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The truth about racism - Printable Version

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RE: The truth about racism - username - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 12:31 AM)IMaDick Wrote:
(02-16-2011, 12:15 AM)username Wrote:
(02-15-2011, 09:08 PM)IMaDick Wrote: first off your moniker also known as a username, is stupid.


You're so sensitive when rubbed the right way. I wasn't talking to or about you.

So you say. I prefer my delusions of grandeur.

RE: The truth about racism - Cracker - 02-16-2011

1....2....3....4.....5! 5! FIVE!!!! Where's my gotdam check?

This doesn't work for white people.

That sucks.

RE: The truth about racism - IMaDick - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 01:04 AM)username Wrote:
(02-16-2011, 12:31 AM)IMaDick Wrote:
(02-16-2011, 12:15 AM)username Wrote:
(02-15-2011, 09:08 PM)IMaDick Wrote: first off your moniker also known as a username, is stupid.


You're so sensitive when rubbed the right way. I wasn't talking to or about you.

So you say. I prefer my delusions of grandeur.

So you admit to being delusional. hah

RE: The truth about racism - Misguided - 02-16-2011

Wow....had a lot of response since the move,eh?
Guess Netsleuth could'nt handle the pressure and choose to back out.
I will get into conversations and discussions with those who want to learn and discuss the problems and issues at hand but not if it is a lost cause and nothing good or a different understanding will come from it.
Some choose to not listen or learn anything or are too set in their thoughts and mindset to open up to other opinions....and then again,...some benifit from the entitlements and loopholes in the system at our expense and dont want anything changed so that they can continue to have a free ride on our backs.
I believe her to be in that catagory and she is dead weight.Her kids will be the same way.

RE: The truth about racism - thekid65 - 02-16-2011

(02-15-2011, 09:08 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
(02-15-2011, 08:56 PM)thekid65 Wrote: First of all, my moniker is thekid65....never confuse me with that dick fellow. Secondly, it's cool to disagree with me, a lot of folks do. And finally, no need to announce your unsubscription from this thread...sounds like a little kid that's taking his ball, and going home.,,,this forum is obviously not for you.

hahhah first off your moniker also known as a username, is stupid.

you should be proud that you have been mistaken for someone of my caliber.

Your opinion of my moniker really fucking does!

At first I considered it an insult, but then considered the intelligence of the source, and figured it was just a fuck-up.

RE: The truth about racism - IMaDick - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 06:10 PM)thekid65 Wrote:
(02-15-2011, 09:08 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
(02-15-2011, 08:56 PM)thekid65 Wrote: First of all, my moniker is thekid65....never confuse me with that dick fellow. Secondly, it's cool to disagree with me, a lot of folks do. And finally, no need to announce your unsubscription from this thread...sounds like a little kid that's taking his ball, and going home.,,,this forum is obviously not for you.

hahhah first off your moniker also known as a username, is stupid.

you should be proud that you have been mistaken for someone of my caliber.

Your opinion of my moniker really fucking does!

At first I considered it an insult, but then considered the intelligence of the source, and figured it was just a fuck-up.

You were the source.

RE: The truth about racism - thekid65 - 02-16-2011

No, the source was the fucknugget whom I originally responded to, however it doesnt surprise me that you got confused.

RE: The truth about racism - IMaDick - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 07:19 PM)thekid65 Wrote: No, the source was the fucknugget whom I originally responded to, however it doesnt surprise me that you got confused.

who's word was Moniker?

RE: The truth about racism - Cracker - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 09:21 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
(02-16-2011, 07:19 PM)thekid65 Wrote: No, the source was the fucknugget whom I originally responded to, however it doesnt surprise me that you got confused.

who's word was Moniker?

1849, said to be originally a hobo term (but attested in London underclass from 1851), of uncertain origin; perhaps from monk (monks and nuns take new names with their vows, and early 19c. British tramps referred to themselves as "in the monkery").

RE: The truth about racism - Lady Cop - 02-16-2011

often pronounced "monosque".

RE: The truth about racism - Cracker - 02-16-2011

Nutfuck is in the "monkery", too, but not the one where they wear robes.

RE: The truth about racism - BlueTiki - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 11:04 PM)Cracker Wrote: Nutfuck is in the "monkery", too, but not the one where they wear robes.

"Dat's da facque, Jacque!"

RE: The truth about racism - Maggot - 02-16-2011

I loved the "Planet of the Apes" movie series and never considered it having racial undertones until I joined the service. Up till then I thought it was a bunch of monkeys in robes...........How numb was I?

RE: The truth about racism - Cracker - 02-17-2011

(02-16-2011, 11:28 PM)BlueTiki Wrote:
(02-16-2011, 11:04 PM)Cracker Wrote: Nutfuck is in the "monkery", too, but not the one where they wear robes.

"Dat's da facque, Jacque!"

"Give me the secret, mancub." hahaha

For those who are wondering, NO, I don't feel bad teasing about it. We all came from a Genetic Eve. Not in the mythical Biblical way, but in the evolutionary development theory way. If someone's branch of the tree never progressed much beyond using sticks for tools because they were too lazy to walk very far, that is a genetic weakness for which I am not accepting blame. All things were equal on Earth generations ago, genetic lines made their choices then. Luckily, my progenitors liked abundant food and independent thought and weren't satisfied waiting for the bananas to fall off the tree.

If that makes someone want to beat their head against the wall, I can only warn against doing that with wet lips so you don't stick.

RE: The truth about racism - BlueTiki - 02-18-2011

netsleuth is a dumb fucque.

She has no original thought. Dumb tard only parrots other's ideas, phrases and work. She reacts to PC "red flag" words and spews her hatred as justifiable truth. Rehearsed dogma.

Like a Nazi obeying the Fuhrer.

She lacks intellect and thus requires someone to do her thinking. She has no true ideology - she jumps on the first bandwagon, with heavy-duty suspension, to carry her dead weight.

And she's still pissed that daddy only fondled her sister and never touched her.

Jealous tard.

RE: The truth about racism - Middle Finger - 02-18-2011

(02-12-2011, 03:01 AM)Cracker Wrote: You want to call me a racist? Fine, let’s talk about racism and what it really is, in real terms.

I do hold some people in disdain. Not every member of certain groups, but a large majority. I wasn’t born this way. I figured this out on my own, mostly in my adulthood. I was raised with the same core beliefs as my peers: All men are created equal. We all matter. We are all the same inside. As I grew into an adult lifestyle with adult responsibilities, I figured out that was a lie.

My attitude is based largely on the fact that this is my country. My family helped form the ideals of this country and the economy and they have fought in every war to establish it and defend it. We are still defending this country almost four hundred years later. I am an American in the strictest sense of the word. I love this country and I would die for it.

I didn’t grow up in a diverse area. Most of my peers where white, some Native American, and a few Hispanic. Everybody worked. Everybody helped each other. There were few fights, little crime, and no gangs. You could leave your car and front door unlocked and nobody would bother your personal property. Your neighbors kept their lawn looking decent and kept their trash in the burn barrel. Nobody had blankets for curtains or couches on the porch, even the very poor. People had a pride in what they did own because they worked for it.

When I moved to the South, I learned there were entirely different kinds of people. There are ghetto areas here I wouldn’t walk through with a police escort and nasty white trash trailer parks I wouldn’t drive by with my doors locked. I see people that breed like animals even though they can’t afford to feed, clothe, educate, or supply proper medical attention even for themselves. They throw trash on the ground, yell and scream at each other, talk too loud and curse in public, and flood the streets with loud music and half-dressed, filthy kids. They don’t nurture the next generation or build a better future. They don’t even take care of their own daily needs themselves. They buy no-contract cellphones and cheap, flashy clothes with any bit of cash they can get their hands on and count on the taxpayers to feed them and keep a roof over their heads. I don’t like being around people like that. I don’t live like that. I don’t want my kids to be around the offspring of people like that. They are ruining this country.

Why are a majority of some groups shitty? I suppose because they come from countries where living in a pasted-up shack is the norm. They don’t have pride of ownership bred into them. Because they don’t put in the sweat equity needed to buy things themselves, they have no concept of value or quality and caring for belongings. Easy come, easy go. If you don't have money to buy it, steal it. I have noticed a criminal mindset in many members of the African American, Hispanic, and white trash communities. They want a hook-up for free things or they want to buy things from a bootleg or fake name brand items from a stall at a swap meet. If a member of their community succeeds in the outside world, they want to attach themselves to that person and take from them like “crabs in a barrel," pulling each other back into the hell hole. They don’t build each up or work for the common good. They destroy any chance they are given and any property they acquire. The ones that do make it out stay the hell away from the ghettos and slums. They know how it is. Ghetto people don’t care about amassing huge amounts of debt at high interest because they don’t intend to ever pay it back. They don’t worry about tomorrow because they were born with, and will die with, their fucking hand out. They aren’t ashamed of serving time in jail or living a useless life. They are less civilized than most middle class people.

If it makes certain people feel better to call me a racist because I know how to behave and I am making a decent life for myself, go ahead. I don’t want to be dragged down by the flotsam in this society. I really don’t want my children around you. I don’t go where you go often (can’t even go to the damn movies or the zoo without seeing your ill-bred asses or hearing you bray). I don’t want you to move to my community and trash it. I don’t want you to bring your stupid, violent, nasty kids to my kid’s school. I won’t let you drag me down. I won’t let you make my child’s life worse. If that means I have to stay the hell away from you, and you stay the hell away from me, so be it. When you learn to behave like a human should, that won’t be a problem. I know it is possible. I have friends of every religion and race, none of them trashy.

If any of this makes you angry or hurts your feelings, you are probably a piece of crap. If you are a decent member of this society, you know exactly what I mean. You feel the same frustrations and understand my need to release some of my pent-up anger. No political labels needed. Either you are a decent, contributing member of society, or you aren’t worth my time. I am better than you. I have earned the right to say it.

If you are uppity or thin-skinned, you are likely a fake ass poser that doesn't feel as comfortable with your place in society as I do in mine. That is entirely your problem. It doesn't bother me AT ALL if I piss you off with every word I post.

Racism is just another form of the evolved tribalism that was passed to us from our primate past. In other words, it's a manifestation of the Gene Wars that Earth is full of as a result of the genetic survive and thrive reflex while competing, even indirectly, for limited resources.

RE: The truth about racism - aussiefriend - 02-18-2011

Lets not colour this discussion that it is evolution or scientific, racism is hatred, its social. thats it. Why is everyone picking on one person in this discussion? "netsleuth". Can't they have a view different to yours and be not be called a dumb fucque?

I take every individual as I find them. I don't let race, colour, religion make prejudgements. However, I will say I also have to use wisdom and insight, ie if I was dealing with someone from a cult or someone who may have an agenda. Look at those poor women who have to dress up like little house on the prairie. I am sure if you saw them and spoke to them they would be quiet nice people in unfortunate circumstances.

RE: The truth about racism - Cracker - 02-18-2011

(02-18-2011, 05:08 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: Lets not colour this discussion


aussie is funny.

RE: The truth about racism - Lady Cop - 02-18-2011

(02-18-2011, 05:08 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: Lets not colour this discussion that it is evolution or scientific, racism is hatred, its social. thats it. Why is everyone picking on one person in this discussion? "netsleuth". Can't they have a view different to yours and be not be called a dumb fucque?

i agree with MF. i think this is in the genes, the self-preservation imperative of "us V. them". "them" is different so we are suspicious.

and netsleuth was being assailed over other stuff you may have missed.

RE: The truth about racism - Cracker - 02-18-2011

netsleuth is still feeling the burn of slavery. It still affects her life, 300 years later. I wish work would affect her life instead.