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- Duchess - 03-05-2009

I know shit that others have shared with me & I will take it to my grave...I don't have a problem keeping a confidence...On the other hand, some people find it IMPOSSIBLE to keep from blabbing...Motormouths outnumber confidents 10-1...Ever been betrayed by a motormouth ?

- Cynical Ninja - 03-05-2009

I never give anybody I don't trust any ammunition to fire back at me so I have never had this problem.
I know things about people that could land them in jail but if they tell me it in confidence I never breach that trust.
My extended family being like it is I learnt from an early age to keep my mouth shut.

- Duchess - 03-05-2009

I never breach that trust either, even regarding people I am no longer friends with.

- Liquid - 03-05-2009

I hate fucking rats..

- QueenBee - 03-05-2009

Ever notice that the ones who most love to blab your secrets are the ones who would raise the biggest sting if you blabbed one of theirs?

- The Antagonist - 03-05-2009

Ditto Liquid.

I am a person of my word and others on here can vouch for that as well. Same as Duchess I know things others don't.

I also have respect for privacy, unlike some others and the OP and me 'liar' saga is one of them.

I know who stooled and I've kept that a secret. I see no point in dragging a million people into his little demented tirade. No need to start more bullshit than already goes on here. One drama is enough for me and no need to make one up for someone else. We're friends and I think it bothered her more than it does me.

- Cynical Ninja - 03-05-2009

And the ongoing phantom e-mail fantasy just seems to be growing, adding more layers of falsehood with every passing day.

Lets think now who would want to get me in trouble?, who could it have been?

Oh yeah, that's right, nearly every fucking member here!

Personally I wouldn't trust you if the entire population of the earth depended on it. Its never a good policy to trust liars and fantasists.

- Duchess - 03-05-2009

You're paranoid...I don't want to get you in trouble.

- Cynical Ninja - 03-05-2009

[user=29]Duchess[/user] wrote:
Quote:You're paranoid...I don't want to get you in trouble.

Please, don't get wrapped up in the fantasy, tis all rhubarb.

- The Antagonist - 03-05-2009

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:And the ongoing phantom e-mail fantasy just seems to be growing, adding more layers of falsehood with every passing day.

Lets think now who would want to get me in trouble?, who could it have been?

Oh yeah, that's right, nearly every fucking member here!

Personally I wouldn't trust you if the entire population of the earth depended on it. Its never a good policy to trust liars and fantasists.

Make your whinymind up. Are you letting it go or not?

Nevermind.... you continue on your demented path. If you let it go you'll put your shrink and all the pharmacies in the UK out of business.

- Cynical Ninja - 03-05-2009

[user=20]The Antagonist[/user] wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:And the ongoing phantom e-mail fantasy just seems to be growing, adding more layers of falsehood with every passing day.

Lets think now who would want to get me in trouble?, who could it have been?

Oh yeah, that's right, nearly every fucking member here!

Personally I wouldn't trust you if the entire population of the earth depended on it. Its never a good policy to trust liars and fantasists.

Make your whiny mind up. Are you letting it go or not?

Nevermind.... you continue on your demented path. If you let it go you'll put your shrink and all the pharmacies in the UK out of business.


I'd just like to end this topic by saying.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.


- ramseycat - 03-05-2009

I never break a confidence. I know a lot of people that will tell their best friend something they were told in confidence thinking it won't go any further. But then the friend tells someone and on and on it goes. I only tell a small number of my cloest friends my secrets. I trust very few people.

- OnBendedKnee - 03-05-2009

As long as we're telling secrets, when I run out of my favorite underarm I use my wife's. The irony is she uses Secret and I like running our of mine as her's smells better and sprays on feeling cool and fresh.

- ramseycat - 03-05-2009

OnBendedKnee Wrote:As long as we're telling secrets, when I run out of my favorite underarm I use my wife's. The irony is she uses Secret and I like running our of mine as her's smells better and sprays on feeling cool and fresh.
Ew she uses the spray? Got to have the solid.

- OnBendedKnee - 03-05-2009

Solid leaves white powdery residue. Spray is light and refreshing.

- ramseycat - 03-05-2009

OnBendedKnee Wrote:Solid leaves white powdery residue. Spray is light and refreshing.
Nope. You get the kind that doesn't do that. Spray is wet and nasty. And COLD!!!

- OnBendedKnee - 03-05-2009

[user=88]ramseycat[/user] wrote:
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Solid leaves white powdery residue. Spray is light and refreshing.
Nope.  You get the kind that doesn't do that.  Spray is wet and nasty.  And COLD!!!
Other than "cold" you've described my lovely wife perfectly.

- Duchess - 03-05-2009

Wet & nasty ?

- LuMPyPussy - 03-05-2009

I collect rocks. There, now you all know my darkest secret.