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RE: Republican Debate - Cracker - 06-14-2011

(06-14-2011, 11:02 AM)username Wrote: I disagree, Dick. Not to say that I have huge faith in the federal government to manage the environment, but I know I wouldn't trust it to the individual states.

Founder of the Tea Party Caucus in Congress, Bachmann has emerged as a sort of Rachel Carson-in-Reverse, damning environmentalists and making sweeping statements of denial about human-caused warming of the Earth.

“Carbon dioxide is natural, it is not harmful,” she said in a House floor speech of the greenhouse gas that is building in the atmosphere.

“It is part of Earth’s life cycle, and yet we’re being told that we have to reduce this natural substance, reduce the American standard of living, to create an arbitrary reduction in something that is naturally occurring in Earth.”

During Bachman’s first House reelection, in 2008, she declared: “The big thing we are working on now is the global warming hoax. It’s all voodoo, nonsense, hokum, a hoax.”

I have to agree about global warming being mostly attributed to natural climatic changes. Most people believe the junk science version because they don't know enough science to realize Earth would heat up/cool down on its own.

What little humans do influence the climate is due largley to biomass burning in lesser developed nations. We have no control over them. They have lived that way for thousands of years. The EPA doesn't have any say in what they.

States do regulate vehicle and factory/refinery emissions and clear air and water standards. The problem I have with the EPA (regional headquarters is Atlanta so I know a few longtime employees) is regulation to the point of economic disaster for this country and billions of wasteful spendinng on useless projects like Superfund sites. Have they actually cleaned any Superfund sites?

Don't listen to politicians regarding global warming. Take a few geology and meteorology classes and you'll have a different view of the matter.

RE: Republican Debate - Cracker - 06-14-2011

(06-14-2011, 11:32 AM)IMaDick Wrote: National standards? Holy shit, I can't believe there are people out there that think the federal government should rule the states.

The problems in this country started a long time ago: Are you a unionist or a nationalist? I feel comfortable in the South because I see this country as a nation of states with individual states' rights and individual state identities. If you don't like the rules in one state, move to another.

Some people are unionists. They believe the federal government should regulate every single citizen. They forget the Constitution GIVES us rights and limits the powers of government. A government is for protection. We didn't make this country so we could be the government's bitch.

I may hold my views because I come from a long line of Americans. If you come from a family that came here for protection or financial gain, you may have other views. As for me, though, Don't Tread On Cracker.

From the Articles of Confederation (that's where they got the name), the first written constitution of the United States:

"The said states hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defense, the security of their Liberties, and their mutual and general welfare."
Articles of Confederation

RE: Republican Debate - username - 06-14-2011

(06-14-2011, 03:20 PM)Cracker Wrote: The problem I have with the EPA (regional headquarters is Atlanta so I know a few longtime employees) is regulation to the point of economic disaster for this country and billions of wasteful spendinng on useless projects like Superfund sites. Have they actually cleaned any Superfund sites?

Don't listen to politicians regarding global warming. Take a few geology and meteorology classes and you'll have a different view of the matter.

I have no problem with EPA reform; I just wouldn't throw it out entirely.

Global warming aside, for me it's about the quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the ocean my kids swim in etc.

RE: Republican Debate - Cracker - 06-14-2011

Government has gotten so big, people don't realize who regulates what.

This is a good example of what a state regulates (you'll be surprised):

The Clean Water Act predates the EPA by over 20 years. The National Environmental Policy Act is a year older than the EPA and already has a regulatory commission, the Council on Environmental Quality. The federal government has law that regulates pollution on all lands/waters and the use of public lands. Here is a short list of laws:

As Dick said, the EPA is completely redundant and wasteful.

RE: Republican Debate - Cracker - 06-14-2011

I'm more worried about jobs.

How are we going to get people back to work? It must be a nightmare for people who want to work but can't find a job that pays well enough to support their families and keep their homes.

Presidents can't "make jobs" no matter what they say (even though Obama increased the federal workforce, couldn't afford that solution). How are we going to get America back to work?

It is going to take some major policy changes. We are going to have to stop throwing good money after bad and make people start earning what they get. Does Ron Paul have a solid solution for this? I think it is the number one problem we have in this country today.

I think that man has my vote. I feel him. He understands the real problems and isn't throwing bullshit on the pile. If he were to win, I know I will be bitching about having to pitch in some extra money for a few years, but I'm OK with that. I want to make things better for my children, especially since my generation fucked everything up for them. Don't leave a mess. It is one of the first lessons we teach our young.

I'm through post whoring now. hahaha

RE: Republican Debate - Cracker - 06-14-2011

OK, I'm an asshole, one more. Watch it, its 60 seconds. It will put "global warming" into a new perspective for you. GHG is GreenHouse Gases.

RE: Republican Debate - Midwest Spy - 06-14-2011

(06-14-2011, 04:31 PM)Cracker Wrote: I'm more worried about jobs.

How are we going to get people back to work? It must be a nightmare for people who want to work but can't find a job that pays well enough to support their families and keep their homes.

Presidents can't "make jobs" no matter what they say (even though Obama increased the federal workforce, couldn't afford that solution). How are we going to get America back to work?

It is going to take some major policy changes. We are going to have to stop throwing good money after bad and make people start earning what they get. Does Ron Paul have a solid solution for this? I think it is the number one problem we have in this country today.

I think that man has my vote. I feel him. He understands the real problems and isn't throwing bullshit on the pile. If he were to win, I know I will be bitching about having to pitch in some extra money for a few years, but I'm OK with that. I want to make things better for my children, especially since my generation fucked everything up for them. Don't leave a mess. It is one of the first lessons we teach our young.

I'm through post whoring now. hahaha

As Tiki stated yesterday, Ron Paul WAS an option in '08. He was at the RNC convention in St. Paul, and was largely ignored. He was on the ticket. Everyone in the Republican party became enamored with the McCain/Palin ticket.

As a 'centrist' Republican I just don't think he'll ever win the nomination, which is too bad, because his ideas and views on issues are probably what most people in the country would agree on.

I don't often get into these political debates, but thought I'd stir the pot a little. Regarding the Duchess/ImADick debate regarding Liberals in Mock, I believe Dick is referring to: User, Duchess herself, OP, and I'm not sure of others.

Cracker and Dick would seem to be two of the most right leaning members, with Tiki seeming to trend that way. Me too.Smiley_emoticons_razz

RE: Republican Debate - Cracker - 06-14-2011

I'm a registered Libertarian. Have been for years and years. Libertarians aren't considered liberal or conservative. I stop short at militia memberships, but I am a Constitutionalist. I believe strongly in personal freedom AND personal responsibility: Liberals and conservatives usually choose one or the other. Liberals want the personal freedom without the responsibility, conservatives want everyone to be responsible even at the cost of personal freedom.

I am an old school American. Work for what you want, pay for what you do and get, leave other people the hell alone. That isn't conservative, it is the way things used to be and the way things should be. Big government forgot that shit when they were pandering for votes. Cracker won't go in your box. I just seem right wing because I'm reasonably educated and don't have my hand in other people's pockets. I don't fall for bullshit hype because I know better.

RE: Republican Debate - Cracker - 06-14-2011

(06-14-2011, 05:40 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: As Tiki stated yesterday, Ron Paul WAS an option in '08.

No shit. Everybody knows that but Username. I had his sign in my yard.

RE: Republican Debate - thekid65 - 06-14-2011

Quote:The problem I have with the EPA (regional headquarters is Atlanta so I know a few longtime employees) is regulation to the point of economic disaster for this country and billions of wasteful spendinng on useless projects like Superfund sites. Have they actually cleaned any Superfund sites?

Being in the metal finishing business the last 25 years, I've dealt with the EPA/DEQ on numerous occasions. They've over-regulated shit constantly. I'm not saying we should revert back to the days previous to the 70's where waste was allowed to be dumped into rivers, etc....but regulations they arbitrarily impose are ridiculous, along with the paperwork/record keeping they require. It's a huge expense on businesses such as mine, and more so for much larger companies.

How many of you have dumped leftover Coke/soda pop down the drain over the years....I'd hazard a guess all of you the tune of 100's of gallons all totaled. For me, at work? If I were to dump something down the drain with the same pH as most sodas (around a pH 3 or less, my limit is 5), I'd be subject to fines.

Ladies..those old bottles of nail polish, and remover you chuck in the trash? Me? fines. That little bit of paint leftover in the can? Fined. Your household cleaners you dump down the drain? Me? Fined. Clean you clogged trap out with Draino? Me? fined. Your lightbulbs you throw away? Me? Fined. The list goes on, and on, and on. And of course, I'm also subjected to the possibility of jail time for doing the same thing the public does every day.

And the thing is, I have to keep detailed records of all of the stuff that I have to pay an exorbitant amount of money to legally dispose of for a period of 3 years...the same fucking things that Joe Q. Public chucks in the trash every day.

We are getting our asses kicked by other countries that don't have such's almost impossible to compete..along with the fact that other countries don't pay the same wages as we do, in the USA.

The EPA and DEQ need to be railed in a little bit..they make it very hard to do business. Again, I don't want to do any harm to the environment..but I'm damned tired of the knee-jerk reactions/regulations that I have to deal with on a day-to-day basis.

As to your Superfund question...yes, many sites have been cleaned up, thanks to the CERCLA program (funded also, by all the chemicals that my company buys). Here's a list, if you're interested. Of course, there's still a long way to go.

RE: Republican Debate - username - 06-14-2011

(06-14-2011, 04:18 PM)Cracker Wrote: The Clean Water Act predates the EPA by over 20 years. The National Environmental Policy Act is a year older than the EPA and already has a regulatory commission, the Council on Environmental Quality. The federal government has law that regulates pollution on all lands/waters and the use of public lands. Here is a short list of laws:

As Dick said, the EPA is completely redundant and wasteful.

A few of those laws include "The EPA will..." so take out the EPA part and replace it with what? Honestly, I don't care who is responsible for making sure the environmental laws are followed, as long as they're followed by all the states.

Go ahead. Hand it over to the states. The State of California handles everything well. Smiley_emoticons_slash

As for unionist or nationalist I prefer to think of it as centralization vs. decentralization (at least in this case). Economies of scale and all that; you would think this shit would work better than it does. The EPA employs roughly 18,000 people. If every state had their own environmental enforcement agency, I wonder how many employees that would entail? Just thinking out loud.

I'll look at the videos in a bit. Smiley_emoticons_smile

RE: Republican Debate - Maggot - 06-14-2011

Cracker you may like this forum or at least browse it. Smiley_emoticons_biggrin

RE: Republican Debate - username - 06-14-2011

(06-14-2011, 06:05 PM)Cracker Wrote:
(06-14-2011, 05:40 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: As Tiki stated yesterday, Ron Paul WAS an option in '08.

No shit. Everybody knows that but Username. I had his sign in my yard.


I knew it but I didn't consider him. For a couple of reasons. Like I said before, I was pretty sure I was going to vote Democrat this past election and secondly, I have to agree with MS that I doubt he's a viable candidate. I don't think he'll get the Republican party nomination this time either. He's too outside mainstream Republicana.

RE: Republican Debate - Maggot - 06-14-2011

Here is a raw video of Ron Paul In Portsmouth last week. may do good in 12

RE: Republican Debate - thekid65 - 06-14-2011

(06-14-2011, 06:10 PM)username Wrote: A few of those laws include "The EPA will..." so take out the EPA part and replace it with what? Honestly, I don't care who is responsible for making sure the environmental laws are followed, as long as they're followed by all the states.

Go ahead. Hand it over to the states. The State of California handles everything well. Smiley_emoticons_slash

When you take out the EPA's replaced by DEQ (the state version of the EPA)

California is the worst of the worst when it comes to over regulation enviromental issues.

RE: Republican Debate - username - 06-14-2011

(06-14-2011, 05:40 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: Regarding the Duchess/ImADick debate regarding Liberals in Mock, I believe Dick is referring to: User, Duchess herself, OP, and I'm not sure of others.

Cracker and Dick would seem to be two of the most right leaning members, with Tiki seeming to trend that way. Me too.Smiley_emoticons_razz

You live in the midwest. You wouldn't know a liberal if one bit you on your fat, hairy ass.

I can't be a liberal. I support the Arizona and Alabama immigration laws, I'm fine with chopping up Medicare, I voted for Ronnie and the first Bush, and nobody in my household owns a pair of Birkenstocks.

RE: Republican Debate - username - 06-14-2011

(06-14-2011, 06:24 PM)thekid65 Wrote: When you take out the EPA's replaced by DEQ (the state version of the EPA)

Jesus Christ, the family tree grows.

I think Cracker said somewhere in here that I didn't want to know about the size of government; I think she's right. I'm getting a headache.

RE: Republican Debate - Maggot - 06-14-2011

I do not consider username a liberal. Luke warmwater is a liberal. I believe OP is one also. But they are needed for balance. Anything one sided is wrong. Input is good, and debate is healthy.

RE: Republican Debate - thekid65 - 06-14-2011

(06-14-2011, 06:29 PM)username Wrote:
(06-14-2011, 06:24 PM)thekid65 Wrote: When you take out the EPA's replaced by DEQ (the state version of the EPA)

Jesus Christ, the family tree grows.

I think Cracker said somewhere in here that I didn't want to know about the size of government; I think she's right. I'm getting a headache.

Then I'll refrain from posting the PDF of CRF 40 (the code of federal regulations that relates to environmental shit). Your computer would probably lock up if you tried to D-load it all.

RE: Republican Debate - Midwest Spy - 06-14-2011

(06-14-2011, 06:25 PM)username Wrote: [i]
(06-14-2011, 05:40 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: Regarding the Duchess/ImADick debate regarding Liberals in Mock, I believe Dick is referring to: User, Duchess herself, OP, and I'm not sure of others.

Cracker and Dick would seem to be two of the most right leaning members, with Tiki seeming to trend that way. Me too.Smiley_emoticons_razz

You live in the midwest. You wouldn't know a liberal if one bit you on your fat, hairy ass.

I can't be a liberal. I support the Arizona and Alabama immigration laws, I'm fine with chopping up Medicare, I voted for Ronnie and the first Bush, and nobody in my household owns a pair of Birkenstocks.

Actually User, I'm not really name-calling, I'm just saying out loud what Dick hasn't said. Half of my family (mom's side) are very liberal. And, I WOULD know liberals... Minneapolis/St.Paul is VERY liberal. For instance, Minnesota is the only state George McGovern won in '72, and one of only two states Mondale won in '84. (Not exactly proud of those facts).

I have no problems with you, or anyone else out here for that matter, regarding their political beliefs. Very touchy subject. In fact, I don't get into any real debates with any of you, because you all seem to really know your shit (pulling up old articles, etc.).

BTW, I'm heading to Newport Beach in a month for a little R & R. Hope the 'June Gloom' is gone by then.

Oh, and one other thing... I actually have a nice athletic, UNhairy ass.Awink