WTF is this happy crappy? - Printable Version

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RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - Duchess - 01-22-2012

If she laughs I'm going to freak da fuck out.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - IMaDick - 01-22-2012

(01-22-2012, 01:41 PM)Duchess Wrote:

If she laughs I'm going to freak da fuck out.

If she doesn't laugh she goes on my shit list for the next month.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - Duchess - 01-22-2012

You WANT to see me freak out?

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - Jurassic - 01-22-2012

Yes please Duchess hah

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - sally - 01-22-2012

(01-22-2012, 01:06 PM)JsMom Wrote: I'm a happy person and I always laugh. What's wrong with that? Stick in the mud much?

You are overusing the smiley and other people shouldn't have to point that out to you. You should know on your own that it's not necessary to include it in every post, it just makes you look like an asshole. The same thing with the face palm, if you can't do it with style then don't do it at all.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - JsMom - 01-22-2012

(01-22-2012, 02:00 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
(01-22-2012, 01:41 PM)Duchess Wrote:

If she laughs I'm going to freak da fuck out.

If she doesn't laugh she goes on my shit list for the next month.

When am I not? Boo 86 Hoo

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - JsMom - 01-22-2012

(01-22-2012, 02:30 PM)sally Wrote:
(01-22-2012, 01:06 PM)JsMom Wrote: I'm a happy person and I always laugh. What's wrong with that? Stick in the mud much?

You are overusing the smiley and other people shouldn't have to point that out to you. You should know on your own that it's not necessary to include it in every post, it just makes you look like an asshole. The same thing with the face palm, if you can't do it with style then don't do it at all.

Fuck Off smilie haters...Ok I'll try.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - thekid65 - 01-22-2012

Yes, better.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - ramseycat - 01-23-2012

(01-21-2012, 02:05 AM)Cracker Wrote:
(01-20-2012, 05:14 PM)ramseycat Wrote: Or field trips that cost me $10 for a school bus.

Most of them work their asses off at home and I know I wouldn't enjoy being my brats 24/7.

[Image: lois.jpg]

Cheap POS. I have never heard any decent parent bitch about paying for a field trip. Only niggers and white trash do that. Just don't pay it next time. Parents like me send in extra money for the kids with worthless fucking parents who don't want to pay for their own fucking children. Jesus Christ.

If you are raising brats, and I am sure you are, you are a completely useless human being. You don't work at work and you don't parent at home. What good are you?

I don't think I like you.

Oh, and you have fucked up hair.

Exactly where did I say I didn't pay for my child's field trip? I can bitch about having to pay extra for a school bus to take my kid on a field trip because the amount I pay in school taxes it outrageous. If they were taking a private bus that would be different. I always pay for my kids to go on every field trip if it's required. In fact for the past 8 12 years I have paid for every single extra thing for my kids unlike their father. Football, baseball, basketball, instruments, tae kwon shut your stupid mouth Cracker. You don't know me. You don't know anything about me. You have conjured up this image in your small brain based on some postings on a message board. As for my hair? Get over it already. I am sure your hair looks fab after a night of fun dancing. In fact I am certain you look perfect all the time. After all you are the smartest, most beautiful, slim woman in all of Atlanta. I hope I don't run into you next week while I am down there. I might faint at the sight of such perfection.

Cracker = Asshat

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - thekid65 - 01-23-2012

Quote:I hope I don't run into you next week while I am down there. I might faint at the sight of such perfection.

You guys should meet, and settle things with nekkid mud wrestling. Pics to be posted, of course.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - ramseycat - 01-23-2012

(01-23-2012, 09:19 AM)thekid65 Wrote:
Quote:I hope I don't run into you next week while I am down there. I might faint at the sight of such perfection.

You guys should meet, and settle things with nekkid mud wrestling. Pics to be posted, of course.

Yea I don't think so. Given that she is so superior to everyone in everyway, I wouldn't want to risk defeat. hah

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - JsMom - 01-23-2012

(01-23-2012, 09:19 AM)thekid65 Wrote:
Quote:I hope I don't run into you next week while I am down there. I might faint at the sight of such perfection.

You guys should meet, and settle things with nekkid mud wrestling. Pics to be posted, of course.

I truly Laughed Out Loud! 86 smilie haters

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - LuciferLynn - 01-23-2012

(01-21-2012, 07:20 AM)cannongal Wrote:
(01-21-2012, 05:25 AM)LuciferLynn Wrote: Fuck that shit. All I'm saying is I'm not paying $15 for my youngest to go to the zoo when I know damn well it costs $5 to get in.

you are a dumb bitch-The other $10.00 covers the cost of the bus charter, chaperons, and insurance. Thanks to the sue happy society we live in, insurance costs for field trips (which must be taken out as a separate policy for each trip), has skyrocketed.

I can't believe the things some people will gripe about-you are one Lame bitch

Bus charter? Chaperones? Try school buses and volunteers. And I drive my kids to their local field trips.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - ramseycat - 01-23-2012

(01-23-2012, 10:55 AM)LuciferLynn Wrote:
(01-21-2012, 07:20 AM)cannongal Wrote:
(01-21-2012, 05:25 AM)LuciferLynn Wrote: Fuck that shit. All I'm saying is I'm not paying $15 for my youngest to go to the zoo when I know damn well it costs $5 to get in.

you are a dumb bitch-The other $10.00 covers the cost of the bus charter, chaperons, and insurance. Thanks to the sue happy society we live in, insurance costs for field trips (which must be taken out as a separate policy for each trip), has skyrocketed.

I can't believe the things some people will gripe about-you are one Lame bitch

Bus charter? Chaperones? Try school buses and volunteers. And I drive my kids to their local field trips.

Exactly. School buses and parent volunteers. Why do we have to pay extra for that? And don't say I don't volunteer because I do. Even though I am a single parent and work full time, I do my share. And I don't do it because I have to, I do it because I want to.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - ramseycat - 01-23-2012

Also, in NY if your child is injured on any bus it's your own auto insurance that covers the medical bills. I don't know what the law are in other states in regards to busses.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - cannongal - 01-23-2012

(01-23-2012, 10:55 AM)LuciferLynn Wrote: Bus charter? Chaperones? Try school buses and volunteers. And I drive my kids to their local field trips.

The school still has to pay for the school bus that drives all the other kids to the field trip, you dumb fuck. It's called chartering the bus. It is a separate contract besides the one the school signs with the bus company to pick little Ramsey, User and Dickiepoo up every morning and drop them back off every afternoon. Along with the bus charter comes another insurance premium to pay for the accident that Luciferlynn Jr has when he sticks his damn hand in the tiger cage.

If 'volunteers' in your school paid their own admission into a field trip, I'd be impressed-as the teachers and aids admissions have to be built into the cost.

While don't you try looking at the school budget and seeing what everybody else pays with their tax money to educate your child-go cry about paying $10.00 extra to the people that pay those taxes, I'm sure they would sympathize.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - LuciferLynn - 01-23-2012

They publish the school budget in the paper here, fuckwad. Volunteers ARE expected to pay their own way and I pay $3k a year school taxes, and our school district has bought and paid for every school bus they use. There is no "bus company", theres a "bus garage" where they park them at night across from the school campus.

In addition, my insurance is responsible for anything that happens, along with the fundraiser bullshit, I get waivers absolving the school of any liability due to injury at school or a school function, including field trips that are to be signed.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - ramseycat - 01-23-2012

Our schools are the same. The district owns all the buses and the bus garage is on the main campus. They service them there and everything. I have to sign a form giving my kids health insurance information in the event they are hurt on a field trip. The school isn't footing that bill.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - LuciferLynn - 01-23-2012

We even have diesel pumps at the garage.

I love my kids school, it's the highest rated school in the county and the staff is wonderful at all the schools, but I have always felt like someone is skimming off the top. This year my oldest was supposed to go on an overnight trip with his class that he's decided he doesn't want to go on since we are going there this summer with my mother. They want $750 a person for bus fare and hotel, food and other expenses are extra. 150 kids are going (plus volunteers, which also have to pay), thats over $100k. The principal told me it was my duty as a parent to participate in the fundraiser (that every other kid in his grade is participating in) or pay the money, even if my oldest doesn't go. I don't think so. I donated to the trip fund but I'm not paying almost a thousand dollars for a trip my kid isn't going on.

I'll donate my time and my money, but sometimes, enough is enough.

RE: WTF is this happy crappy? - Maggot - 01-23-2012

Just give the Principle a cookie.