Sinister is the spelling police - Printable Version

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- noholes86ed - 06-11-2008

Go on, sinister, flash 'em a big ole smile. ::bigg::

- SATAN - 06-11-2008

By the way what's the Eight Ball for?::dunno::

- noholes86ed - 06-11-2008

SATAN Wrote:By the way what's the Eight Ball for?::dunno::

It'seither a snitchesdumb asseddrug adversisment for speed or it means she's behind the 8 ball.

She has put herself in the latter.

- Sinister - 06-11-2008

SATAN Wrote:By the way what's the Eight Ball for?::dunno::
Actually, to correct the retard that has deluded himself into believing he knows anything, the picture was taken on a pool table and my husband wanted the eight ball there so he put it there. There is no "secret, hidden" meaning to it. The blackmatchedmy black leather chaps. <sarcasm> Ooooh, mysterious and mystical, eh? </sarcasm>

- Necro - 06-11-2008

Sinister Wrote:Yeah, and? I am sick of looking at the illiterate fucks in the other place and not being able to say anything to them..... ::batguy:: ::sly::

Fucking agreed.
Except I dont have any authority here either...
But its pretty fun telling Tourettes Bitch to crawl out of his cardboard box and start school, anyways...

- SATAN - 06-11-2008

I thought maybe it was a magic Eight Ball and you put it there so you nether regions could find out it's future. ::boobs::

- OnBendedKnee - 01-16-2009

[user=34]jackboots[/user] wrote:
Quote:coming only has one m. Smiley_emoticons_razz

And a 'U', not an '[O'. :kiss::

- sally - 01-16-2009

OnBendedKnee Wrote:[user=34]jackboots[/user] wrote:
Quote:coming only has one m. Smiley_emoticons_razz

And a 'U', not an '[O'. :kiss::
Thank youOBK for digging up this wonderful read and adding absolutely fucking nothing to it, thanks!

- OnBendedKnee - 01-16-2009

Thanks Sally.
I was reading some of Sinister's* older posts/threads and stumbled upon this gem.

I tried to find something fascinating you've written- really, just anything even mildly amusing you've typed out but was unsuccessful in my quest.

I suppose that is the difference between the two of you. Well, that and about 2,000 other qualities she has and you lack.

*No! It is not growing into a Sinister Obsession.

- Sinister - 01-16-2009

OnBendedKnee Wrote:*No! It is not growing into a Sinister Obsession.
No, it's growing into a kissing Sinister's ass and trying to make her like cops mission. 32

- Liquid - 01-16-2009

This thread was literally 7 fucking months old with no posts and OnBrokenKnee felt the need to revive it??? Are you that stupid and unoriginal that you can't actually contribute with new threads that people might be interested in??

- ramseycat - 01-16-2009

I think OBK has a crush on Sin. hehehee

- sally - 01-16-2009

OnBendedKnee Wrote:Thanks Sally.
I was reading some of Sinister's* older posts/threads and stumbled upon this gem.

I tried to find something fascinating you've written- really, just anything even mildly amusing you've typed out but was unsuccessful in my quest.

I suppose that is the difference between the two of you. Well, that and about 2,000 other qualities she has and you lack.

*No! It is not growing into a Sinister Obsession.
I take it you know her personally since you know so much about her qualities. Either that or you are a stalker. I don't know her very well, however. She does seem to have a set of balls or at least acts like it anyway so she hasone up on you. Keepup the good workyou ass licking sycophant pig ::thumbs::

- Sinister - 01-16-2009

sally Wrote:I take it you know her personally since you know so much about her qualities.
Has it not been made abundantlyclear that I don't know any cops IRL??? I do not and would not ever associate in public or anywhere else with a cop, other than the one exception I mentioned earlier. Bikers + cops is like oil + water. Doesn't work.

- OnBendedKnee - 01-16-2009

Liquid Wrote:This thread was literally 7 fucking months old with no posts and OnBrokenKnee felt the need to revive it??? Are you that stupid and unoriginal that you can't actually contribute with new threads that people might be interested in??

There have been many members who have joined in the last seven months.

I found many comments within this thread interesting and funny and thought others might too.

I see I errored in judgment on that issue.

It won't happen again...

- Liquid - 01-16-2009

good - now go hang yourself in your bathroom for your error in judgment

- Sinister - 01-16-2009

OnBendedKnee Wrote:I see I errored in judgment on that issue.

It won't happen again...
[user=47]Liquid[/user] wrote:
Quote:good - now go hang yourself in your bathroom for your error in judgment

Don't get all soft and gushy and think I like you; I'm replying to this because that Liquid bitch has no authority here regarding at what age a thread shouldn't be bumped. Or any other sort of authority either. So you made no fucking error; bump what the fuck you want to bump and tell Liquid to fuck off and die.

- sally - 01-16-2009

Liquid Wrote:good - now go hang yourself in your bathroom for your error in judgment
Don't tell him that. There are hookers to harass and doughnutsto eat. Not to mention kissing Sinisters ass and stinking this whole place up with bacon. The world needs him.

- OnBendedKnee - 01-16-2009

Damn, Sally. You wrote that all yourself? Working TacoBell by day and taking GED classes at night has paid off.

- Liquid - 01-16-2009

Sinister Wrote:
OnBendedKnee Wrote:I see I errored in judgment on that issue.

It won't happen again...
[user=47]Liquid[/user] wrote:
Quote:good - now go hang yourself in your bathroom for your error in judgment
Don't get all soft and gushy and think I like you; I'm replying to this because that Liquid bitch has no authority here regarding at what age a thread shouldn't be bumped. Or any other sort of authority either. So you made no fucking error; bump what the fuck you want to bump and tell Liquid to fuck off and die.
wow you have become a pussy sinCUNTer. you used to be the evil devil, but now you are the pussy protector of the meek. sad to see how far you have fallen.