Soul Men - The "F" Word 2,000 times - Printable Version

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- Liquid - 02-15-2009

From IMDB - Though it's been some twenty years since they have spoken with one another, two estranged soul-singing legends agree to participate in a reunion performance at the Apollo Theater to honor their recently deceased band leader.

That about sums it up, but don't forget the 2000 times they say fuck, mother fucker, fuck this, fuck that, fuck fuck fuck. I have no problem with the word fuck being used in a movie, but in this movie it almost becomes comical how many times in the same sentence they use the word.

Actually a GREAT drinking game could be done with this movie if you had to take a drink every time they say the word fuck. You would be TRASHED within the first 15 minutes of the film.

what I disliked most about this film is that it is JUST NOT FUNNY. It was billed as a comedy and fails as an aging buddy movie about 2 old guys becoming friends again. Overall I was not impressed.

I did not believe the "buddy" plot
I did not think the music was particularly good or well performed
I did not believe any of the characters.
Sure Issac Hayes and Bernie Mac died shortly after filming this movie, but that does not change the fact that it is sub par (in my opinion) at best.

IMDB link -
Box office - In 13 weeks in wide release it only made 12 million dollars, further showing that the viewing public (including the African American audience that it is obviously targeted at) clearly also thought it was not a good movie.

- Liquid - 02-15-2009

MF - can you please change the title of this thread to Soul Men (instead of man). Thanks.

- Middle Finger - 02-15-2009

OK. And thanks for doing the review between twinkies.

- OnBendedKnee - 02-15-2009

In films I thought Glengarry Glen Ross dropped the most F bombs but I see now yours beats it hands down.

- Duchess - 02-15-2009

I didn't know Issac Hayes died. ::blink::

- Liquid - 02-15-2009

Middle Finger Wrote:OK. And thanks for doing the review between twinkies.

popcorn my friend. lots of movies lately. popcorn.