Raising the debt ceiling... - Printable Version

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RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - Maggot - 08-02-2011

Ron Paul has won so many straw polls that the pubs are gonna stop using them. hah

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - BlueTiki - 08-02-2011

This is fucking classic!

Dow takes a beating AFTER the debt ceiling is raised while the Russian exhange jumps to 3 month highs. hah

Thanks, comrade Moody!

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - Maggot - 08-02-2011

G&S went high also. Smiley_emoticons_hurra3 My previous prediction failed but for some reason its up,up today. I guess other countries know that we need to reel in this deficit. They should write our congress and let them know. hah The liberals are whinning so hard now it sounds like a gear has been spun. It still is not enough though as the numbers show.

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - Maggot - 08-02-2011

A Cartoon fo Cracka! Smiley_emoticons_razz
funny sttuff

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - BlueTiki - 08-02-2011

And now the assholes will be arguing about taxing the rich and ignore job creation.

"Pay their fair share" will be the cry! That's the next big 'job' that they'll be working on.

When the rich start getting food stamps, Section 8 housing and free medical, I'll join the masses demanding a greater monetary contribution from them. Until then, get off their fucking backs and create REAL jobs! Screw faggot marriage and an illegal's rights.

How 'bout the tit-suckers paying their fair share? Replant a forest. Work at a shelter. Help seniors. Get your lazy asses out there and grab an effin' shovel for those shovel ready jobs!

Or share your gubment Cheetos with a Somalian.

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - Maggot - 08-02-2011

Is Tiki a terrorist?

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - username - 08-02-2011

(08-02-2011, 09:14 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: Until then, get off their fucking backs and create REAL jobs!

How does the government create jobs (much less REAL jobs)?

Did all of you know that the debt ceiling was raised 7 times while George W. was in office?

I actually like that neither side "won". If the Democrats had their way, they would have just raised the debt ceiling and continued to spend and spend and spend. Republicans (bucking their history in the Bush administration) would have cut, and cut and cut (totally a political manuever right now). And not only would they have cut, they would have cut YOUR medicaid and medicare, education etc. over any types of cuts to defense spending.

Both parties are fucking crazy IMO.

Back to the bi-partisan committee for deficit reduction. Hellooooooooooooo?

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - BlueTiki - 08-02-2011

Eco terrorist. And I ain't talking ecology.

I wanna frighten folks who take from others and think it's OK.

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - BlueTiki - 08-02-2011

(08-02-2011, 09:58 PM)username Wrote: How does the government create jobs (much less REAL jobs)?

"Create real jobs": That's Obama's phrase . . . NOT mine. Ask him. Pellosi, too.

And the stimulus money to 'create' jobs preceeding the "Summer of Recovery" . . . how did that work out?

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - username - 08-02-2011

(08-02-2011, 10:09 PM)BlueTiki Wrote:
(08-02-2011, 09:58 PM)username Wrote: How does the government create jobs (much less REAL jobs)?

"Create real jobs": That's Obama's phrase . . . NOT mine. Ask him. Pellosi, too.

And the stimulus money to 'create' jobs preceeding the "Summer of Recovery" . . . how did that work out?

How did the Bush tax cuts work out? We have a conundrum.

Can't ask Pelosi. We're not speaking to one another right now.

Again, bi-partisan deficit reduction recommendations. I don't think either side is right.

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - BlueTiki - 08-02-2011

(08-02-2011, 10:26 PM)username Wrote: How did the Bush tax cuts work out? We have a conundrum.

Well . . . we didn't have 9.3% unemployment and a lack of consumer spending. And Moody never threatened to downgrade our securities.

Might wanna catch-up on the day's events in Palo Alto.

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - username - 08-02-2011

(08-02-2011, 10:38 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: Well . . . we didn't have 9.3% unemployment and a lack of consumer spending. And Moody never threatened to downgrade our securities.

Might wanna catch-up on the day's events in Palo Alto.

If the Bush tax cuts actually worked, we wouldn't be in this position... because tax cuts equal job growth, right? Ergo, the economy should be booming since tax rates are at their lowest levels for many years. Right?

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - IMaDick - 08-03-2011

Spending is also at it's highest rate ever in our nations history..

you can't do both and succeed,

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - BlueTiki - 08-03-2011

(08-02-2011, 11:35 PM)username Wrote: If the Bush tax cuts actually worked, we wouldn't be in this position... because tax cuts equal job growth, right?


Geez . . . you and Bush. It's like Dick and Obama.

Why not go back to Hoover and Roosevelt? Or slavery . . . talk about maximum employment for blacks.

Maybe it's time to LOWER the rates, once again. Think of it as 'stimulus' money . . . without robbing SS.

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - IMaDick - 08-03-2011

The only obession I have with Obama is that He not get elected to a second term.

He still wants to raise taxes and has vowed to make it happen when signing the bill that will in effect cause us to go another 13 or 14 trillion dollars in debt.

it also cause college students who aquired student loans that were contracted to start paying back the loans six months after graduation to start paying them back while they are still in school.

well I guess college is really just for rich people.

and at present we don't know what else was in the bill, they never told us, gave us a chance to see or hear it, I'm pretty sure that the last minute shit was intended to do just that, you know it was an emergency bill with a dead line looming over our heads, but it's ok now the bill passed and was signed into law.

screwed again.

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - BlueTiki - 08-04-2011

I'm glad the debt ceiling was raised.

I sure as hell didn't want to see the stock market tank like "they" said it would.

Oh wait . . . this just in: Dow is DOWN by 300.

Whew! Just think where we'd be if the ceiling wasn't raised! hah

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - Duchess - 08-04-2011


It dropped the day word came out the the debt ceiling was going to be raised.

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - Duchess - 08-04-2011

All bullshit, all the time.

I've been trying to stay out of this thread. Okay, I'm leaving now.

This thread makes me crabby but I like reading everyone's thoughts.

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - IMaDick - 08-04-2011

Wall street knows how to add and subtract, they know that this bill was bullshit.

There is no deficit reduction, there are no spending cuts, there is no plan.

It's all bullshit smoke and mirrors, one of the things obama is good at is not being seen in the smoke.

RE: Raising the debt ceiling... - BlueTiki - 08-04-2011

The spin will be: "Market Correction".

Middle class (< $250 K per year) - start thinking about losing your mortgage interest deduction.

That should encourage home ownership and spur new home construction.

Start thinking 'apartment living and construction'.