SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY! - Printable Version

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- Liquid - 03-04-2009

I have never seen such a bunch of weepy little crabby stinky pussy bitches lately on this site. Stop your fucking crying and just enjoy the site you bleeding diseased anal fissures.

I have never seen so much pointless discussion about absolutely nothing. If you don't like this site GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. The internet is a huge fucking place and you can easily leave and never ever ever ever been seen again on Mock. And good riddance to those who leave. Don't let the door hit your giant fat asses on the way out.

I for one like it here. For the most part I like all of you assholes (including OP incredibly) and look forward to reading the posts on the forum a few times a day.



- Sinister - 03-04-2009

Bravo, Liquid. Totally agree.

- Liquid - 03-04-2009

And MF should shut the fuck up also with all of the "hang in there mock" - boo fucking hooo. just run the site and shut your Italian meatball stuffed mouth. You don't need to justify shit and you sound and look like a pussy when you keep doing it. Retard.

- Duchess - 03-04-2009

I'm not shutting up about any goddamn thing.

- Sinister - 03-04-2009

And one more.....

- Liquid - 03-04-2009

Duchess Wrote:I'm not shutting up about any goddamn thing.

You can say whatever you want you hot piece of Duchess!

- Fry Guy - 03-04-2009

I like the drama.

....and on another note, Duchess for Mod!!!

- SyberBitch - 03-04-2009

Has anyone actually bothered to ASK Duch if she WANTS to be a mod??

- LuMPyPussy - 03-04-2009

SyberBitch Wrote:Has anyone actually bothered to ASK Duch if she WANTS to be a mod??
No, but she mentioned that she was flattered by the nomination. I take that to mean she's not averse to the idea.

- LuMPyPussy - 03-04-2009

Sinister Wrote:Bravo, Liquid. Totally agree.
So it never occurred to you that he was including you in this, huh? ::gigg::