ARE CIGARS A DRUG? - Printable Version

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ARE CIGARS A DRUG? - Duchess - 06-08-2014

In your opinion are they?

Two Massachusetts high school seniors who were photographed smoking victory cigars at their graduation ceremony reportedly have been kicked off the school's lacrosse team and will miss the state championship game Saturday.

The seniors were photographed on the front page of a local newspaper celebrating with their classmates at Beverly High School's graduation ceremony last week, reported.

School administration officials were notified, though it is not clear how, that two of the seniors pictured are active members on the Panthers’ lacrosse team roster.

While the players are not in violation of a state law, the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association has a strict, no tolerance drug and alcohol policy for student athletes.


RE: ARE CIGARS A DRUG? - ramseycat - 06-08-2014

No. It's the same as smoking a cigg. People are idiots and take this crap too seriously.

RE: ARE CIGARS A DRUG? - JsMom - 06-08-2014

If it didnt have weed inside of it then No its not a drug. Although, I dont see weed as a drug anyways.

RE: ARE CIGARS A DRUG? - SIXFOOTERsez - 06-08-2014

Since its illegal to sell tobacco to minors in most places its still evidence of a crime right?

RE: ARE CIGARS A DRUG? - Cutz - 06-08-2014

No. The kids must have been 18 since it says they didn't violate state law.

But tobacco is a drug, whether it's cigar or cigarette. Course, caffeine is a drug, abused by children and adults countrywide, so really it's about where you draw the line. I guess their Lacrosse league draws it at cigars.