the 2012 trivial drivel thread - Printable Version

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RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - Ma Huang Sor - 06-26-2012

Why aren't parents simply putting the sunscreen on themselves in the morning, before they send the kids off to school if it's going to be a sunny day?

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - username - 06-26-2012

(06-26-2012, 04:29 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote: Why aren't parents simply putting the sunscreen on themselves in the morning, before they send the kids off to school if it's going to be a sunny day?

I know, stupid right? That dumb mom said it was raining when she sent her kids to school so she didn't see the need but still.

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - ramseycat - 06-26-2012

Most parents do Ma. In the story it wasn't supposed to be a nice day and was pretty cloudy. Apparently it got sunny and the kids got burnt. Yes Ma, I know you can still burn when it's cloudy. I guess this mom didn't think so. The bad thing though is the school people wouldn't let the girls go inside when it was apparent they were frying to a crisp. Or share their sunscreen. Now that is just stupid.

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - Ma Huang Sor - 06-26-2012

What's with stupid adults? Do they all conspire to be stupid?

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - sally - 06-26-2012

My parents never put sunscreen on me before school and it never crossed my mind to do it with my kids either. It's a big enough pain in the ass just getting them to wake up and brush their teeth much less rubbing sunscreen all over them. Some how we all survived without it in school, and this is the sunshine state.

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - username - 06-26-2012

(06-26-2012, 04:49 PM)sally Wrote: My parents never put sunscreen on me before school and it never crossed my mind to do it with my kids either. It's a big enough pain in the ass just getting them to wake up and brush their teeth much less rubbing sunscreen all over them. Some how we all survived without it in school, and this is the sunshine state.

I don't make it a practice either but this was a field day and the kids were expected to be outside for a lengthy amount of time. I did make sure my kids wore sunscreen on days like that.

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - Midwest Spy - 06-26-2012

(06-26-2012, 04:49 PM)sally Wrote: My parents never put sunscreen on me before school and it never crossed my mind to do it with my kids either. It's a big enough pain in the ass just getting them to wake up and brush their teeth much less rubbing sunscreen all over them. Some how we all survived without it in school, and this is the sunshine state.

Yep, and somehow throughout the millenia, mankind the world over has managed without sunscreen.

I've never once thought of applying sunscreen to my kids before school.


RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - Ma Huang Sor - 06-26-2012

We dont get much sun in Vermont typically so it's not such a huge consideration. But sunscreen is much more important now for example then when we were kids. UV has changed, just in the last 30 years dramatically.

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - pspence - 06-26-2012

(06-26-2012, 04:49 PM)sally Wrote: My parents never put sunscreen on me before school and it never crossed my mind to do it with my kids either. It's a big enough pain in the ass just getting them to wake up and brush their teeth much less rubbing sunscreen all over them. Some how we all survived without it in school, and this is the sunshine state.

I laughed out loud and am all alone here...

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - pspence - 06-26-2012

(06-26-2012, 04:49 PM)sally Wrote: My parents never put sunscreen on me before school and it never crossed my mind to do it with my kids either. It's a big enough pain in the ass just getting them to wake up and brush their teeth much less rubbing sunscreen all over them. Some how we all survived without it in school, and this is the sunshine state.

I was driving one of my kids to a soccer game and literally threw a grilled cheese at them in the back seat and told them to hurry and eat their dinner...when we arrived he ran off and I sat down with a bunch of the other moms. They asked why I was so quiet and I told them how guilty I felt about their dinner...throwing a grill cheese in the mother turned around and said, "oh, you grill yours?"

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - Ma Huang Sor - 06-26-2012


RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - ramseycat - 06-27-2012

(06-26-2012, 06:00 PM)pspence Wrote:
(06-26-2012, 04:49 PM)sally Wrote: My parents never put sunscreen on me before school and it never crossed my mind to do it with my kids either. It's a big enough pain in the ass just getting them to wake up and brush their teeth much less rubbing sunscreen all over them. Some how we all survived without it in school, and this is the sunshine state.

I was driving one of my kids to a soccer game and literally threw a grilled cheese at them in the back seat and told them to hurry and eat their dinner...when we arrived he ran off and I sat down with a bunch of the other moms. They asked why I was so quiet and I told them how guilty I felt about their dinner...throwing a grill cheese in the mother turned around and said, "oh, you grill yours?"

hah that's great.

One of my friends has a son the same age as my oldest - 15. He was being a bit of a smart ass so she threw a loaf of bread at him and hit him in the side of the head. It was just a soft loaf of bread and she didn't throw it hard. But to him she had just ABUSED him! He was so shocked that she threw bread at him. How could she?? The rest of the family thought it was hilarious. As did I. hah

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - Riotgear - 06-27-2012

Abuse pfft. I've always encouraged my kids to come at me, fists flying, day or night, whenever they feel frosty. Now I'm bruised and tired and they're tough as hardwood.

I might have a senior abuse case or something I could bring. The little fucks.

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - ramseycat - 06-27-2012

Seriously. It was a freakin loaf of bread. Not even a loaf of french bread. LOL

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - Clang McFly - 06-27-2012

Yeah its not like it was a wooden spoon spanking your ass.

(My mom's favorite childhood punishment. Had the gall to blame us for breaking the wooden spoons)

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - Riotgear - 06-27-2012

What? You're not supposed to beat kids?

Whos crazy idea is that? How the hell are they going to learn to solve problems with physical violence if you don't beat the shit out of them?

It's just plain irrational.

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - Clang McFly - 06-27-2012

(06-27-2012, 03:34 PM)Riotgear Wrote: What? You're not supposed to beat kids?

Whos crazy idea is that? How the hell are they going to learn to solve problems with physical violence if you don't beat the shit out of them?

It's just plain irrational.

I don't know...but we were holy terrors and there was five of us. She has since apologized and admitted she was wrong to do that.

She did later switch to the non-violent time-outs and refusing to drive us anywhere until chores were completed.

Not that I'm trying to justify her previous abusive behavior.

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - Riotgear - 06-27-2012

You know what they say - Spare the rod, spoil the child.

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - Ma Huang Sor - 06-27-2012

Parents who resort to physical violence or abuse to get their point across have failed as parents in every way.

RE: the 2012 trivial drivel thread - LuciferLynn - 06-27-2012

I was never spanked as a child but my grandmother (my mothers mother- god bless her) had a zillion kids and ten zillion grandkids and when us grandkids acted like fools, she called us on it, by God. She used to swat us on the back of the legs with a flyswatter and in the dead of summer, when you're all hot and sweaty, that shit HURT. She wouldn't chase us, hell no, but shed get you when you came back. Usually once or twice was all it took and we fell in line pretty quick. We weren't scared of her, she loved us all very much, no matter how much we acted up.