So You Think Your Insured ? - Printable Version

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- LuMPyPussy - 07-20-2009

Duchess Wrote:In your 60's ?...Ooohhhh hell, you shouldn't be in here !...You should be knitting or making cookies, you should be doing a Gramma activity...I wouldn't want my Mom in here...Hell no.
Tell Lumpy that.Smiley_emoticons_smile
She will in 10 years.

- Mock2zuma - 07-21-2009

The Antagonist Wrote:I put more info in your topic in the news forum. Maybe that will help you some. You'll need to get a jump on it now.

Mock2zuma, if you can afford it you can apply for and buy your own private insurance, there is a ton of info online for that stuff. Just go to any insurance company website.

From what I know of the govt. plan they're trying to push through now, it's only basic coverage, which means if you're really sick, you're pretty well fucked too. There's also some rumor going around that if you have private insurance and it runs out, you automatically (i think) go onto the new govt. plan and can never have private insurance again. Which will put all private insurance out of business if you ask me. I don't think this is true - it's insane if it is.
Bad thing is I'm very broke and unemployed ATM. I couldn't afford paying $10 a month for private insurance Smiley_emoticons_stumm

But I would like to try to get on a govt. plan. Where would I start?

- The Antagonist - 07-21-2009

The welfare office. Try for Medicaid. Trust me, you do not want it. My mother worked for the NYC housing authority and part of her job was helping out the tenants with their welfare situation. Medicaid is part of that and finding a doctor to treat you is hard enough, but finding one that is decent at his job and gives a shit about his patients is even harder.

Why would you actually want the govt telling you what doctor to go to, when you can get a procedure done etc?

Everyone is so hot for this new plan that Obama is pushing through but has anyone even taken the time to see how it's going to work and how your medical will sorted out? Does anyone know what kind of 'strings' he's attaching to you to qualify for the plan? Might want to look into that.

Things done in a rush usually are not the best thought out plans.

We need health care reform but it has to be reform of the insurance INDUSTRY and make it so everyone can afford the premiums. A national health plan would be good - but not run by the govt. Private industry should do this but that is a gigantic think alone to get it right without fucking it up.

The biggest problem is that no one realizes that insurance companies are actually in the business of gambling. They are gambling on you - that you don't ever make a claim and continue to pay those gigantic premiums.

Top it off they stack the odds against themselves making it harder and harder for them to lose the bet. YOU pay the cost of their stacking the odds.

If they were recognized as more of a gambling organization than insurance, there would be different attitudes all around.

Many insurance companies won't even insure in certain states. NJ is one of them. We have only a handful of companies who will insure you for ANY TYPE of insurance due to the high lawsuit rate here.

The govt isn't the answer. They've botched up everything they've done so far, what makes you think they'll not botch up health care?

- LKTraz - 07-22-2009

There needs to be limitations on litigation, STANDARDS for litigation (ie all states have the same award schedules and limits) and allowances for all insurers to compete in all states. Currently each company needs to apply for license to sell their insurance with each state. Open competition would help bring down premium rates as would rate caps on medical procedures and litigation.

Rate caps must also be applied to malpractice insurance premiums.

If the possibility of lawsuits were brought into the scope of reason then unnecessary procedures would not be ordered so willingly and costs would come WAY down.

This wouldn't be an instant change but one that would take place in a fairly short period of time (5-15 years) and be a more affordable and permanent solution to the current situation.

- The Antagonist - 07-22-2009

Here is the bill in it's entirety. It's a PDF -

Section 102 is the new hot button topic where they figured a way to regulate out private insurance altogether.

The bill is not intended to be comprehensive health care from what I've heard discussed on it, but only basic care. It takes care of your very basic needs with loads of strings attached.

- sally - 07-22-2009

The Antagonist Wrote:Everyone is so hot for this new plan that Obama is pushing through but has anyone even taken the time to see how it's going to work and how your medical will sorted out? Does anyone know what kind of 'strings' he's attaching to you to qualify for the plan? Might want to look into that.

Things done in a rush usually are not the best thought out plans.

We need health care reform but it has to be reform of the insurance INDUSTRY and make it so everyone can afford the premiums. A national health plan would be good - but not run by the govt. Private industry should do this but that is a gigantic think alone to get it right without fucking it up.
I think we need health care reform, but not the way Obama plans on it and I don't want to see this pass. I will be forced to provide all my employees with a shit health careplan or be fined. Great way to put small companies right the fuck out of buisness and cause even more unemployment.

- The Antagonist - 07-22-2009

Like I said, when you rush things they don't always come out with the desired results.

- Maggot - 07-22-2009

sally Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:Everyone is so hot for this new plan that Obama is pushing through but has anyone even taken the time to see how it's going to work and how your medical will sorted out? Does anyone know what kind of 'strings' he's attaching to you to qualify for the plan? Might want to look into that.

Things done in a rush usually are not the best thought out plans.

We need health care reform but it has to be reform of the insurance INDUSTRY and make it so everyone can afford the premiums. A national health plan would be good - but not run by the govt. Private industry should do this but that is a gigantic think alone to get it right without fucking it up.
I think we need health care reform, but not the way Obama plans on it and I don't want to see this pass. I will be forced to provide all my employees with a shit health careplan or be fined. Great way to put small companies right the fuck out of buisness and cause even more unemployment.
Ya think?.........Agreed!

- LKTraz - 07-23-2009

1018 pages? Now they want us to believe that they all have completely read and understand the bill before they vote on it. YEAH RIGHT!

Why do you think it is that each of these voluminous tomes need to be voted upon TODAY or surely total collapse and chaos will ensue?

Could it be that there's pork and otherwise unpassable bullshit hidden in the text of these near impossible to read monsters?

- BROTHER - 07-23-2009

LKTraz Wrote:1018 pages? Now they want us to believe that they all have completely read and understand the bill before they vote on it. YEAH RIGHT!

Why do you think it is that each of these voluminous tomes need to be voted upon TODAY or surely total collapse and chaos will ensue?

Could it be that there's pork and otherwise unpassable bullshit hidden in the text of these near impossible to read monsters?
I'm certain the Republicans want more time to stuff their little smokies!::bigg::

- LKTraz - 07-23-2009

LKTraz Wrote:1018 pages? Now they want us to believe that they all have completely read and understand the bill before they vote on it. YEAH RIGHT!

Why do you think it is that each of these voluminous tomes need to be voted upon TODAY or surely total collapse and chaos will ensue?

Could it be that there's pork and otherwise unpassable bullshit hidden in the text of these near impossible to read monsters?
I'm certain the Republicans want more time to stuff their little smokies!::bigg::
Just as the Democrats are trying to slip in multimillion dollar packages to study the habits of the 3 penised snail shell fucker. Really pertinent to the issue!

I really meant BOTH sides of the aisle here are giving the voters the royal poop chute ream.

- Saddragon - 07-24-2009

OKAY, Not to get to friendly but Medicaid is not all bad. IT depends on the state you live in and what your income is.

I have MS... case in point a chronic medical condition that goes through at least in medicine alone 2,000 a month and that's a cheap med.

Now add to that almost 2500 dollars in other LIFE sustaining meds that I need and you come up with 4500 dollars a month. NOT counting specialist visits primary care visits etc, eye care, I am so lucky as to have permanent damage from the MS.

now you are talking 50,000-60,000 a year just to keep breathing. 10 years 600,000 dollars. I am not insured on a spouses insurance.

Thank god after hearing that story.

Now heres the thing. Don't tell everybody medicaid sucks They pick up all of the bill except for 3-5 dollars a visit and $1-3 on meds oh and the MS meds at 2,000 dollars are free to me.

Do I support Obamas everybody gets health care bill? HELL NO.. it's shabby at best and will cut health care quality.

Also cobra in my state runs about 1500 dollars a MONTH for 3 individuals.. Who the hell can pay that shit?

In my state, under our rules, medicaid is a piece of cake... it must be NYC that sucks so much.

- Maggot - 07-24-2009

Why not dress up, streamline the medicaid system that is already in place? And expand on it.

- LKTraz - 07-24-2009

Maggot Wrote:Why not dress up, streamline the medicaid system that is already in place? And expand on it.
STREAMLINE? Hahahahahahahahahah. You're joking, right?

The govt is incapable of streamlining anything. All they would succeed in would be making it even MORE cumbersome and cost INefficient.

- Maggot - 07-24-2009

The system is already in place. If it was run like a business it would be much more than what it is. The problem is the Government likes giving hand outs to people that are not even citizens putting into it, thusthe loss. Build a couple hospitalsthrough the stimulus package and accept illegal immigrants they could be used as human test trials for new drugs. They could sign a contract for the free medical care.

I will get shit for this, I just know it.

- The Antagonist - 07-24-2009

I've been saying streamline Medicaid for ages. It could be done. Turn it over to a businessman and let him take it over without the whiny petty bleeding heart bullshit from the left.

Newt Gingrich was on the TV today telling how it can be done and how he's got a plan that can work, cost nothing in new taxes and how the govt now is paying for things they are blatantly getting ripped off of in the Medicaid system for like two pizza parlors getting funded for being AIDS transfusion stations!

I also don't like the idea of my personal medical information in some govt database so anyone can look at my personal info and issues that should be private between me and my doctor only.

But then again, I can choose the red pill over the blue pill and make it all magically work!

I got news for you all - generic drugs are NOT in any way, shape or form the SAME as their brand name counterparts. I have had plenty of bad reactions to generic drugs that I do not get from the brand name. It's the fillers they use to make the pill that can cause problems. I've gone plenty without medicine I need because the side effects of the generic far outweigh the "benefit" of the drug.

There are plenty of drug plans with private insurance that will NOT cover brand name drugs and force you into using generics.

BROTHER - you know you CAN apply for an extension of your COBRA.

- BROTHER - 07-24-2009

The Antagonist Wrote:I've been saying streamline Medicaid for ages. It could be done. Turn it over to a businessman and let him take it over without the whiny petty bleeding heart bullshit from the left.

Newt Gingrich was on the TV today telling how it can be done and how he's got a plan that can work, cost nothing in new taxes and how the govt now is paying for things they are blatantly getting ripped off of in the Medicaid system for like two pizza parlors getting funded for being AIDS transfusion stations!

I also don't like the idea of my personal medical information in some govt database so anyone can look at my personal info and issues that should be private between me and my doctor only.

But then again, I can choose the red pill over the blue pill and make it all magically work!

I got news for you all - generic drugs are NOT in any way, shape or form the SAME as their brand name counterparts. I have had plenty of bad reactions to generic drugs that I do not get from the brand name. It's the fillers they use to make the pill that can cause problems. I've gone plenty without medicine I need because the side effects of the generic far outweigh the "benefit" of the drug.

There are plenty of drug plans with private insurance that will NOT cover brand name drugs and force you into using generics.

BROTHER - you know you CAN apply for an extension of your COBRA.
This stuff just makes me run away and hide......

- Maggot - 07-24-2009


This stuff just makes me run away and hide......

- BROTHER - 07-24-2009
