Do you ever watch the Price is Right show. . . . - Printable Version

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Do you ever watch the Price is Right show. . . . - Carsman - 07-21-2015

Did you know that if the contestant lived in an apartment and if they won a Hot Tub, they can get screwed! Because . . . . I thought that they could just opt for cash at a reduced rate. But no. . . . .

Show's policy:
Don’t expect to get the cash value of your prize if you win — you either claim your prize, or decline it.

“The show wants to give you the prize that you won, not just the cash.”

So even if a contestant who lives in Oklahoma not near any large lakes ends up winning a boat, the producers will “strongly encourage” the contestant to take the boat.

“We’re in the business of giving things away they say. “There’s usually someone in your family who does live near the water, (oh really) or a way to sell it — something that you could do that would benefit you greatly.

I say That sucks!

In addition, not only are the contestants sometimes stuck with a prize they can't use, they have to pay "sales tax" where applicable on that item! Sucks again!

What say you?

RE: Do you ever watch the Price is Right show. . . . - Duchess - 07-21-2015

I once read an article about the pitfalls of winning. One shouldn't necessarily consider it winning given the cost to claim your winnings.

RE: Do you ever watch the Price is Right show. . . . - Maggot - 07-21-2015

I would give it to the nearest senior center or V.A.

RE: Do you ever watch the Price is Right show. . . . - Cutz - 07-21-2015

I'd sell all the shit I don't want to pay for the stuff I did.

RE: Do you ever watch the Price is Right show. . . . - Jimbone - 07-22-2015

The dollar value of anything you win is completely taxable as income to the individual who won it.

The tax man cometh, even when you die.

RE: Do you ever watch the Price is Right show. . . . - Blindgreed1 - 07-22-2015

No I never watch the show, but I know a guy that won the showcase showdown. He's flat broke and living with his mother now. Loser...