Obama promises US climate plan - Printable Version

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Obama promises US climate plan - Cynical Ninja - 06-22-2013

US president Barack Obama has promised to outline his plan to deal with climate change in a speech at Georgetown university on tuesday.

He said it would include measures to reduce carbon pollution and to lead global efforts to fight climate change.

Mr Obama has said repeatedly he would tackle climate change, but has been blocked by stoopid motherfuckers in congress.

He is believed to be planning to pass the new measures by executive action, meaning he will bypass congress.

RE: Obama promises US climate plan - cladking - 06-22-2013

Translated this means he'll find new waysa to increase CO2 emissions to even higher levels by destroying jobs in the US while making his budies and political alklies wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice... ...oh wait... ...that's even wealthier beyond the dreams of avarice.