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RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Clang McFly - 12-29-2022

(12-29-2022, 12:10 AM)Carsman Wrote: Life scientifically doesn’t start till the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. 
Life starts in many people’s minds is when the baby breathes it’s first breath of air. 
Life starts in many peoples’s minds is at conception. 

Therefore, depending on one’s belief translates whether abortion is murder or not. 

I myself think abortion is .  .  .  .  .  .  

Fuck your beliefs! Abortion is murder, covid vaccines are stupid and unnecessary(unless you need one to keep your good State job), and Trump is a criminal, unfit to be President and a garbage human being.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Duchess - 12-29-2022

(12-29-2022, 09:39 AM)Clang McFly Wrote: Trump is a criminal, unfit to be President and a garbage human being.

I couldn't agree more.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - rothschild - 12-29-2022

(12-29-2022, 06:45 AM)Duchess Wrote: Zygotes are not babies. Embryos are not babies, an unidentifiable mass is not a baby, and what a woman does with HER body is not your fucking business. The end. Goddamn you holier than thou types. Mind your own fucking business and concentrate on your own lives. Butt the fuck out of other people's business. 

That has nothing to do with life beginning at conception. Not a baby does not equate to not alive.


Just curious where those saying categorically abortion is murder fall when the choice is the life of the mother or the not viable fetus - like ectopic pregnancy? What about when it’s a necessary medical procedure to save the life of the mother? Preventing life-saving procedures including abortions is also murder.

Abortion laws don’t only affect those seeking abortions due to unwanted pregnancy.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - sally - 12-29-2022

I think there should be a cut off date for abortion right around 16 weeks with exception of the mother's health seriously at risk or severe fetal anomalies. That gives women more than enough time to have an abortion. I was talking about when life begins, however, and not my stance on abortion rights. And technically Clang is right if you ever paid attention in elementary school science class.


Interesting to differentiate the two: abortion rights vs when life starts. Hadn’t heard that angle before.
I definitely align more towards your views on abortion rights.

On the when life begins - I think it’s more complicated.
In Biology class I learned that even sperm are alive! Living organisms. Even before conception.
There’s a whole lot of living things.
Legally, with the Supreme Court Dobbs decision overturning Roe v Wade - they essentially say that the beginning of “Life” is when whoever is leading your state says it is.


I don't personally believe in abortion, but I have never had to make that decision. I would never judge a woman or want to make rules governing what she would do-up to a point obviously-what everyone is saying about trimesters who know more than me about having babies.
The fact that women are being arrested, or being threatened with being arrested is FUCKING STUPID when men are obviously suffering no consequences from this-excpet those that cry, "But she aborted it w/out my consent!" Well then keep your dick in your pants assholes.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Carsman - 12-29-2022

(12-29-2022, 09:39 AM)Clang McFly Wrote:
(12-29-2022, 12:10 AM)Carsman Wrote: Life scientifically doesn’t start till the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. 
Life starts in many people’s minds is when the baby breathes it’s first breath of air. 
Life starts in many peoples’s minds is at conception. 

Therefore, depending on one’s belief translates whether abortion is murder or not. 

I myself think abortion is .  .  .  .  .  .  

Fuck your beliefs! Abortion is murder, covid vaccines are stupid and unnecessary(unless you need one to keep your good State job), and Trump is a criminal, unfit to be President and a garbage human being.

Where did I state “my” beliefs wise one, I didn’t, can’t you read.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Carsman - 12-29-2022

IMO, Circumstances should be (must) considered to decide whether abortion would be considered 
murder or not. Or an act of a compassionate decision to end the pregnancy of a extremely defective baby that has no arms or legs (or both) or damaged brain, that ultimately if not terminated, would just be born. However, that baby would not have any kind of normal life, just existence. A terrible existence, one that would need others to tend to their every need. 

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - rothschild - 12-29-2022

(12-29-2022, 01:34 PM)GirlBoss Wrote: Interesting to differentiate the two: abortion rights vs when life starts. Hadn’t heard that angle before.
I definitely align more towards your views on abortion rights.

On the when life begins - I think it’s more complicated.
In Biology class I learned that even sperm are alive! Living organisms. Even before conception.
There’s a whole lot of living things.
Legally, with the Supreme Court Dobbs decision overturning Roe v Wade - they essentially say that the beginning of “Life” is when whoever is leading your state says it is.

Sperm are alive, sperm + ovum = beginning of a new human being, albeit undeveloped. The crux of the matter for me is whether an unborn human being is a person having legal standing in courts of law, and that cannot happen without diminishing the sovereignty of a mother, which I find repugnant. Women are vulnerable to begin with and are far more so during pregnancy. I think the best way to discourage abortion is by creating safer and healthier societies, without government mandates and politicization revolving around religious dogma and the diminishing of the sanctity of life. It's a philosophical matter and by and large this world is a philosophical wasteland, so ethical resolution of complex social issues is an exceptionally rare occurrence.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Clang McFly - 12-29-2022

(12-29-2022, 11:41 AM)GirlBoss Wrote: Just curious where those saying categorically abortion is murder fall when the choice is the life of the mother or the not viable fetus - like ectopic pregnancy? What about when it’s a necessary medical procedure to save the life of the mother? Preventing life-saving procedures including abortions is also murder.

Abortion laws don’t only affect those seeking abortions due to unwanted pregnancy.

I did say abortion is ok if there medical complications that would kill the mother if the baby isn't aborted.


You, you with the penis. Shush.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - rothschild - 12-29-2022

Clang has a penis? Smiley_emoticons_skeptisch

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Clang McFly - 12-29-2022

(12-29-2022, 07:52 PM)MirahM Wrote: You, you with the penis. Shush.

Get back in the kitchen, woman. And make me a sandwich.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Clang McFly - 12-29-2022

(12-29-2022, 07:55 PM)rothschild Wrote: Clang has a penis?  Smiley_emoticons_skeptisch

It's a grower not a show-er.

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - rothschild - 12-29-2022

(12-29-2022, 10:41 PM)Clang McFly Wrote:
(12-29-2022, 07:55 PM)rothschild Wrote: Clang has a penis?  Smiley_emoticons_skeptisch

It's a grower not a show-er.

An innie or an outie?

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Clang McFly - 12-30-2022

(12-29-2022, 11:21 PM)rothschild Wrote:
(12-29-2022, 10:41 PM)Clang McFly Wrote:
(12-29-2022, 07:55 PM)rothschild Wrote: Clang has a penis?  Smiley_emoticons_skeptisch

It's a grower not a show-er.

An innie or an outie?

Innie then an outie.


(12-29-2022, 07:55 PM)rothschild Wrote: Clang has a penis?  Smiley_emoticons_skeptisch

I was talking to all w/ a penis


I don't know about this abortion thing or baby thing-

BUT every new show I have clicked on in the last 2 days is baby related or has a baby story or adoption story-and it doesn't even feel like propaganda but somehow I feel it is. WTF
It feels kind of creepy tbh

RE: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - aussiefriend - 12-30-2022

These people that want to force a pregnancy on a female regardless of circumstances are not prepared to support post pregnancy. Single mothers have the lowest social status in the social structure of our society. Stoned to death in sharia countries.