It was a "miracle" they survived - Printable Version

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- Middle Finger - 01-30-2009

When someone says it was divine intervention and a "miracle" Person X survived - like, for example, they made it out of the hospital alive and well even though the odds were way against them ... I think that's bullshit. I think that makes it sound like all the other people, kids included, that died or will die were not deemed worthy of a miracle and survival. I think saying God cherry-picks and does miracles to save people like that, even if they were not nicer people than the others, is bullshit. I also don't buy the typical response to that, which is, basically, "God works in mysterious ways." I think that's a cop out.

Your view?

- The Antagonist - 01-30-2009

Same as yours unless God is one fucked up dude with a playstation or wii and having quite the fun at our expense.

That crap "God works in mysterious ways" and "You just have to have faith" is the biggest cop out invented. It's right up there with "Because I said so!" from one's parent when they had no good explanation when the kids asked a valid question where the parents were put 'on the spot'.

- OnBendedKnee - 01-30-2009

The sort answer:
There is no bearded guy wearing an oversized robe and sandals hovering above us in the sky.

The long answer:
It is offensive to me a "God" would protect some from pain and suffering at the expense of others.

No one is listening to the mumblings of millions of prayer givers in their attempts to change God's mind and do things their way.

Believe in yourself and the people around you. Do good because it is the right thing to do and not because you are seeking a reward (heaven) or avoiding a punishment (hell).

There are no magic beans. There are no fairies living among the grassy fields that make the flowers grow.

Man used to need to believe in God because science wasn't available to us.
Those days are long gone.
Now people believe due to the eternal struggle of, "what happens to me when I die?"
Edited to add:
To think death is so permanent is difficult to wrap our minds around.
Religion attempts to answer that and provide comfort. It is a false warmth.
You were dead for millions of years before you were born and will be after you've lived.

- sally - 01-30-2009

I suppose if you believe in the notion of supernatural revelation, then God intervening in the affairs of human life would make sense. Just about as much sense as believing that God loves you, but will burn you in hell for eternity if you don't go to church and give him your money.

- Sinister - 01-30-2009

I heard the very phrase which is the title of your thread many times after the wreck I had. A miracle? I dunno, but what I think is that I am too fuckin' stubborn and mean to be taken out by a drunk cager, not that there was anything miraculous about surviving it. That and knowing it would kill Bullet if I died made me strong enough to live through it, not God.

- Cynical Ninja - 01-30-2009

Middle Finger Wrote:When someone says it was divine intervention and a "miracle" Person X survived - like, for example, they made it out of the hospital alive and well even though the odds were way against them ... I think that's bullshit. I think that makes it sound like all the other people, kids included, that died or will die were not deemed worthy of a miracle and survival. I think saying God cherry-picks and does miracles to save people like that, even if they were not nicer people than the others, is bullshit. I also don't buy the typical response to that, which is, basically, "God works in mysterious ways." I think that's a cop out.

Your view?

It would be more appropriate to thank the doctors and health professionals who actually saved your life than to bow in supplication to some god for a miracle.
Like I've said before one pair of hands working can do more good than a thousand clasped in prayer.
What really irritates me is when a family member dies young or unexpectedly and the faithful talk about it being "gods will", what a load of shit.