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- Duchess - 01-27-2009

A 93 yr. old man was found froze to death in his own home...The power co. limited his access to electicity & it was 32 degrees inside when he was discovered !...The powers that be had the audacity to say his neighbors should have checked on him sooner...How is it that cadillacs & other big ticket vehicles can sit at the curb of slum housing yet this poor old man freezes to death in his own home ????...I am so disgusted.

- LuMPyPussy - 01-27-2009

Jesus Christ, 32 degrees inside?!?

Not to highjack this thread, but this story makes me glad I'm on the second floor of an apartment building. I haven't had to turn my heater on all winter thanks to my downstairs neighbor. They must keep the place at 85 degrees down there.

- Momster - 01-27-2009


That is seriously fucked up. How do you limit access to a 93 year old man!?

- DPD Chick - 01-27-2009

I heard this morning on the radio, how awful.

WWII vet, owed $1000 on his table what do they find? the bill paperclipped to a large amount of money.

- Middle Finger - 01-27-2009

That's horrible ...

- Sinister - 01-27-2009

Where the fuck did this happen, Dutch? How nice of the PTB to place the blame squarely on the neighbors. Just fucking revolting.

- Duchess - 01-27-2009

Sin, it happened in Bay City, Michigan.

- Sinister - 01-27-2009

Duchess Wrote:Sin, it happened in Bay City, Michigan.
Of course it did. Another shining example of the glorious state of Michigan and how wonderful it is here. Geezus.....::doh::

- Duchess - 01-27-2009

I can only speak for myself but, I never heard about stuff like this when I was growing up...What the hell is happening to our world ?...What has become of honesty, integrity, caring about your fellow man, all that kind of shit..Don't people take pride in being the best they can be ?...Maybe I'm simply naive' in thinking that people should want to feel proud of themselves, so much shit disgusts me on a daily basis anymore.

- The Antagonist - 01-27-2009

Isn't it illegal to do this in Michigan?
Here if somone is elderly they cannot shut the heat or electricity on the elderly or disabled from November through April.

- Sinister - 01-27-2009

The Antagonist Wrote:Isn't it illegal to do this in Michigan?
That would make sense, but then again, what makes sense isn't the strong suit for the PTB in Michigan. It should be illegal, but then, we don't know the details of the story.

- Duchess - 01-27-2009

I'm sorryI didn't include the article, I got it from AOL news, Liquid is usually kind enough to help me get those kinds of things into Mock but, I don't think he is around today.

- Jurassic - 01-27-2009

I am afraid it happens in the UK as well occasionally, especially with the WW2 veterans, they who gave so much to keep us free are now suffering because nobody can be bothered to care. :(

- DPD Chick - 01-27-2009

Sinister Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:Isn't it illegal to do this in Michigan?
That would make sense, but then again, what makes sense isn't the strong suit for the PTB in Michigan. It should be illegal, but then, we don't know the details of the story.

I heard about it on Deminski and Doyle this morning 94.7

then I read about it I think just on or something like that

I don't think it's illegal, but we don't know if he asked for any assistance with the bill or a payment option with DTE (assuming that or ConEd) or not

It's an awful thing no matter what though

- The Antagonist - 01-27-2009

It shouldn't matter if he applied for assistance or not. Keeping the heat at a deliberate 32 degrees means someone was in direct control of the thermostat.

The power company saying out right that the neighbors were more responsible is deplorable and I just checked my bills, that law about not turning off the heat between November and April is for everyone, not just the elderly or disabled.

the catch is you have to have made a good faith effort to pay what you can when you can to them.

- DPD Chick - 01-27-2009

The Antagonist Wrote:It shouldn't matter if he applied for assistance or not. Keeping the heat at a deliberate 32 degrees means someone was in direct control of the thermostat.

The power company saying out right that the neighbors were more responsible is deplorable and I just checked my bills, that law about not turning off the heat between November and April is for everyone, not just the elderly or disabled.

the catch is you have to have made a good faith effort to pay what you can when you can to them.

the power company's response is disgusting, the situation is regrettable. A phone call to the power companyaskingabout payment arrangements could have been made, but we don't know that that happened, so I can't make the judgment that what happened was wrong. If you don't pay the bill or don't negotiate anything, then you can expect to receive full service. Again, we don't know.

that's what I'm saying,you have to have made a good faith effort to pay what you can.

- ramseycat - 01-27-2009

Where was the man's family? Did his kids or grandkids ever check on him?

And I am NOT defending the power company. But if the bill is past due and there is no response to their collections letters, they are going to shut off the power/heat. They didn't set it at 32 degrees. That is how cold it got in the man's house when the heat had been off for a period of time. Seriously, if you think about it how did the power company know this was a 92 year old man? How did they know he would freeze to death if no one ever told them?

I am very saddened by what happened to this man and it could have been prevented if just one person took the time to care.

- ihatefucktards - 01-27-2009

that is so sad.