YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE - Printable Version

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- Duchess - 02-16-2009

Some of you people really suck...It's always the same people with the smart mocks & then there is the rest of you, the asshats & complainers...Fuck off, you all are a crushing bore...I'd rather go back to us cannabalizing each other than to have to see the daily bs some of you bitches have brought in here...I don't care what you think, feel, say or do..I care about Mock...Get your act together & live up to our expectations & standards or get out.

- Fry Guy - 02-16-2009

Duchess Wrote:Some of you people really suck...It's always the same people with the smart mocks & then there is the rest of you, the asshats & complainers...Fuck off, you all are a crushing bore...I'd rather go back to us cannabalizing each other than to have to see the daily bs some of you bitches have brought in here...I don't care what you think, feel, say or do..I care about Mock...Get your act together & live up to our expectations & standards or get out.

I like this post.

Gotta say in the whole Liquid episode. There was dummyspitting and meltdowns all around. I think Liquid as oafish, talentless and perverted as he is at least stood his ground and let people meltdown around him.

Did not like what he wrote and think he is a bit of a Wanker but he realises this is not a tea party. If it came to having to be a talentless oaf and wanker on a mock site and a whining, whinging complainer who occasionally shits out a half decent mock I would go the former. Most of you are the latter. :Diablo:

Still one thing to be a hypocrite and whine at the whiners and another to try to do something constructive. I will see whether I can do about this situation or not?

- Liquid - 02-16-2009

Shy Guy Wrote:Gotta say in the whole Liquid episode. There was dummyspitting and meltdowns all around. I think Liquid as oafish, talentless and perverted as he is at least stood his ground and let people meltdown around him.

Did not like what he wrote and think he is a bit of a Wanker but he realises this is not a tea party.
Thank you for the wonderful compliment. I really appreciate your kind words.
Now go back to boring us all with your endless posts about one other member having a weight problem or being fat.

If anyone here is a big bore it is you. Look back at the past few days of posts and tell us how many actual good threads you have contributed. The answer is none. All you have done is troll around the entire site and post about the same thing over and over and over. Try actually adding something to this site beyond attacking one single member and maybe, just maybe you would be respected for being something more then a tool.

That being said - thanks again for the kind words.

- LuMPyPussy - 02-16-2009

Yeah, it's not everyday you get told you're oafish, talentless and perverted. That's got to be a treat to hear.

- Liquid - 02-16-2009

LuMPyPussy Wrote:Yeah, it's not everyday you get told you're oafish, talentless and perverted. That's got to be a treat to hear.
I can read beyond his boring words to the real compliment. I mean this guy has done exactly ONE THING on this site since getting here and that is attack Syber and jump on the bandwagon with the other new idiots. He has not contributed, but he has attacked one person over and over and over again without moving on or contributing anything to the site.

BUT he did make a nice comment above and that should be recognized and applauded.

- LuMPyPussy - 02-16-2009

Liquid Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:Yeah, it's not everyday you get told you're oafish, talentless and perverted. That's got to be a treat to hear.
I can read beyond his boring words to the real compliment. I mean this guy has done exactly ONE THING on this site since getting here and that is attack Syber and jump on the bandwagon with the other new idiots. He has not contributed, but he has attacked one person over and over and over again without moving on or contributing anything to the site.

BUT he did make a nice comment above and that should be recognized and applauded.
Substitute 'used the word cunt' in place of 'attacked one person' and you just described yourself.No wonder you appreciate his nice comment. ::rollseyes::

- Liquid - 02-16-2009

LMPPussy, you know you are wrong and I know you are just joking and pushing buttons. I have not attached one member over and over and literally started threads to attack that one member (about the same thing I might add).
Like you posting your videos (which I have commented on that some are funny), I have started many threads that are not using the word cunt or attacking one person 500 times like ShyIdiot. You know that is true.

- Liquid - 02-16-2009

Shy Guy Wrote:Still one thing to be a hypocrite and whine at the whiners and another to try to do something constructive. I will see whether I can do about this situation or not?
If you actually started some constructive posts, instead of just attacking Syber over and over and over again, you might be able to talk. But in your 100 or so posts you have not added anything. Only then will you be respected. As of right now you are just a newbie fuck, who picked Syber to attack and while it might have INITIALLY been funny, now it is just boring and old. Move on and contribute.

WE HOPE you can actually be a "constructive" member of this site as you mention above, but the jury is still out on that.

- Fry Guy - 02-16-2009

Give me a fucking break!

I have been here how long? 7 days? 5 in the big boys room?
I have not exclusively niggled Syberpig. Most, but not exclusively




(Matted Hairy)



She is a postwhore, has been the one who has tried to get my attention and that pic that Googlebot procured was a gift.

Having said that I am not really looking for your endorsement.

I WILL settle in and then mock others too. I am well pleased with what I have done. I think you secretly like me you big softie. Give us a hug ::lmao::

- OnBendedKnee - 02-16-2009

Shy Guy, changing your Avatar would be one step in proving Liquid wrong.

Just sayin'...

- Liquid - 02-16-2009

he is not going to change it. right now he is a one trick pony with attacking Syber, and as OP said in another thread he has beaten that topic to death literally.

- Middle Finger - 02-16-2009

Having an avatar that mocks another Member can be good/funny ... but when you combine it with spam-like constant trolling, it gets annoying.

I vote for cut down on the spam-like constant troll factor.

- Duchess - 02-16-2009

I didn't mean to tell people to get out ~ not exactly :Blush:

- Momster - 02-16-2009

NO YOU ARE ::bigg::

- Duchess - 02-16-2009

Don't contradict me when I publicly admit that I prolly could have worded it better.

- matted hairy - 02-16-2009


- Fry Guy - 02-16-2009

Frank is that you? Tell me that's a chop.

- Fry Guy - 02-16-2009

Liquid Wrote:he is not going to change it. right now he is a one trick pony with attacking Syber, and as OP said in another thread he has beaten that topic to death literally.

Hell no. This was one gift from Googlebot before he left. Will Googlebot be here forever? Let's just say as long as I have the avatar. Smiley_emoticons_razz

As for one trick, how many members have you mocked in the last 5 days. Count 'em up. Even with a mostly one-sided attention to Syber I thing the threads will show us about even, you Dickhead.

- LuMPyPussy - 02-16-2009

matted hairy Wrote:Wow
Jesus Christ he's got a big head, and I don't mean the one in his pants! :shock:

- Liquid - 02-16-2009

Shy Guy Wrote:
Liquid Wrote:he is not going to change it. right now he is a one trick pony with attacking Syber, and as OP said in another thread he has beaten that topic to death literally.

Hell no. This was one gift from Googlebot before he left. Will Googlebot be here forever? Let's just say as long as I have the avatar. Smiley_emoticons_razz

As for one trick, how many members have you mocked in the last 5 days. Count 'em up. Even with a mostly one-sided attention to Syber I thing the threads will show us about even, you Dickhead.
the truth is starting to hurt you isn't is ShyCunt. You are now the proud new owner of the CUNT title and I am sure you will wear it proudly and hold it forever.

You are again a post late and boring to the extreme. Lame and boring