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TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - Duchess - 12-16-2013

Are your homes decorated in all their holiday finery? Is your menu planned? Gifts wrapped? Are there any kids bouncing off the walls? Are you? Just what the hell is going on at your house this week?


Since we bounce back and forth between the two houses, we decided not to decorate either place. No kids at home and we are doing christmas at my children's house this year [we are trying to pass the torch to the next generation]. So there is no reason to decorate anything. Basically its life as usual in the world of F.U. this week.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - ramseycat - 12-16-2013

Matt will be home today with his dog and cat. Hopefully he will get a job soon. Thing 1 will be 17 on Sunday. Hard to believe he is that old already.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - sally - 12-16-2013

My tree is up and that's about the extent of my decorating. Since it's just going to be us this year I'm not doing the traditional feast. I'm ordering Wagyu bone-in ribeye steaks and Maine lobster tails for Christmas dinner.

I still have Christmas shopping to do. What is your favorite mens cologne? I want to get some for my son, but I can't stand most perfumes and don't want to have to smell 20 different ones before I find one I like. I always end up coming out of store with a headache and smelling like a French whore.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - Duchess - 12-16-2013

(12-16-2013, 09:26 AM)sally Wrote: What is your favorite mens cologne?

Something with sandalwood.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - Cynical Ninja - 12-16-2013

I use Fahrenheit aftershave, its an earthy, woody natural smell so you don't smell like a whores handbag.


(12-16-2013, 07:07 AM)Duchess Wrote:

Are your homes decorated in all their holiday finery? ****Yes, my home is decorated. Id take pictures but I dont trust you basdids.

Is your menu planned? ****Ham and a bunch of sides.

Gifts wrapped? ****Shopping is complete but not all the gifts are wrapped. Just a few to go.

Are there any kids bouncing off the walls? Are you? ****Yes, my son already wants to open some of his gifts.

Just what the hell is going on at your house this week? ****Memory work and a speech my son has to finish. Finishing last minute Christmas cards.


RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - Cynical Ninja - 12-16-2013

(12-16-2013, 07:07 AM)Duchess Wrote:

Are your homes decorated in all their holiday finery? Is your menu planned? Gifts wrapped? Are there any kids bouncing off the walls? Are you? Just what the hell is going on at your house this week?

Decorations are up and gifts are wrapped we are going to a local pub for Christmas day dinner like we did last year. I am regretting the new fibre optic tree its a bit distracting.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - Midwest Spy - 12-16-2013

My kids still have school the entire week.

House is decorated and it's a white winter wonderland outside, so everyone is ready for Christmas.

My folks and siblings (with 4 out of control nephews) will be coming for a family get together next Sunday, and then Christmas Eve we'll go to my wife's folks place for the day. Back home that night so kids can get Santa's gifts under OUR tree and then out to Grandma's house for Christmas Day.

Busy but fun.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - Clang McFly - 12-16-2013

The Nativity is up and that is about it. The rest of the family is coming to celebrate Christmas next Saturday and is bringing all the food like they did on thanksgiving so no need to cook. Mom wants to bake cookies and a mincemeat pie and me, mom and dad, and the other unemployed brother will be cooking a Christmas ham dinner on Christmas Eve.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - Duchess - 12-16-2013

You didn't mention a Christmas tree.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - sally - 12-16-2013

(12-16-2013, 09:35 AM)Duchess Wrote:
(12-16-2013, 09:26 AM)sally Wrote: What is your favorite mens cologne?

Something with sandalwood.

I ended up getting Mont Blanc Legend. It's woodsy and manly smelling but not overpowering.

There were a couple I smelled and I don't know who hell would wear that, they were sweet and musky and smelled like old rotten grapes. That would be a major turn off if I ever got close to guy that smelled like that. I'd rather smell BO.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - Duchess - 12-16-2013

(12-16-2013, 02:43 PM)sally Wrote: I ended up getting Mont Blanc Legend. It's woodsy and manly smelling but not overpowering.

I actually tried to find out the exact name for you but he wasn't answering the phone.

I don't like anything overpowering either, nothing fruity or flowery.

Did that come with shower gel? I'm just curious.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - sally - 12-16-2013

(12-16-2013, 02:46 PM)Duchess Wrote:
(12-16-2013, 02:43 PM)sally Wrote: I ended up getting Mont Blanc Legend. It's woodsy and manly smelling but not overpowering.

I actually tried to find out the exact name for you but he wasn't answering the phone.

I don't like anything overpowering either, nothing fruity or flowery.

Did that come with shower gel? I'm just curious.

No, she asked me if I wanted the deodorant or shower gel with it, but that would have cost extra. The cologne was already 80 bucks so I figured I better wait to see if he even likes it first.

It won't be a total loss if he doesn't like it because I'll wear it. It's pretty masculine, but I like it anyway.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - crash - 12-16-2013

I don't particularly like cologne. I find it really overpowering and get self conscious that I'm the guy that you can smell from fifty feet, even with the smallest amount. Sensitive nose I guess. If I am going somewhere that requires a collar, I wear it. If it's tshirt and jeans, then it's just scented body wash and some deodorant.

About the best one I've found that doesn't give me a headache is Armani Code.

Addit: It's predicted to be pretty hot for Christmas Day, so I'm thinking we'll do a lot of cold foods; potato salad, coleslaw, sliced cold meats, some cold fried chicken, a shit ton of prawns, a crab salad. Pavlova, trifle and ice cream and fresh fruit salad for desert.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - sally - 12-16-2013

I also have a sensitive nose, nothing pisses me off more than when I'm at a restaurant and they seat someone next to me reeking of perfume or cologne. Sometimes I can actually taste it in my mouth it's so strong.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - crash - 12-16-2013

I remember my wife was given a bottle of Poison. She put some on this one night, I can't remember where we were going, but I remember having to pull off to the side of the road half way there because my nose was bleeding so bad.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - Cynical Ninja - 12-16-2013

My mate Mark is a bit of a metrosexual he was wearing some of that CK One which is supposedly “unisex”. When he got in the minibus with the rest of us on the way to Newcastle he sat next to me. I got a nostril full and said “why are you wearing fucking perfume you fruit?”. Disturbing he smelled like bouquet garni.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - Clang McFly - 12-16-2013

(12-16-2013, 02:14 PM)Duchess Wrote:

You didn't mention a Christmas tree.
No tree this year. Actually except for the artificial one me and my brother put up last year our family hasn't put up a Christmas tree in years. My Scroogey mom considers them too expensive and too messy. Plus no one remembers to water it and it dried up fast.

RE: TIS THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS - Midwest Spy - 12-16-2013

When I wear Axe it's comical how the women come running.

That stuff is Da Shit.