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- Duchess - 02-26-2009

I don't know how I managed before the onset of the internet...No joke...I am able to take care of so much online, from work to play...Should there ever be a fire, saving my laptop would rank right up there with Cowboy & my pets...Has it made a big difference in your life ?

- Lady Cop - 02-26-2009

i balked at getting a computer. someone on sheriff dept. gave me one, and i was immediately addicted. since then i have had one custom-built for me, and i cannot imagine life without it!

research, paying bills, banking, shopping (which i hated) and keeping track of cases and missing children for my forum at 24.

and of course, staying in touch with friends all over the planet!

i 109my computer!

- Sinister - 02-26-2009

I would be well and truly fucked if the 'net disappeared tomorrow. I keep track of some majorly serious shit via websites and without Mock, it is very likely I would climb a water tower with my sniper rifle.

- Duchess - 02-26-2009

I don't mean to sound dramatic but, it has literally been life changing for many people...It has certainly changed how I do so many things & coupled with the amountof time it can save, I would never, ever want to be without it...Like jb, I bank, shop & research and I can have all that done in minutes compared to a morning spent running around.

- Sinister - 02-26-2009

Nothing overly dramatic about that, Dutch. It has been a dramatic change for many people. My time is valuable, so the time saved by having the internet is priceless to me. I have all the bills that can be paid online done automatically, and alerts about my bank accounts emailed to me, I refill my prescriptions online, keep in touch with people far away, watch things happening in Bullet's case; it is invaluable, really.

I remember seeing commercials for the upcoming internet when my son was a baby and thinking it sounded pretty silly then. Wow, how my view on that has changed!

- OnBendedKnee - 02-26-2009

Totally agree. I,m reading this forum right now via 3G service
On my iPhone. It's diificult to now imagine life without being connected.

- The Antagonist - 02-26-2009

Duchess Wrote:I don't mean to sound dramatic but, it has literally been life changing for many people...It has certainly changed how I do so many things & coupled with the amountof time it can save, I would never, ever want to be without it...Like jb, I bank, shop & research and I can have all that done in minutes compared to a morning spent running around.

Hey ladies, I know where you can get groceries delivered to your door too.

I dunno.... some kitchen site I think [Image: awink.gif]

Like you and Sin, I do so much online it leaves me with more free time to do things I never had time to do for all the running around I would waste my day on.

- Duchess - 02-26-2009

The Antagonist Wrote:Hey ladies, I know where you can get groceries delivered to your door too.
I saw that & took note !

- Lady Cop - 02-26-2009

here on the cape the local big grocery chain, Stop & Shop, has a service called peapods, they will do all your shopping and deliver. fresh seafood, you name it. i can see where a shut-in would appreciate that, or anyone who didn't want to go out in the middle of the snow.

i would rather pick out my groceries myself, but think it's a wonderful option for some.

- The Antagonist - 02-26-2009

Yep,Peapod JB.

I have an affiliation with one of my websites with them. I've used them too. They don't do too bad for you either!

- Middle Finger - 02-26-2009

I had to look up something for my son's sock puppet my wife was making with him last night - the color of Thomas Jefferson's eyes. I got the info I wanted in less than 10 seconds. Now compare that to the time it would have taken to not just go get a book, but then read and find it within that book. And that's just one source. I was able to scan and collect multiple sources in less than 10 seconds for info that was good enough to go with.

Now multiply that out all year with all sorts of stuff I look up and the time saving alone is mind-blowing. It was my coin collecting that got me hooked originally. I was able get answers and chat with experts to get opinions and varieties identified that would have taken forever to do before the net. Many things would be impossible, or practically impossible, to research thoroughly at all - nevermind in a few minutes or a few hours. Some of the coin stuff alone wasn't even in books. Another example was some animation software I was using. I needed help with something not found in the books, and no 800 number person was going to be able to help me with, if there was even a 800 number for it (I can't remember). I needed someone who knew the software intimately. I posted my question in the middle of the night - the first forum I ever visited. Some dude in Japan answered me in 10 minutes with a solution. I was in shock to say the least. Weeks of playing and asking around resolved in 10 minutes.

- ramseycat - 02-26-2009

I would die without my laptop. I pay all my bills online. The only thing I write a check for is daycare. I haven't had to order checks in over 6 years! I too use it to help the boys with their homework. I keep in touch with friends all over the country. I do a lot of shopping online. Most of my Christmas shopping is done via the internet and I don't have to deal with people. And of course there is Mock. Oh what would I do if I couldn't come here and be insulted everyday???

- Duchess - 02-26-2009

ramseycat Wrote:what would I do if I couldn't come here and be insulted everyday???
And last but, certainly not least, what would I do if I couldn't come here & insult Ramsey everyday ???

- ramseycat - 02-26-2009

Duchess Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:what would I do if I couldn't come here and be insulted everyday???
And last but, certainly not least, what would I do if I couldn't come here & insult Ramsey everyday ???
If that is the highlight of your day, you need to get a life.

- Duchess - 02-26-2009

Ramsey !...Are you just pretending to be clueless...C'mon, tell me...Ok, here's a test...In what year was the war of 1812 fought ?

- ramseycat - 02-26-2009

Duchess Wrote:Ramsey !...Are you just pretending to be clueless...C'mon, tell me...Ok, here's a test...In what year was the war of 1812 fought ?
I have no idea. Smiley_emoticons_wink