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A stupid WWYD thread - sally - 06-21-2013

I had some new neighbors move in about a year ago and my stupid pitbull got over the fence and attacked their basset hound causing a minor gash. I got rid of her which I was planning on doing anyway since I only took her in as a favor to a friend, but the neighbor went ape shit and pretty much threatened me that she has a gun.

Anyway we've talked since then and she's actually pretty nice, it was just a heat of the moment thing and I can understand her being upset over her dog being attacked.

Well she has a 14 year old daughter who my daughter and the 16 year old girl down the street are friends with. They just informed me that her daughter had sex with some 26 your old guy today that she met on the internet while her parents were at work. I was outside this morning and I did see a silver car pull up and a guy that looked about that age walking in a hurry to the door and he was let inside, but I didn't think much of it at the time.

Would you say anything to the mother or just mind your own fucking business?

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - username - 06-21-2013

Are your daughter and her friend saying they'll never tell you ANYTHING EVER AGAIN, if you tell the neighbor? I hate that shit. You want to keep the lines open with your own kids so if they find out "you told" they're much more likely NOT to tell you stuff in the future. Sucks.

Still, I'd tell the other mom that something *might* be happening and she might want to check in to it. Then I'd threaten her with bodily harm if it comes out that you were the one who told her. She needs to figure out some way that she found out on her own without implicating you, your daughter or the other girl (unless they don't care about that).

Shitty situation but somehow letting the mom know would be the right thing to do. If someone told me that about my daughter, I'd be eternally grateful and would do everything possible to protect that person's identity.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - aussiefriend - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 10:50 PM)sally Wrote: Would you say anything to the mother or just mind your own fucking business?

In a heartbeat Sally. It is rape. You could be saving that child from further damage down the track. That is going to be one awkward conversation. *crickets*

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - Adub - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 11:01 PM)aussiefriend Wrote:
(06-21-2013, 10:50 PM)sally Wrote: Would you say anything to the mother or just mind your own fucking business?

In a heartbeat Sally. It is rape. You could be saving that child from further damage down the track. That is going to be one awkward conversation. *crickets*

I would mind my own fucking business.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - sally - 06-21-2013

I left some stuff out of the story just for the sake of not sounding like a soup chicken, but the friend down the street was supposedly sitting in the girls living room at the time that the girl had sex with the guy in her brothers room and then she came out with her face beat red and the guy left. She told me that I should tell, but not mention her name.

And the way that this all came about is that my daughter was outside with this 20 year old kid on a skateboard and I overheard him say that he left work early for this shit and he's not messing with a 14 year old. I asked my daughter what the hell that was all about and apparently the girl is saying she is 18 and inviting all kinds of guys to her house.

Had I not seen that silver car this morning with the guy going to her door I'd probably blow it off, but...

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - SIXFOOTERsez - 06-21-2013

Call the police and tell them what you saw, tag numbers and all. If the cops have any balls they will sort it out. Baby raping bastard goes to jail.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - aussiefriend - 06-21-2013

^^^Ring the police now and inform them and let them deal with it from there. This guy is a sexual predator. You could be saving someone's life.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - username - 06-21-2013

*snort* Two extremes. Adub, why would you mind your own business?

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - username - 06-21-2013

The sad part is, normal parents would be all up in arms and thankful for the info but there are parents that just don't give a fuck and they know damn well what their kid is up to (and they're too selfish to care).

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - sally - 06-21-2013

The girl down the street is a bit of a fucktard, that's the only reason I wouldn't rely on anything she says and not start drama with the neighbors, but between the silver car I saw and everything else it adds up.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - aussiefriend - 06-21-2013

Hurry pick up that phone Sally!

If it was me there would be a SWAT team storming the joint by now.

This is like that movie The 'Burbs. You need to film this Sally, we want to see it.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - sally - 06-21-2013

It's too late and I'm too drunk to knock on their door now, I failed on keeping the beer drinking contained to Saturdays only. I'll tell her tomorrow after 6 cups of coffee.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - Eat Shit And Die - 06-21-2013

I'd tell the cops.

He's still an active pedo and a threat to others, do your mum duty bitch.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - ramseycat - 06-21-2013

I wouldn't call the police. The neighbor will not thank you for bringing on all that drama. I would tell the mother but tell her she needs to leave you out of it. Then if the parents want to involve the authorities, they can. You don't have all facts of the story. Maybe the guy thinks she is 18. And while that is still to young for him and kinda creepy, it's not illegal. A rape charge would fuck up his life.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - Eat Shit And Die - 06-22-2013

Fuck him, bs he can't tell hes fucking a 14 yo.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - sally - 06-22-2013

She's at home safe with her parents right now. I know a lot of you would like me to go over there packing heat in my garter belt, but it's going to have to wait until tomorrow.

I definitely made up my mind that I'm going to say something though.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - Eat Shit And Die - 06-22-2013

It's the right thing to do, if they found out your daughter had done the same YOU would want to know.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - sally - 06-22-2013

(06-21-2013, 11:58 PM)ramseycat Wrote: I wouldn't call the police. The neighbor will not thank you for bringing on all that drama. I would tell the mother but tell her she needs to leave you out of it. Then if the parents want to involve the authorities, they can. You don't have all facts of the story. Maybe the guy thinks she is 18. And while that is still to young for him and kinda creepy, it's not illegal. A rape charge would fuck up his life.

For once you say something normal. Apparently she was saying she was 18 and she looks like she could be 18.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - crash - 06-22-2013

(06-21-2013, 11:58 PM)ramseycat Wrote: You don't have all facts of the story. Maybe the guy thinks she is 18. And while that is still to young for him and kinda creepy, it's not illegal. A rape charge would fuck up his life.

Agree all the facts aren't in, but yeah, he's only 26, he knows the difference between 14 and 18, it wasn't that long ago for him. If he did the deed, even under her invitation, he still is a predator and he deserves to have his life fucked up.

RE: A stupid WWYD thread - Eat Shit And Die - 06-22-2013

(06-22-2013, 12:07 AM)crash Wrote:
(06-21-2013, 11:58 PM)ramseycat Wrote: You don't have all facts of the story. Maybe the guy thinks she is 18. And while that is still to young for him and kinda creepy, it's not illegal. A rape charge would fuck up his life.

Agree all the facts aren't in, but yeah, he's only 26, he knows the difference between 14 and 18, it wasn't that long ago for him. If he did the deed, even under her invitation, he still is a predator and he deserves to have his life fucked up.
