The most fucked up person you know - Printable Version

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- Sinister - 03-01-2009

It can be anyone you know. An ex, a relative, a co-worker, a boss....anyone EXCEPT someone from here. We all know who hates whom, so that would be pretty fucking pointless and I'm sick of the bullshit between members here anyway.

For whatever reason; they are just stupid, they did you wrong, they are cruel, criminal, whatever.

Take note; if anyone posts something about how annoying or stupid or retarded another member here in Mock is, I will simply delete that post without warning. Using this as a rant to shit on other members negates the purpose for this thread.

Mine would have to be an ex-boyfriend, name of Dave Jennings. That shithead was hot as hell, but his one and only priority in life was playing baseball. That took precedence over me, his child and even his job. In the time I wasted with him he had NINE different jobs. I was only with him for four years, so that is a bit ridiculous. When he was home, he would be paralell on the couch under a blanket, using an empty pop bottle to spit his tobacco chew into and watching ESPN. As I thought of it later, after I'd dumped him, it was pretty fucking obvious that he was fucking around and nailing anything in a skirt.

I had medical check-ups for 9 years after leaving him to be sure I hadn't caught anything from that swine. Thankfully, I didn't.

So....who is the worst person you know?

- Momster - 03-01-2009

My little sister's mother. Its a really long story.

high points?
She threw me out of a canoe when she knew I couldn't swim.
Told me the only way to get anywhere in life was to give men whatever they want.
Called Burger King and cancelled (not her kid) my little sisters birthday party, so when we showed up they didn't have anything and had to use a cake that had boy stuff on it... lol
Had one child, gave it to her mother.
Had my sister, called my mom when she was 4 months old and told her to come get her... left her in a baby seat out on the curb in the rain :(
Put nails in my moms car twice after that
Married an army guy, had ANOTHER baby, tried to kill him with a butcher knife while they were staioned in Germany getting herself booted from the country and put in jail.
Gave said kid to dad and ditched the state.

etc etc... she is a complete lunatic

- LuMPyPussy - 03-01-2009

Momster Wrote:My little sister's mother. Its a really long story.

high points?
She threw me out of a canoe when she knew I couldn't swim.
Told me the only way to get anywhere in life was to give men whatever they want.
Called Burger King and cancelled (not her kid) my little sisters birthday party, so when we showed up they didn't have anything and had to use a cake that had boy stuff on it... lol
Had one child, gave it to her mother.
Had my sister, called my mom when she was 4 months old and told her to come get her... left her in a baby seat out on the curb in the rain :(
Put nails in my moms car twice after that
Married an army guy, had ANOTHER baby, tried to kill him with a butcher knife while they were staioned in Germany getting herself booted from the country and put in jail.
Gave said kid to dad and ditched the state.

etc etc... she is a complete lunatic
And women like this continue to have a long string of boyfriends and husbands. :shock:

- OnBendedKnee - 03-01-2009

I've got to go with a co-worker from about eight years ago. Punk-ass looser.
Here's the deal:
I'm on my way to work ("C" shift, at the time) and while making a left turn about two blocks from the station, hit a wet patch of roadway and slid into a parked car. Obviously a no-brainer, dead to rights, I'm at fault.

I did about 3K worth of damage to my car and the other vehicle.
The owner was no where to be found so I walked into the station and reported the incident to my supervisor who instructed me to run the plate, find the owner, and to go from there with insurance exchange info. and such.
Well, as I am doing so one of the guys who worked the Traffic Division decides to write me up for a hit and run.
He hated me from years earlier (another story) and thought this would be a fun way of getting back to me.

It didn't work, but what could have been a simple info. exchange between me and the other car owner turned into a reportable incident with the DMV and that collision went on my record, jacking up my insurance for three years.
No need to do what he did- just did so out of spite.
He has since suffered two massive heart attacks but he just won't die.
Still, to this day, if I think about him long enough the hate builds up inside. Thankfully, outside of a thread like this I have no reason to think of him and go weeks, if not months without doing so.

Still, he's the only person on the planet who I wish would die a horrific and fiery, painful agonizing death.
I will tap dance and do the jig on his grave.

- LuMPyPussy - 03-01-2009

OnBendedKnee Wrote:I've got to go with a co-worker from about eight years ago. Punk-ass looser.
Here's the deal:
I'm on my way to work ("C" shift, at the time) and while making a left turn about two blocks from the station, hit a wet patch of roadway and slid into a parked car. Obviously a no-brainer, dead to rights, I'm at fault.

I did about 3K worth of damage to my car and the other vehicle.
The owner was no where to be found so I walked into the station and reported the incident to my supervisor who instructed me to run the plate, find the owner, and to go from there with insurance exchange info. and such.
Well, as I am doing so one of the guys who worked the Traffic Division decides to write me up for a hit and run.
He hated me from years earlier (another story) and thought this would be a fun way of getting back to me.

It didn't work, but what could have been a simple info. exchange between me and the other car owner turned into a reportable incident with the DMV and that collision went on my record, jacking up my insurance for three years.
No need to do what he did- just did so out of spite.
He has since suffered two massive heart attacks but he just won't die.
Still, to this day, if I think about him long enough the hate builds up inside. Thankfully, outside of a thread like this I have no reason to think of him and go weeks, if not months without doing so.

Still, he's the only person on the planet who I wish would die a horrific and fiery, painful agonizing death.
I will tap dance and do the jig on his grave.
Did he get some disciplinary action for doing that?

- sally - 03-01-2009

My Father in law. He's a real piece of shit. He brought my husband here from another country when he was 14 and left him with nothing but a jar of pennies.

He infested my house with roaches. And I think he did it on purpose.

He stole $10,000 from us.

He is now in the Phillipenes living in a hut with some 26 year old hooker who he claims is in love with him. The dirty old bastard is 67.

- OnBendedKnee - 03-01-2009

"Did he get some disciplinary action for doing that?"

No. He was within the law, so to speak even though the end result is unfounded.
I worked the Traffic Division years later myself and the law in California does state to either remain at an accident/collision scene or leave a detailed note.
Knowing I would run the plate and be back within minutes of the incident, I chose to leave and handle it directly.
Now, anyone else doing what I did would get a pass as it is the letter of the law that is broken, not the spirit of the law.
I handled this type of incident countless times myself and never would cite or report the driver who was making a good faith effort to locate the owner of the other vehicle.

So, even though it was a joke to attempt to do what he did, once he reported it to the DMV, I suffered the hit on my driving record as an "at fault collision".

This thread is very cathartic.

- Sinister - 03-01-2009

And 14 posts are whittled down to 8. If I have to delete any more posts, the whole thread disappears.

- Sinister - 03-01-2009

Bye bye, thread. Thanks to Momster.

This was an exercise in testing the self control of the "grown and educated adults" in this forum. As you see, you have failed miserably.