PC attitude blows up in someones face! - Printable Version

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PC attitude blows up in someones face! - Cynical Ninja - 11-30-2013

Political correctness can sometimes prove to be something of an oxymoron.

This bloke in his 60s was running a comedy club in London and one night later in the month he realised that three American stand up comedians were going to be in London on the same night so he thought he would book all of them together on the same night. He made it a themed American night with hot dogs, burgers and Budweiser being served.

This guy was known for being a “right on” hippy type, if there was a march or protest he would be there, if there was petitioner he would sign it. He read the guardian and considered himself politically correct.

So the American theme night arrives his club is packed and the first comedian takes the stage. Its a black guy and his act is full of really terrible racial stereotypes and general racially off colour material the audience like it though because he's charismatic and sharp and quick and he comes off stage to applause.

The guy running the club goes backstage to the communal dressing room to confront the comedian because he's pissed off. “Look mate I'm not being funny but that kind of racial stereotyping and racial humour is in very bad taste and totally unacceptable. And just because you're black that doesn't give you the right to indulge in material that most people of other races wouldn't be allowed to do. You should be ashamed of yourself promoting such racial stereotypes about your own race. You'll get paid for tonight no problem but I won't be bookin you ever again!”

The comedian replies “you're right dude, you get no argument from me and when you're right you're right but there's something you should know”

The guy says “what's that mate?”

The comedian says “I'm the OTHER black comedian appearing here tonight I haven't been on stage yet!”
