somewhat telling is it not? An investigation team could go through my hard drive with a fine tooth comb and they wouldn't find anything incriminating, I have nothing to hide.

When members start straying from mocking into dangerous libel then I'm sorry they can go fuck themselves, I certainly don't avoid the lying bitch because I thought she had the upper hand mocking wise, I enjoyed trading blows with her and I put her on ignore with a sense of regret.

All the other shit in the above post, coward, keyboard warrior etc could all be used to describe your behaviour at Mock as well you stupid cunt.

- The Antagonist - 11-03-2008

Notice the coward didn't' read my post? If he did he'd have nothing to say would he?

And just so everyone knows, what I said is not libelous nor is it slanderous. I never threatened him, I never said he should be looking over his shoulder. But if you all read Sin's links you'll know that. OP has no reading comprehension. He simply sits there itching.

What he says about Sin being a neo-nazi..... now that there is libel and falls under slander.

Opie, get over yourself. It's not hard to find out my email address and I've already explained to you in other topics you pretend you didn't see that I did trace the email. I don't need to hire an IT expert.

Look, if you TRULY wanted to ease my mind that it wasn't you, you WOULD have shot me a PM here or at 24 and in a calm rational way explained it wasn't you and a mistake could have been made. But you didn't do that. You flew into wild fits of rage and most times when people behave like that, they have something to hide.

The topic wasn't all about you..... that topic was titled Fucking Blabbermouth..... directed moretoward the person who blabbed. Guess what dimwit? She and I talked about it. Like rational people and it's all OK.

You on the other hand, are obsessed. You can't let it go. You are a freak. An obsessed freak who couldn't take the high road, you live in a demented obsessed world always looking over your shoulder for the next thing to give you an excuse to freak out over. Your way of handling this is to throw cheap shots and hide behind your coward button.

- Middle Finger - 11-03-2008

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Hmmmmm........all a load of complete and utter shit as usual then biker bitch?.
I am by no means perfect, but there are certain basic writing skills that I thought everyone who graduated high school, or even junior high school, just has to have. Some things shouldn't even be thought about - they should be reflex and just what you do, like capitalizing at the start of a sentence or riding a bike. Normally I can look past it but when it is coming from someone who thinks they are so superior, I have to comment.

So, I have to ask this because it's one of the retarded things that you do all the time, OP. Didn't you learn in like the third or fourth grade not to follow a question mark with a period? My 7 year old mastered this last year. The question mark, like the exclamation point, ends the sentence. You don't seem to have an adult grasp of basic writing 101 skills and this is just one example. You do several other retarded things I will point out as I feel like in the near future.

Some other examples for now:

Your pic with 3rd grade spelling mistakes:

You constantly add extra spaces at the end of sentences but before the punctuation, like this example of the space before the question mark:

Quote:Any volunteers to take him out back and do an "old yeller" on him ?

Please work on your basic writing skills before putting down the intelligence of others. I'd appreciate that. It's just hard to take insults and criticisms, or anything serious really, from an adult that has inferior language skills to my little kids. I'm just saying, it's difficult for me. It's like watching a tard call other tards "tards." Food for thought? I hope so.

- The Antagonist - 11-03-2008

Poor thing can't, MF. He's too busy foaming at the mouth to do anything rational.

- Cynical Ninja - 11-03-2008

Middle Finger Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Hmmmmm........all a load of complete and utter shit as usual then biker bitch?.
I am by no means perfect, but there are certain basic writing skills that I thought everyone who graduated high school, or even junior high school, just has to have. Some things shouldn't even be thought about - they should be reflex and just what you do, like capitalizing at the start of a sentence or riding a bike. Normally I can look past it but when it is coming from someone who thinks they are so superior, I have to comment.

So, I have to ask this because it's one of the retarded things that you do all the time, OP. Didn't you learn in like the third or fourth grade not to follow a question mark with a period? My 7 year old mastered this last year. The question mark, like the exclamation point, ends the sentence. You don't seem to have an adult grasp of basic writing 101 skills and this is just one example. You do several other retarded things I will point out as I feel like in the near future.

Some other examples for now:

Your pic with 3rd grade spelling mistakes:

You constantly add extra spaces at the end of sentences but before the punctuation, like this example of the space before the question mark:

Quote:Any volunteers to take him out back and do an "old yeller" on him ?

Please work on your basic writing skills before putting down the intelligence of others. I'd appreciate that. It's just hard to take insults and criticisms, or anything serious really, from an adult that has inferior language skills to my little kids. I'm just saying, it's difficult for me. It's like watching a tard call other tards "tards." Food for thought? I hope so.
I have put my grammar and spelling skills on the back burner for now, when an uneducated retard like newbie can post incorrectly spelled, grammatically retarded posts with impunity why the fuck should I bother wasting my time checking my spelling and grammar ? Its a waste of time.
Interesting to see biker bitch saying "nobody cares who you have on ignore", 43 posts and over 400 views later says otherwise bitch.

- Middle Finger - 11-03-2008

Quote:I have put my grammar and spelling skills on the back burner for now
Nice cover up and lie, as usual. You've been making these third grade mistakes and retard spacing contraptions for the entire year and a half that I've known you.

You've obviously developed some retard habits frozen from the third grade or something because even after I point it out you just did it again. See below and notice the added retard space after the last word, before the question mark:

Quote:... bother wasting my time checking my spelling and grammar ?
I will also answer that. Why? Because you're an adult? More importantly, it shouldn't be about checking. It shouldn't take more time to not add a space. You obviously never had the mental capacity to have learned basic writing 101, or even notice that everyone around you doesn't add retard spaces. How the fuck do you even train yourself to add spaces? I'm not even getting into the second grade spelling errors, either.

Wait, since it's a chronic problem, it really should be mentioned again. Stop making second and third grade spelling errors, and more importantly, adding retard spaces and extra periods like some sort of escapee from juvenile detention if you are going to slam others about their intelligence. Please spell and space as well as a third grader (who doesn't even think about it or check) if you are going to be so "superior."


- The Antagonist - 11-03-2008

Quote:Interesting to see biker bitch saying "nobody cares who you have on ignore", 43 posts and over 400 views later says otherwise bitch.
Did you ever consider it is because people keep coming back to see how many different ways we're slapping your sloppy brains about? You gotta admit there are several people in this topic letting you know how ignorant you are.

- Sinister - 11-03-2008

Quote:Interesting to see biker bitch saying "nobody cares who you have on ignore", 43 posts and over 400 views later says otherwise bitch.
Has it ever occurred to that feeble, helpless, microscopic excusefor a brain of yours that you have become the forum punching bag? No one does care who the fuck you use the coward button on; they are all anxious for the constant and easy opportunities you offerto slap the shit out of you. You make it so easy even that islosing its allure. See? You're not even good at that! You are truly pathetic. And a coward and a liar. I'm gonna start calling you Taint. You're no different than him. The minor use we had for you to beat up on is becoming exceedingly too simple. :Yawn: