Is this a good thing? - Printable Version

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- Fry Guy - 02-23-2009

Bugger all actively involved members, plenty of activity though with a xenophobic stance towards new members.
I am wondering, is this a good thing?
Hell, are you guys even the best one's to ask for an objective opinion?


- Duchess - 02-23-2009

We don't fear people from other countries...Hahahaha...The only thing I fear is Mock filling up with dummies, the ones who don't have skills like, spelling correctly, posting in a manner that can be understood, thinks vulgurities are hysterically funny, posts the same crap over & over, etc...That's what I fear.

- ramseycat - 02-23-2009

Duchess Wrote:We don't fear people from other countries...Hahahaha...The only thing I fear is Mock filling up with dummies, the ones who don't have skills like, spelling correctly, posting in a manner that can be understood, thinks vulgurities are hysterically funny, posts the same crap over & over, etc...That's what I fear.
Your fears have aready come true. Case in point - the one who started this thread.

- Fry Guy - 02-23-2009


- Momster - 02-23-2009

mmmmmm... you got in didn't ya??

- Fry Guy - 02-23-2009

I did. You all are secretly pleased I did too.