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DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Duchess - 06-16-2013

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday that Edward Snowden betrayed his country by leaking classified documents about the U.S. government's surveillance programs and warned that the former National Security Agency contractor may be spying for the Chinese government.

"I think he's a traitor,” Cheney said of Snowden in an interview with “Fox News Sunday.”

"I think he has committed crimes in effect by violating agreements given the position he had," he continued. "I think it's one of the worst occasions in my memory of somebody with access to classified information doing enormous damage to the national security interests of the United States."

Cheney defended the NSA surveillance programs, claiming that the United States may have been able to prevent the deadly Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington if such monitoring practices had been in place in 2001.

I only wanted to comment on the last line. This would be a very good example of what a disingenuous, lying liar is.

The White House top officials were told time & again about Osama and the chatter about an imminent terrorist attack, they choose to disregard it. If you want proof that's a fact, go look it up yourself, it's out there.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Cynical Ninja - 06-16-2013

Dick Cheney is a fuckling nasty old cunt, remember when he shot that guy during a hunting trip? The police weren't informed about it for hours and he didn't even have the common decency to say sorry to the guy.

Also I agree with you about the intelligence about Osama, they had intelligence showing them Islamic extremists planned to crash planes into high profile American targets and they did not act on it.

Having said that....

All these so called “whistleblowers”? Hmmmmm.....they seem more concerned about asking themselves the question about whether or not they could? instead of asking themselves the question whether or not they should?

If you can't keep your mouth shut don't sign a contract and a legally binding agreement saying that you will. This guy was an ant in the intelligence anthill, the entire anthill cannot stop because one ant says “hey I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this anymore!”

You need intelligence to work in intelligence the intelligence to realise you are expected to keep your mouth shut motherfucker!

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Donovan - 06-17-2013

The beauty of America, you insipid limesucking moron, is that we enjoy the right and responsibility to question authority and, if necessary rebel against unjust laws and practices. No one ever said anything about there being no consequences for such action. But the guy did what he had to do and damn the fallout. Something we over here can all understand even if we disagree. I appreciate that a citizen of a relic society worshipping an impotent vestigial monarchy like yours might not understand the need to constantly scrutinize one's leaders. But power corrupts. And absolute power...well you know. Imagine how corrupt you yourself would be if you had a better phone and a riding mower. You might almost grow a testicle...

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Cynical Ninja - 06-17-2013

There is a very thin line between questioning authority and betraying your country and countrymen. Opening your big fat mouth without first considering the consequences not just for you but for others who may be inadversely affected by it is a moronic and irresponsible thing to do I don't care what your intentions are. Its a good job there aren't many of these fucking blabbermouthed morons like this who come out and want to play the hero/self sacrifising martyr regardless of what the consequences might be.
Terrorist organisations the world over will be clapping their hands and high fiving each other hoping more morons like this douchebag treacherously turn their backs on their country to get themselves on CNN to whinge about how selfless and morally upstanding they are.
If this guy does turn out to be a spy working for the Chinese how will you feel then you septic tit?

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Donovan - 06-17-2013

If he were a spy working for fill-in-the-blank evil empire then it's highly unlikely he would jeopardize his job, career, money stream and usefulness by essentially publicly destroying his own life and reputation. I'd call that the opposite of self-serving wouldn't you? Logic doesn't follow. It does however make PERFECT sense for the ones caught committing crimes, I.e. Cheney et all, to immediately try to discredit the source. See Assange, Julian.
As for betraying our country: well, it wouldn't be the first time someone standing up to perceived status quo wrongs was labelled a traitor. Martin Luther King comes to mind. Susan B Anthony. The founding fathers of our country. The original Martin Luther. Jesus of legend. It's a hard thing to do, standing alone. Especially knowing you're probably fucked for doing so. The guy has my respect.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Cynical Ninja - 06-17-2013

Comparing this geeky fucking blabbermouth to Martin Luther King?!

Bwhahahahaha!!!! I think I just farted out my ass any remaining respect and time I had left for your bullshit opinions.

Let's talk logic for a moment shall we my septic friend with the haircut circa 15th century Spain?

He wants to escape his government which he thinks is overly authoritarian and corrupt? Where does he go to escape? To the biggest authoritarian and corrupt communist dictatorship in the world! Now theres got to be logic there somewhere right? Why the fuck did he go to China?

And Julian Assange? The man wanted for two counts of rape in Sweden? If he's innocent why has he been hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for a year? If your innocent prove it in court not by hiding in an embassy for year.

The true shit about all these whistleblowers is going to come out eventually and I will be right there when it does.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Donovan - 06-17-2013

Innocence matters very little in matters of governmental prosecution. Assange is hiding because the minute he goes where they can catch him, he's well and truly fucked.
As for MLK, you know, the civil rights nigger agitator who was so well-loved by his own people for trying to expose governmental corruption that they fucking killed him? Yeah that's probably a stretch. But then, you probably can't see past the mess your irritable bowels made in your pants when you lost respect for me in order to see the parallel of being the first and loudest voice of dissent. Lucky for me I never had respect for your opinions and so was spared the humiliation of shitting my pants like you apparently just did.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Donovan - 06-17-2013

Also: *you're* not *your*.

As in, "Cynical Nimrod, YOU'RE a dumbass. YOUR opinions came directly from the ass of the last sheep you raped."

Just trying to help.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - aussiefriend - 06-17-2013

Doesn't Dick Cheney speak out of the side of his mouth? Or is it that other Dick guy who speaks out of both sides of his mouth? The dude that used to be on Fox News but got sacked because Obama won the election.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Cynical Ninja - 06-17-2013

Yeah Assange is fucked if he leaves the embassy because he has two accusations of rape to answer for why the hell shouldn't he be made to have his day in court like everyone has to? Because he runs wikileaks? Bullshit. But wait a minute! Its all a conspiracy right? Its fucking tinfoil hat time again at Mock! I thought we had seen the last of the conspiracy bollocks when shitstorm disappeared.

I can't say I am very surprised that a yank thinks the act of opening your big fat mouth could ever be considered an act of heroism though. It is after all an act you all collectively specialise in as a nation.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Cynical Ninja - 06-17-2013

(06-17-2013, 01:25 PM)Donovan Wrote: Also: *you're* not *your*.

As in, "Cynical Nimrod, YOU'RE a dumbass. YOUR opinions came directly from the ass of the last sheep you raped."

Just trying to help.

Typos. The last refuge of a tedious pedant with nothing else worthwhile to add to the debate. YOU'RE plumbing new depths of mediocrity with YOUR boring reliance on typos.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Jimbone - 06-17-2013

(06-17-2013, 02:42 PM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: I can't say I am very surprised that a yank thinks the act of opening your big fat mouth could ever be considered an act of heroism though. It is after all an act you all collectively specialise in as a nation.

Yes, we should have all just kept quiet and served that crazy SOB King George.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Cynical Ninja - 06-17-2013

You might have got rid of the redcoats sooner if you had talked to them and bored them into submission with your endless fucking stream of verbal diarrhoea.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Cynical Ninja - 06-19-2013

The head of Americas electronic spying agency has told congress surveillance programmes leaked by Edward Snowden helped thwart 50 terrorist attacks since 2001.

Army general Keith Alexander director of the NSA told the house intelligence committee the snooping operations were critical.

Plans to attack the New York stock exchange were among the terrorist plots foiled, the panel heard.

Meanwhile Mr Snowdens father urged his son not to commit “treason”.

Fucking FIFTY terrorist pllots foiled! Snowden is a treacherous, big mouthed piece of fucking shit and all those who think he is some kind of hero are completely retarded.

Oh but wait a minute the powers that be are bound to say that aren't they? Its all a conspiracy! Pass me my motherfucking tinfoil hat.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Cynical Ninja - 06-19-2013

Wikileaks website founder Julian Assange has vowed to remain in the Ecuadorian embassy in London even if accusations of sex crimes are are dropped.

He walked into the building a year ago when his appeal against extradition to Sweden for questioning on claims he has always denied was turned down.

He said he still feared being sent to the US for releasing secret documents.

The foreign secretary has told MPs there was no progress on the case at talks with his Ecuadorian counterpart.

Accused of two counts of rape? Say “I am the founder of wikileaks let me hide in your embassy please!”

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Duchess - 06-19-2013

(06-19-2013, 01:28 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: Fucking FIFTY terrorist pllots foiled! Snowden is a treacherous, big mouthed piece of fucking shit and all those who think he is some kind of hero are completely retarded.

I don't view him as a hero but I don't see him as a traitor either.

Those fuckers already have the Patriot Act at their disposal.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Donovan - 06-19-2013

Your point? Both men are facing dubious charges and indefinite detention and possible "accidental death" or "suicide" if they come here. For embarrassing the current world power and all around nasty group of spy type guys. We haven't worn the goodguy white hat in a very long time...

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Donovan - 06-19-2013

And we only know "fifty plots" because those same nasty guys say so. No detail, no corroboration. Just "trust us. THIS time we aren't lying."

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Cynical Ninja - 06-19-2013

(06-19-2013, 05:58 AM)Duchess Wrote: I don't view him as a hero but I don't see him as a traitor either.

His own father disagrees.

There are those of us who understand the importance of protecting intelligence because it saves lives and stops numerous terrorist plots coming to fruition.

There are others who claim truth is more important than saving human lives, if we lived in a utopian world that might be true but we don't.

RE: DICK CHENEY IS AN ASSHOLE - Cynical Ninja - 06-19-2013

(06-19-2013, 05:59 AM)Donovan Wrote: Your point? Both men are facing dubious charges and indefinite detention and possible "accidental death" or "suicide" if they come here.

Yeah of course they are, its all a conspiracy controlled by the Illuminati as they pursue their agenda of new world order with their Zionist occupied government and a partridge in a pear tree.