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that drama addiction - crash - 12-19-2013

I've met more than a few people in my life who have been dealt a bad lot. Shit has happened to them, or somebody close to them and they've struggled one way or another. Illnesses, relationships, abuses blah blah. The common bond they share is making statements like 'Why can't I catch a fucking break?', 'Why can't I just have a normal life for a while?' and 'I can't wait until this shit is over'..

But it seems like some of them become subconsciously addicted to the drama. As soon as one drama disappears, they seem to find another to get involved in. Or even more disturbing, they sabotage something just to create a fresh one.

Is drama really that addictive fore some people? Should there be a new subgroup of people referenced as dramaddicts?

RE: that drama addiction - sally - 12-19-2013

They are the ones that say "I hate all this drama" and you think to yourself yeah right. If you hate it so much why do you keep egging it along. Kinda like when Ramsey talks about her SIL and ex husband.

I never have any drama. There was that thing with my aunt when my mom was dying, but I've since made up, sent her some flowers because I truly felt bad and will probably talk to her once in a while on the phone and on holidays. The end, no need to keep a feud going on.

RE: that drama addiction - Duchess - 12-19-2013

(12-19-2013, 05:20 PM)crash Wrote: Should there be a new subgroup of people referenced as dramaddicts?


RE: that drama addiction - sally - 12-19-2013

These are all signs that you might be a drama addict...

You have your divorce/custody lawyer on speed dial

Your 3 year old sees a counselor

You see a counselor

Your kids are home schooled because the PTA pissed you off

You'd rather talk to telemarketers than do daily chores

Your spouse hides in the shed to smoke pot because you'll freak out

You have 32 very close friends

You're neighbors look around to see if you're outside before running to the mail box

When you have menstrual cramps you can't get out of bed

When you have a cold you can't get out of bed

More than 80 people on the internet know that your SIL has breast implants.

More than 80 people on the internet know that you have breast implants

Everyone you work with and more than 80 people on the internet know your ex's name.

RE: that drama addiction - ramseycat - 12-19-2013

I never told anyone here I had breast implants.

RE: that drama addiction - HairOfTheDog - 12-19-2013

These are the symptoms of drama addiction that I found at Health Central.

•You keep finding yourself in relationships with people who you know are bad for your mental health.
• You tend to play the role of the victim and you let people know how others have been unfair to you.
• You enjoy trying to save or "fix" other people who you feel are damaged in some way.
• You have been known to throw a tantrum or hissy fit when things don't go your way.
• You can't handle stress without reacting in some way whether it is through drinking alcohol, using drugs, binge eating, self injury or other addictive and impulsive behavior.
• You talk about your problems to anyone who will listen whether it is someone at the bus stop or the neighbor you barely know.
• If there is a pain competition you want to win. Your problems are the worst and you let people know it.
• You enjoy the latest gossip even if it is about you.
• You tend to exaggerate your problems and/or medical issues.
• When there isn't much going on in your life you look for the drama in other people's lives.
• Your friends and family have called you a drama queen.

RE: that drama addiction - crash - 12-19-2013're a funny bunch of fuckers! You crack me up daily..

RE: that drama addiction - sally - 12-19-2013

You might also be a drama addict if you told over 80 people that your ex-husband is gay. Including your children, who are now by the way seeing a counselor.

RE: that drama addiction - Maggot - 12-19-2013

Every year my oldest Daughter has issues around Christmas. The boyfriend is a jerk......bla bla bla bills suck bla bla bla this, that the other thing is a drag.
I tell her ........STFU and suck it up, we all do that. It's the perception of the season that fucks people up. Do what you can and move along. Enjoy life and stop taking things so seriously. 3 days after Christmas she is fine. I can only chaulk it up to being young and stupid.
Today in my real time nothing ever bugs me. If anyone is offended fuck-em. I do what I can and that's it.

RE: that drama addiction - sally - 12-19-2013

The only drama I have is in my own head with Hospice. I wrote a letter about how disgusted I am, but I tore it up. My mom is dead from starvation and dehydration and what's done is done. I should have done something when they were giving me their fake smiles and telling me it's just part of the dying process sweetie, but I didn't. She's wasn't my kid so I didn't fight like she was. I don't think I'll ever get over it. I never got a moment of privacy with her either, there was always an aide sitting there 247 listening to every word I said. Even after she died they sat at the kitchen table charting the rest of her pills and kept coming in and rubbing my back as I'm hugging my dead mom and sobbing. Jesus Christ, did they ever stop to think that their motto "dying with dignity" might mean you want some privacy.

RE: that drama addiction - cannongal - 12-20-2013

My sister in law is a drama whore. Yesterday, she called me up because the church rectory was closed, and she couldn't get a file she needed to complete her sermon for Sunday. She was literally in tears on the phone over a piece of paper. When I told her that she still had Friday and Saturday to get the file she needed, she came up with every excuse in the book as to why it wouldn't work out.

Jesus Christ, how fucking hard is it to write a sermon about Christmas? And Speaking of Christmas, in the song "Do you hear what I hear?" One of the verses says: 'a child, a child, shivers in the cold, let us bring him silver and gold'--how is silver and gold supposed to warm the babe up? Why not bring him a fucking blanket?

RE: that drama addiction - Duchess - 12-20-2013

(12-19-2013, 10:50 PM)sally Wrote: My mom is dead from starvation and dehydration and what's done is done.

I don't think you should view it as what's done is done. That is neglect and grounds for a lawsuit. Make those fuckers pay both in money and in terms of their reputation. These are people whose job it is to make one's final days as comfortable as possible and that's not how it was.

RE: that drama addiction - ramseycat - 12-20-2013

(12-20-2013, 05:56 AM)Duchess Wrote:
(12-19-2013, 10:50 PM)sally Wrote: My mom is dead from starvation and dehydration and what's done is done.

I don't think you should view it as what's done is done. That is neglect and grounds for a lawsuit. Make those fuckers pay both in money and in terms of their reputation. These are people whose job it is to make one's final days as comfortable as possible and that's not how it was.

Not to mention that you don't want someone else's loved one going through that.

RE: that drama addiction - Duchess - 12-20-2013

I'd want to kill somebody if my Mom died from starvation & dehydration. No exaggeration.

RE: that drama addiction - Cynical Ninja - 12-20-2013

I stick to births, deaths and marriages.

If someone asks me a question they'll get an honest answer other than that I really don't care. I can barely be arsed with my own daily soap opera I care even less about someone elses. Never been a nosey type or into gossip I don't care or want to know shit about people.

RE: that drama addiction - aussiefriend - 12-24-2013

(12-19-2013, 05:20 PM)crash Wrote: Is drama really that addictive fore some people? Should there be a new subgroup of people referenced as dramaddicts?

Yes, absolutely, definitely. It's called Borderline Personality Disorder. Dramaqueens/addicts. I have noticed since working in psychiatric medicine with certain people in my life and I treat it the way we are trained to treat BPDs, I do not feed the drama. If someone with a personality disorder identifies (and they quickly do) that you will not give the 'drama' airtime or a platform they quickly move on to others that do. It is draining of your energy if you do. It is behavioural and can be changed and can be altered but they chose not to from what I have seen.

They usually have some form of addiction also, such as of course substance abuse but can also be abusive relationships or just addicted to the drama.

RE: that drama addiction - Maggot - 12-24-2013

Drama can start with just a "look"

[Image: 51e370b1fc797fd37335e99808cc75a0_hooters-protest.jpg]

RE: that drama addiction - aussiefriend - 12-24-2013

Stupid bimbos. You can look hot and not degrade yourself and the rest of the sex, it is possible. Dragging us backwards.