THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - Printable Version

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THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - HairOfTheDog - 03-05-2015

Sad story out of Florida.

[Image: B_Iwm1vWwAEaUNb.jpg:large]
^ Trinity Bachmann, a 13-year-old from the town of Apopka, was riding in a vehicle with several of her friends on Saturday night. Her mother, 36-year-old Janice Pedroza, was driving the teens home from Orlando’s Central Florida Fair, where Bachmann was showing a pig for a Future Farmers of America competition.

After dropping one of the kids off, the other kids reportedly started arguing over who got to sit in the front seat. Trinity got upset, left the vehicle, and sat in the middle of the road. While her mom was yelling at her and ordering her to get back into the vehicle, they were both hit by a car. Trinity died, RIP. Her mom survived.

Police say the driver that hit the pair, 21-year-old Mackenzi Miller, had glassy, bloodshot eyes and breath that smelled like alcohol. Officials took a blood sample and are still waiting for the results to come back. She has not been arrested.


Do you think that the mom or the 13-year-old bears some/all responsibility for the girl's death?


All 3, Darwin wins the hat trick

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - Donovan - 03-05-2015

The driver should still face appropriate charges if she was DWI. The entire point of those laws is that strange shit happens in the road. Shit you may not expect to see, like a tantrumming tweener or a stalled out car or whatever. Sober people have the capacity and necessary reaction time to adjust to the unexpected. Drunks and texters don't. While I won't she'd many tears over an idiot too stupid to get out of the fucking road, that doesn't change the culpability of the idiot stupid enough to drive drunk.

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - Duchess - 03-05-2015

(03-05-2015, 10:55 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Do you think that the mom or the 13-year-old bear some/all responsibility for the girl's death?

Yes, it is a sad story but jeez louise, she sat in the middle of the road, I'm viewing that as an invitation to get nailed by a vehicle. I don't know about the mom but how does one get a 13 yr. old to do something they don't want to do? I don't know what to say about the driver either other than one is supposed to be in control of their vehicle at all time. I creep down my road in the dark, I never know what I'm going to come upon, deer, 'coons, possum.


How do you not see a car coming at you?
I agree with six and Dono.

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - HairOfTheDog - 03-05-2015

(03-05-2015, 11:02 AM)Donovan Wrote: The driver should still face appropriate charges if she was DWI. The entire point of those laws is that strange shit happens in the road. Shit you may not expect to see, like a tantrumming tweener or a stalled out car or whatever. Sober people have the capacity and necessary reaction time to adjust to the unexpected. Drunks and texters don't. While I won't she'd many tears over an idiot too stupid to get out of the fucking road, that doesn't change the culpability of the idiot stupid enough to drive drunk.

Yeah, I feel the same way.

I've dealt with a couple of stupid bratty moves by kids that I love. They grew out of their teenage idiocy, unfortunately Trinity died because of it.

If the driver was legally drunk, she should face charges for DWI regardless of the fact that the kid shouldn't have been in the road -- I agree. If it's determined that conditions would have allowed a sober driver to assess the situation and avoid hitting Trinity, she should also be charged with vehicular manslaughter IMO.

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - Duchess - 03-05-2015

(03-05-2015, 12:23 PM)FAHQTOO Wrote: How do you not see a car coming at you?

Seriously. That was my question too. I would have yanked that little bitch out of the road by the hair on her head and then probably gotten arrested for abuse. 78

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - HairOfTheDog - 03-05-2015

(03-05-2015, 12:23 PM)FAHQTOO Wrote: How do you not see a car coming at you?

I wondered about that too.

There's a short video at the link that shows the street where Trinity and her mom were hit. It's reportedly dark at night. I don't know if they were struck from behind, if the driver was speeding...all under investigation.


Police are on record as saying the driver had glassy eyes, smelled of alcohol, and there was an open container of Mike's Hard Lemonade in the center console. I get the sense that she wasn't arrested at the scene because she passed a field sobriety test, though.

When asked by media, a police spokesperson said no arrest has been made because there is no probable cause at this time; they are waiting for blood sample tests to be completed.

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - crash - 03-05-2015

The parents who called the kid Mackenzi, it's all their fault.

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - Maggot - 03-05-2015

Did the Guiney pig live?

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - sally - 03-05-2015

How exactly is it the mother's fault? She was fighting with the stupid kid to get out of the road and she was hit too.

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - Donovan - 03-05-2015

If a kid gets to the point where anything close to that behavior is tolerated even for a second, then momma shares the blame. A beatdown at the appropriate time long ago might have saved the little asshole's life.

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - sally - 03-05-2015

(03-05-2015, 06:11 PM)Donovan Wrote: If a kid gets to the point where anything close to that behavior is tolerated even for a second, then momma shares the blame. A beatdown at the appropriate time long ago might have saved the little asshole's life.

It doesn't say anywhere that the mother tolerated the behavior, did you miss the part where it said that she was yelling and ordering her to get back in the vehicle. The kid was kind of a fat ass, I'd probably have trouble getting her out of the road too.

So a 13 year old girl does something stupid and bratty (gasp) and now you know all the details of how the mother raised and disciplined her though out the years?

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - Donovan - 03-05-2015

I know that at some point before this event, that kid got the idea from a prior experience that a middle of the road tantrum was an effective way to deal with mom. And that's mom's fault. Unless the kid was a total psychotic she was being treated way too leniently and was at least one assbeating short of her lifetime supply. Probably if she had kicked the kid's ass a couple times the kid might still be alive and she wouldn't be burying her. If my kid tried that even one goddamn time I'd have whooped his little ass all the way home for it, because some things you just do not fuck around with, and playing in the road is one of them.

Now that's if the kid wasn't a psychotic bi-polar little shit. But in THAT case, the kid had no business being shepherded around to 4-H meetings. You lock them little fuckers down until they learn and practice respect. It isn't rocket science, and you aren't their goddamn buddy you're their parent. Too many forget that these days. And now that kid is dead because momma dropped the ball and the kid was an idiot.

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - sally - 03-05-2015

(03-05-2015, 06:47 PM)Donovan Wrote: I know that at some point before this event, that kid got the idea from a prior experience that a middle of the road tantrum was an effective way to deal with mom.

If my kid tried that even one goddamn time I'd have whooped his little ass all the way home for it

You don't know shit, Donovan. How could you possibly know what that kid has done in her past? It sounds like she was reacting to the other teenagers in the car. They got into a fight over who gets the front seat and everyone knows you're the one who gets shotgun in your own parent's car. A teenage boy would have punched another kid for trying to take the front seat, teenage girls have different ways of reacting to their peers.

Again how do you know it wasn't the first time she did that?


I agree with Dono, but the fuck do you NOT see or hear a car coming at you? I don't care if the little porker was 300 lbs...where's that adrenaline rush people talk about, the super human strength you're supposed to get while in a life or death situation, especially when it's your child? I would have grabbed that little bitch by the hair and the neck of her shirt/back of her pants, and drug her out of the road. Then I would have gave her the assbeating of her life.

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - sally - 03-05-2015

I don't know, the story isn't real specific. For all I know the mother could be a disabled woman and the driver was barreling towards them giving only seconds to move.

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - sally - 03-05-2015

(03-05-2015, 06:47 PM)Donovan Wrote: Now that's if the kid wasn't a psychotic bi-polar little shit. But in THAT case, the kid had no business being shepherded around to 4-H meetings. You lock them little fuckers down until they learn and practice respect.

Yeah,showing a pig for a Future Farmers of America competition is way too much fun for a out of control teenage girl. And not very educating at that. I would have made her pray hail Mary's everyday while scrubbing the bathroom grout with a tooth brush.


The mother lost that fight a long time ago, the kid grew up to the old age of 13 and was a douch. Mom and dad should have busted her ass a long time ago and made a decent human out of her. Seriously? Throwing a fit and sitting in the middle of the road?
Doesn't excuse the driver if she was drunk though.
Glassy eyes? Could have something to do with just killing 2 people, just a guess

RE: THE 'WHO'S TO BLAME?' THREAD - HairOfTheDog - 03-05-2015

(03-05-2015, 06:47 PM)Donovan Wrote: I know that at some point before this event, that kid got the idea from a prior experience that a middle of the road tantrum was an effective way to deal with mom. And that's mom's fault. Unless the kid was a total psychotic she was being treated way too leniently and was at least one assbeating short of her lifetime supply. Probably if she had kicked the kid's ass a couple times the kid might still be alive and she wouldn't be burying her. If my kid tried that even one goddamn time I'd have whooped his little ass all the way home for it, because some things you just do not fuck around with, and playing in the road is one of them.

Now that's if the kid wasn't a psychotic bi-polar little shit. But in THAT case, the kid had no business being shepherded around to 4-H meetings. You lock them little fuckers down until they learn and practice respect. It isn't rocket science, and you aren't their goddamn buddy you're their parent. Too many forget that these days. And now that kid is dead because momma dropped the ball and the kid was an idiot.

Well, that's an about-face, Donovan. Wasn't it you who said that clearly punishing kids for bad behavior was ineffective and that jedi mind tricks as a form of behavior modification was the way to go?

I'm not assuming the girl was psychotic or bipolar, nor that her mom was somehow unfit or too lenient. That might be the case, but that's not what teachers, friends and family are saying about her/them. In any event, Trinity obviously should not have been planted in the middle of road and her mom is devastated.

As for how the girl and her mom could not have seen the car coming, we don't know yet if the driver came around a corner suddenly, or was simply going too fast for the mom and child to get out of the road in time, or if the driver had her lights on... People get run over by cars, sometimes they see them coming and sometimes they don't. Witnesses are being interviewed and the investigation is expected to be completed in two months, according to police.