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OVERPRESCRIBED - Duchess - 08-14-2013

Do you think Dr.'s overprescribe?

I do. I know someone who is seemingly healthy yet she always has a plethora of complaints & then more complaints when her Dr. can't find anything wrong. She once got hooked on Vicodin and carries around a gallon size freezer bag filled with prescription bottles, I know another who has the bottles lined up like soldiers. I have more stories like this but you get the idea. I have no prescriptions other than my Epi-pen. Do you have any?


Some do, definitely. When I first got to Fl I was in reasonable good shape and have always been strong, won a lot of $ arm wrestling and that kind of thing. So on a Monday after some competition I had a little elbow pain, thought I better go get it looked at. The Dr spent about 2 minutes on my elbow, then an hour hooking me to an EKG and prescribing blood pressure meds, 1st visit!
I asked him if he thought that maybe the 2 pots of coffee and 3 hrs on the phone that morning had anything to do with the BP being slightly high, he said no, I never went back.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - ramseycat - 08-14-2013

How did your friend get off the Vicodin?

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - Duchess - 08-14-2013

Her Dr. prescribed something else to help her get through the withdrawal. 78

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - username - 08-14-2013

I think we're an over diagnosed society. When my daughter was young and we (and her teacher) first started noticing that she was preoccupied, blah, blah, blah, we took her to a prestigious medical center for a top notch evaluation. Well, in hindsight, of course they made a diagnosis. I wonder how often someone pays that type of money only to have them come back and say "you (or your kid) are just fine"!

After years of on and off again therapy (mostly on), I've got a kid who now views herself as fundamentally/deeply sick. Well duh, she's been basically told for years that she's not like other kids.

At the time, you think you're doing the right thing and everyone applauds your early intervention and getting them help but sometimes I wish we'd just written it off and let her grow up without all that crap.

Hindsight sucks ass sometimes.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - Maggot - 08-14-2013

The doctors tried to get my son on asthma meds because he had a cold when he was 4 he is perfectly fine and never has any issues and he runs all over 247 .........he has a new doctor now.
My doctor prescribed Fosamax for me, I took it for a month and stopped, 6 months later it was shown to be detrimental and I think taken off the market. I think they get a kickback for promoting drugs, a legal drug dealer that's what they are. Research the shit you gobble people!!!


The VA nearly killed my uncle twice, prescribed the same meds under 3 different names (for the meds) his blood work was so toxic they had to use some special protocol to dispose of the samples.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - Cynical Ninja - 08-15-2013

In the UK prescriptions for kids with so called ADHD have gone up nearly 50% in the last five years. It seems these days if your kid is unruly or stoopid or can't concentrate in school its an almost immediate case of “ADHD! Take these pills”.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - Duchess - 08-15-2013

(08-15-2013, 05:16 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: It seems these days if your kid is unruly or stoopid or can't concentrate in school its an almost immediate case of “ADHD! Take these pills”.

I've been told that it's like that here too.

I have lots of complaints about prescription drugs & many times I view them as I do street drugs.

It was awful reading what User said about her daughter & to think professionals who should know better are responsible for her feelings about herself makes it even worse.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - sally - 08-15-2013

Doctors do get kickbacks for promoting drugs, I used to clean for a few doctors and the pharmaceutical companies pay for them to host parties at their homes to promote new drugs. "Oh you're allergic to dust, here this should clear it up. Although it may cause blood clots and kidney failure".

Before my mom came to live with me all I had was a bottle of aspirin, now I have everything from blood thinners to sleeping pills. And I don't think she needs any of it. I know she has cancer, but this has been going on 10 years before she was even diagnosed with anything. The reason she has to live with me is because she's addicted to pain pills and sleeping pills and she can't be trusted alone with them. She gets fucked up out of her mind and falls on the floor. One time the neighbor saw her on the floor through the window, called 911 and the fire department had to break the garage door to get in.

Even here I give her more hydrocodone/vicodin then I should because she's constantly bugging me about, every fucking hour she's asking for more pills. Then when she runs out of them she withdrawals and gets diarrhea, but of course she blames that on the cancer. She wont admit she's addicted to the pills. It's starting to really piss me off, if she didn't have cancer I'd throw her old drug addict ass in a nursing home.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - ramseycat - 08-15-2013

Does her doctor know she's addicted to the pain pills Sally?

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - sally - 08-15-2013

I was thinking about telling her, but now that she has a cancer that there is no cure for I figure what the fuck. No need to try to get her off them now. The problem is she's taking way too many and running out before the next refill is up. The doctor prescribed her a pain patch, but I told her I cant have that in my house. God forbid it fell off and my two year old picked it up, I can't deal thinking about that 24/7. So then she prescribed her oxycontin and she already went through all those too.

She has been a burden way before she ever had cancer. Why the doctors were prescribing her all those pills I have no fucking idea. Everything from Xanax to depression pills. The day I was scheduled to go to the hospital to be induced I went to her house because she wouldn't answer the phone and my husband saw her on the floor through the window. He turned around with tears in his eyes thinking she was dead, and then my other two kids started crying and then we're all out in the front yard crying like a bunch of assholes. Needless to say she wasn't dead, she just got so fucked up that she fell into the coffee table and split her head open. She pissed all over herself while she was on the ground and refused to go with the ambulance and insisted she would be fine by herself, so my husband ended up having to pick her up and put her in the car. Great way to have to go deliver a baby. Thanks mom.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - ramseycat - 08-15-2013

Oh boy. What a mess. I would tell the doctor she is addicted. With her condition, I doubt she will try to get her off them. But maybe she can give her something to lessen the withdrawal when she runs out. Either way, the doctor should know. Just my opinion.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - Cynical Ninja - 08-15-2013

I've had numerous physical injuries over the years skateboarding and playing rugby and when the pain has gone on for too long or has become too painful I go to see my GP. Nearly every single time she has given me prescription painkillers and every single time I have refused to take them.

I've seen the state people can get into when they get addicted to prescription pain relief like Sals mother it ain't pretty.

I'd rather just put up with niggly aches and pains and take the edge off with paracetemol or ibruprofen than get hooked on prescription painkillers.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - Maggot - 08-15-2013

He turned around with tears in his eyes thinking she was dead, and then my other two kids started crying and then we're all out in the front yard crying like a bunch of assholes. Needless to say she wasn't dead

hah I laughed out loud.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - Jimbone - 08-15-2013

(08-15-2013, 11:56 AM)Maggot Wrote: hah I laughed out loud.

Not really a laughing matter, but it does seem a bit funny in retrospect since she really wasn't dead.

Almost seems like it was a scene in Arrested Development.

Had she had been dead, that would have been a shitty way to find out.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - Maggot - 08-15-2013

Sorry..............still laughing though.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - Duchess - 08-15-2013

I laughed too. Sally told the story in a funny manner & we get her humor. I don't think any of us would have laughed if the poor old girl had actually died.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - sally - 08-15-2013

It was funny, we looked like idiots out there.

It still pisses me off when I think about it, she knew I was scheduled to go to the hospital that day and then she does that to me. Not only that but I was begging her to go with the ambulance so I could go to the hospital without worrying about her and she refused, my poor husband had to pick her up and get piss all over him.

RE: OVERPRESCRIBED - Duchess - 08-15-2013

I'm liking your husband more & more.