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BEWARE OF MICHELE BACHMAN - Duchess - 08-18-2013

She'd like to be your leader & believes most of the country shares her views -

Saying that she’ll be gone soon anyway so she might as well, Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann introduced H.R. 259: The Homosexual Decapitation Act, which would give the United States government legal authority to behead any gay U.S. Citizen. “I figured, eh, why not; I’m not running for reelection in 2014, I have nothing to lose, and I’ve been sitting on this bill for nearly five years, so what’s it going to hurt to finally throw it into the mix,” Bachmann said of the piece of legislation which, if passed, would create Homosexual Decapitation Centers throughout the country where handcuffed gay people would be taken to have their heads chopped off. “I’m also planning on introducing a Hang All The Muslims bill, the Abortion Doctor Castration Act, and H.R. 264, which would allow me to rip the throat out of any citizen who doesn’t believe in creationism. Rip it out with my teeth.” At press time, every new piece of legislation introduced by Bachmann had received more than 10 Republican cosponsors.


RE: BEWARE OF MICHELE BACHMAN - ramseycat - 08-18-2013

Has she lost he'd mind?

RE: BEWARE OF MICHELE BACHMAN - Duchess - 08-18-2013

Ha! I got that from The Onion, they tend to exaggerate just a little over there.

RE: BEWARE OF MICHELE BACHMAN - ramseycat - 08-18-2013

Now that makes more sense. Lol

RE: BEWARE OF MICHELE BACHMAN - Cynical Ninja - 08-18-2013

Keep in mind The Onion just exaggerate the truth so it can become confused with reality.