Mudwrestle: Sinister and The Antagonist...who do you think would win? - Printable Version

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- Fry Guy - 02-25-2009

I am thinking The Antagonist....but then you just know Sinister would stack the odds with pre-match intimidation, by threatening violent repercussions from the Biker community, with The Antagonist if she lost.

Still would be interesting. Opinions?


- LuMPyPussy - 02-25-2009

A picture's worth a thousand words:


- Cynical Ninja - 02-25-2009

Sinister is a proper criminal style scumbag, she proved this recently by punching an innocent member of the public over car parking.
Antbitch is all mouth no trousers. In between giving her animals sexual relief, she cowers in the corner of her bedroom with her laptop.

- The Antagonist - 02-25-2009

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Sinister is a proper criminal style scumbag, she proved this recently by punching an innocent member of the public over car parking.
Antbitch is all mouth no trousers. In between giving her animals sexual relief, she cowers in the corner of her bedroom with her laptop.

As opposed to you getting sexual relief from your animals. ::dunno::