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Bikers to DC - Misguided - 08-30-2013

RE: Bikers to DC - Misguided - 09-13-2013

Posted on September 13, 2013 by doriangrey1
215 Votes

Your Fifth Column Treasonous Media in action.

For additional perspective consider that the group from Los Angeles alone was 55 miles long. 55 miles of four lane highway – from ONE CITY:



Even when it was reported in local media, downplay was the word of the day.

“Two Million Bikers” Rally Roars Into D.C. Area for 911

Although they didn’t reach a goal of two million riders, thousands of bikers rolled through the Washington, D.C. area to mark the 12th anniversary of 911 on Wednesday.

The bikers — riding with the group “Two Million Bikers to D.C.” — snarled traffic on the Beltway with a ride honoring the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the members of the military called to serve after the attacks.

Many participating riders were veterans who said they rode to protect Americans’ freedom in the midst of tumultuous times.

“The enemy has a say when the war is over,” said rider Pete Raymond. “I believe they’re saying it’s not, so we’re here.”

On their Facebook page, in all caps, the group said they will stand by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, adding that they’re “against any fundamental transformation of America.”

Take this for what it’s worth, the DC Police, notorious for under reporting the numbers of conservative patriotic American’s that show up for rallies in DC, admitted that 1.2 million bikers showed up. These were hard working American citizens who took time off from their jobs to protest Muslims demonstrating on 911 in Mordor on the Potomac.

A Column stretching 55 miles long rode out of Los Angeles California, just let that sink in for a while… That is a column of Bikers that stretches beyond horizon to horizon. That is a column, that even traveling at 60 miles per hour, would have taken more than an hour to pass any given point. That was JUST the bikers from Los Angeles California.

The Fifth Column Treasonous Media desperately hopes that the sentiment that drove millions of American’s to take a couple days off from work and ride into Mordor on the Potomac to protest Muslims demonstrating on what amounts to a sacred holy day in America, will both go unnoticed and not catch on. The truth is more to the effect that this Biker led protest represents a kind of barometric reading of the mood of America.

Traditionally, the average American is very slow and reluctant to protest. We are a gentle, peace loving and pragmatic people by nature. By the time our collective dander is up enough for us to start protesting, we are mighty pissed off. Yes, there are special interest group driven Americans who will protest pretty much anything at the drop of a hat, but they do not even remotely represent the average American.

You can pay attention to what millions upon millions of average middle class Americans riding into Mordor on the Potomac means, or, you can continue to keep your head up your ass and live in a delusional fantasy world, it is of course, your choice. However, make no mistake about it, reality is coming knocking.

RE: Bikers to DC - Duchess - 09-13-2013

(09-13-2013, 05:23 PM)Misguided Wrote: The Fifth Column Treasonous Media desperately hopes that the sentiment that drove millions of American’s to take a couple days off from work and ride into Mordor on the Potomac to protest Muslims demonstrating on what amounts to a sacred holy day in America, will both go unnoticed and not catch on. The truth is more to the effect that this Biker led protest represents a kind of barometric reading of the mood of America.

Why would thousands of bikers do all that for a handful of Muslims who weren't there protesting anything but were there to express that they stand in support with America against hate & violence?

RE: Bikers to DC - SIXFOOTERsez - 09-13-2013

Quite possibly because they absolutely Suck at getting their message out, the muslims I mean.
Not to mention that they are 12 years late to the party.
The "Good Muslims" should have been as outraged as everyone else and been out on the street protesting years ago.
So, when the fear and hate mongering media gets hold of things it starts feeding the innate fear and hate that most people have a little of. And then things like this are born.
The 2M biker rally is not bad thing, something that the govt needs to realize. They were not going to allow the bikers to have a parade, but the muslims got a permit.
WTF is that? Its something that started off small, people got wind, it wasn't right, so a few more joined in..
And there ya go, 1.2 Million guys on bikes get a message out there..

RE: Bikers to DC - HairOfTheDog - 09-13-2013

(09-13-2013, 05:41 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Why would thousands of bikers do all that for a handful of Muslims who weren't there protesting anything but were there to express that they stand in support with America against hate & violence?

I thought that the bikers were patriots who were riding in memorial of those lost on 9-11 (not going there with a primary goal of engaging in some face off against peaceful Muslims who also oppose terrorist attacks).

I don't know anyone who participated, but last Saturday a couple of my friends who ride were talking about it in terms of a tribute. I hope that's the reason most of the bikers felt compelled to ride into DC.

RE: Bikers to DC - Carsman - 09-13-2013

God bless all those the Bikers to DC, they are doer's not just talkers! Respect-applause

RE: Bikers to DC - Maggot - 09-13-2013

Many Bikers went to the wall. Comforting as the few Muslims that were there did not. Its a message that although went unnoticed in the media, did not go unnoticed in mainstream America. I salute them all for the show of support for American freedom of expression.

RE: Bikers to DC - Misguided - 09-13-2013

They went to make the point that 911 is a day of rememberance and to honor and respect all those that perished not for a damn political agenda of some Muslims.They choose the day of 911 to claim they were going to have a major march to push their agenda on the very day our country was mourning and still bleeding.It was done on purpose to try to stir things up.They most definatly did do just that.The Bikers gathered to make it quite clear what the day really meant to many of us and to also send the message to DC that we are fed up with the fucking bullshit also and are ready to do something.When this first started picking up steam,many may have thought it was not really going to go very far.The undercurrents of the mindset of many Americans and how we are feeling and frustrated over the current affairs, led this groundswell to become what happened.I met folks from all over the country that day.Some had taken a week off work to make the trips from as far away as Washington State or Colorado on a motorcycle to make a point and pay their respects.
DC officials denied our permits to stage a Rally.Then they denied the permit for a no-stop ride thru.Yet they had no hesitation to grant permits for the Muslim Rally.We choose to go without permits.Anyone of you have the right to drive to DC on anyday and anytime, to visit,yet they were trying to deny us access.
We were not going to be denied the right to pay our respects.What you all have not seen is the news coverage of an Event that was,to put it lightly,...historic.I was impressed and moved beyond words can express.
In other posts on this site we have spoken before of the inability or lack thereof,of many Americans not getting off their ass's to do something and take action against all the things they know are not right that is happening in this country.
After going on this Ride,I can no longer say that.We are starting to do something.The reason you did not hear or see of it is because the Government does not want you to see it and get any more ideas or gather anymore steam.Too late.The word is getting out.Maybe slowly but word and videos are getting out regardless.

RE: Bikers to DC - Misguided - 09-13-2013

RE: Bikers to DC - Misguided - 09-14-2013

This will tell you a bit of info about the MMM group and a few of their beliefs and intent.

RE: Bikers to DC - Duchess - 09-14-2013

(09-13-2013, 09:16 PM)Misguided Wrote: They went to make the point that 911 is a day of rememberance and to honor and respect all those that perished not for a damn political agenda of some Muslims.They choose the day of 911 to claim they were going to have a major march to push their agenda on the very day our country was mourning and still bleeding.It was done on purpose to try to stir things up.They most definatly did do just that.The Bikers gathered to make it quite clear what the day really meant to many of us and to also send the message to DC that we are fed up with the fucking bullshit also and are ready to do something.When this first started picking up steam,many may have thought it was not really going to go very far.The undercurrents of the mindset of many Americans and how we are feeling and frustrated over the current affairs, led this groundswell to become what happened.I met folks from all over the country that day.Some had taken a week off work to make the trips from as far away as Washington State or Colorado on a motorcycle to make a point and pay their respects.
DC officials denied our permits to stage a Rally.Then they denied the permit for a no-stop ride thru.Yet they had no hesitation to grant permits for the Muslim Rally.We choose to go without permits.Anyone of you have the right to drive to DC on anyday and anytime, to visit,yet they were trying to deny us access.
We were not going to be denied the right to pay our respects.What you all have not seen is the news coverage of an Event that was,to put it lightly,...historic.I was impressed and moved beyond words can express.
In other posts on this site we have spoken before of the inability or lack thereof,of many Americans not getting off their ass's to do something and take action against all the things they know are not right that is happening in this country.
After going on this Ride,I can no longer say that.We are starting to do something.The reason you did not hear or see of it is because the Government does not want you to see it and get any more ideas or gather anymore steam.Too late.The word is getting out.Maybe slowly but word and videos are getting out regardless.

Has anyone said they didn't see any coverage of this by the media? I must have missed reading that.

On one hand you say the bikers had no political agenda & on the other you say it was done to send a message. That seems like a bit of a contradiction to me.

So what exactly was the message you & your biker pals were sending? You don't want Muslims standing in unity with Americans? You don't like the way our country is being run? Y'all are angry because the Muslims got a permit & you didn't?

You are proud that you participated in this when you weren't granted a permit, I'm curious to know what your reaction would have been if the media reported the Muslims had gathered anyway if they had been denied a permit. You'd be really pissed, huh?

RE: Bikers to DC - Misguided - 09-14-2013

You have missed so many points and the info is right in front of your face.

RE: Bikers to DC - Duchess - 09-14-2013

I read what you presented & based my response on that.

RE: Bikers to DC - Misguided - 09-14-2013

Ok...fair enough...I'm into chores and popping in and out but let me explain during runs..
The message was to make clear that the day to most of us was a day of mourning and to pay respects such as on Memorial Day.Although we had no Political agenda,we got caught up in one, due to the fact they(DC officials) kept backtracking on the reasons they were denying permits or changing their minds on what they said we were "allowed"to do.
Ie,..the MMM were granted a permit to march to the Capitol.No problem.Yet we were denied a permit to stop and visit the Memorials.They did say we could do a "no-stop,ride thru" meaning we could ride around the Memorials and continue on our way.Then,..they denied that.It is your Constitional right to visit those Memorials any time you wish.There was much more back and forth issues also that play into this such as some of the officials claiming they never got the paperwork.When we proved the paperwork had gotten to them and provided proof,...another excuse came up.Finally,..they ran out of excuses and started trying give some LEO assistance to get us thru DC in a faster and orderely manner than what they knew was coming.If you had ever been in DC,you would understand more.This is how we got caught up in some of the Political issues even tho we did not do this Run for Political Issues.The one thing that could be considered a Political aspect of our ride,if you choose to look at it this way is the fact we wanted Washington to know that they were not going to keep us from going to pay our respects and trample on another one of our Rights as US Citizens,especially this one.We all feel that this country has been overlooking the rights and freedoms of it's citizens in so many ways in that when they choose to deny us our freedom to visit the Memorials,it was the last straw for many of us and we choose to say"enough!"
I would have to say to you,yes,..we were angry we were not granted a permit.Many have served the country as Veterans to give not only this Muslim group the right to assemble and speak but most definatly, also.We were not going to counter- protest at their Rally location but had we choose to,..even that should not have been denied.
In DC,...when you have marches such as "Right to Life" or anti-war demostrations,...those opposing are also allowed to march and protest,even in the same place.
The reason this occured,many of us believe,is due to the Political enviroment and the mindset of this adminstration.I know you will probly disagree depending on if you support or agree with O'bama.
I would say to your snide comment about being pissed if they had assembled without a permit,...we needed no permit to visit the Memorials.We choose to do so as a respectfull way to lighten the impact on the population of DC and for the Capitol Police to know where we were going.If we had decided to do a March on the Capitol Building and were denied a permit,we would not have continued.If they(MMM) had done the same without a permit,they would have been locked up,the same as us.
The reason none of us were arrested or detained is because we broke no laws.We had a right to go and be there at the Memorials any time of the day or week we choose to.,permit or no permit.

RE: Bikers to DC - Duchess - 09-14-2013

Misguided, the fact of the matter is, you're a nice guy & I'm a big asshole. I saw how earnest & sincere you were and I had an overwhelming urge to give you a lil' poke. I was trying to provoke you, for some ungodly reason that appeals to me and I think it's fun. I'm almost certain it made the list of "things that suck about myself".

RE: Bikers to DC - Misguided - 09-14-2013

Hah!Well,...I guess I did fall for it.Ya got me. Smiley_emoticons_fies) Guess I'm easy to stir up.I have to say that I really do feel that in here sometimes,...I'm definatly outta my league. <EG>