I'm tired of Whiney-Assed, Oversensitive People - Printable Version

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- SyberBitch - 09-20-2009

I think I just lost a friend.

I have a group of friends who I met through an 'expecting club' when we were all pregnant. Essentially, we were all due to give birth in the same month. Unfortunately, as I've mentioned before, most of the people in the online group were total flakes, and/or conservative right-wing fundamentalists. Briefly, people I had nothing in common with except for a due date. However, there were a select few who were generally brighter and more 'progressive' than the rest. We few started emailing back and forth, and have been ever since. A few of those dropped as time went on, but there were still the four of us after all this time.

Until yesterday.

One of my 'friends' has a little girl who has a few problems that she is in therapy for. Although the child is VERY bright, and I mean like knowing her entire alphabet and doing basic addition and subtraction at 2 12 years old bright, she has had some physical problems, like 'core muscle weakness' and a few things like that. She walked quite late, she wears braces on her ankles and she has a pretty serious speech delay. At 2 12 years old, she can only make a few basic sounds and speech 'approximations', like saying 'bah bah bah' for 'bottle'.

Anyway, this gal (the mother) has always stressed that she WANTS to hear updates on how the rest of our little ones are doing, the stuff they are saying, etc. A few days ago, one of the gals started an email asking for 'updates' and proceeded to give updates on her sons. I responded with some updates on my son, some of the interesting stuff he says (he's very verbal), etc. Another gal updated on her daughter and included some of the very precocious things that her daughter has been saying.

Jokingly, I responded to the precocious girl's mother, saying that 'her verbal skills make Skye look downright retarded' (with laughing). To which the mother of the girl with physical problems responded shortly "Well, what does that say about XXX?" (her daughter). I responded to that email, pleasantly, saying "Well, if XXX didn't have issues which are holding her back from speaking, I think she would make them ALL look like retards!". Which I thought was a compliment and would be the end of it.

But no, she then responded, getting rather snippy, that she didn't find my 'jokes' funny and that 'jokes like mine' were what perpetuated the myths that verbally challenged people were mentally challenged as well.

Of course, at that point I was starting to get irritated and told her that she was being ridiculous, that it was an off-hand joking comment about my own son, among friends, and that it had absolutely nothing to do with her daughters issues. She became even more irate, calling me 'insensitive' and demanding an apology. I said that I was 'sorry she was hurt', but that I wasn't sorry for saying what I said, since, given the context of the situation, there was nothing wrong with saying it.

Emails flew back and forth, her becoming more and more emotional, and of course there is a lot more involved (such as the fact that she has been doing this a lot recently, basically 'calling out' those of us in the little group for saying things that upset her) and basically, I'd had enough of that behavior and refused to say I was wrong.

So, now it seems I have lost a friend over this... but in every email, I told her that I was still here as a friend if she should decide she wants to write to me.

But, all of this boils down to the simple statement in the subject of this thread. I am fucking sick to death of oversensitive, self-victimizing drama queens. Why the fuck can't people grow up and just realize that they are not the centers of the universe? The world would be a much better place.

- Middle Finger - 09-20-2009

Not everyone can be friends. Save your energy for the people who don't annoy you. Good move.

- SyberBitch - 09-20-2009

Middle Finger Wrote:Not everyone can be friends. Save your energy for the people who don't annoy you. Good move.

Does that mean I should leave Mock permanently?


(kidding... very few people here 'annoy' me)

- sally - 09-20-2009

Middle Finger Wrote:Not everyone can be friends. Save your energy for the people who don't annoy you. Good move.
Great fucking advice, Confucius ::rollseyes::

- SyberBitch - 09-20-2009

sally Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Not everyone can be friends. Save your energy for the people who don't annoy you. Good move.
Great fucking advice, Confucius ::rollseyes::
Nice addition to the thread there...

- LuMPyPussy - 09-20-2009

I'd refuse to apologize to ANYONE that demanded it. Fuck 'em.

- SyberBitch - 09-20-2009

LuMPyPussy Wrote:I'd refuse to apologize to ANYONE that demanded it. Fuck 'em.
Seriously... I hate that kind of shit. Always trying to make people feel like there is something wrong with THEM. I think it all boils down to being ego-centric. Like everything is about them personally. Hell, with my 'offline' friends, we often outright criticize each other, not in a nasty way of course, or belittling anyone, but in a way that only friends can do to actually help each other out. Like, giving advice or something.... and if it's 'unwanted advice', the person will just say so and that's the end of it. People are 'offended' too fucking easily. Bunch of pansies.

- Middle Finger - 09-20-2009

SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Not everyone can be friends. Save your energy for the people who don't annoy you. Good move.

Does that mean I should leave Mock permanently?
Don't talk crazy like that ...

- Middle Finger - 09-20-2009

sally Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Not everyone can be friends. Save your energy for the people who don't annoy you. Good move.
Great fucking advice, Confucius ::rollseyes::

Thanks, 70s alcoholic bitch.

- Duchess - 09-21-2009

People that demand an apology NEVER deserve one...Period.

- Middle Finger - 09-21-2009

I'm afraid to comment. Sally might slap me down between "daily delicious beverages" that "unfortunately" and "coincidentally" have alcohol in them.

- Duchess - 09-21-2009

I've had moments where I would like nothing more than to drink myself silly but, I'm too much of a control freak for that to ever happen...So, I burn one instead.

- sally - 09-21-2009

Middle Finger Wrote:I'm afraid to comment. Sally might slap me down between "daily delicious beverages" that "unfortunately" and "coincidentally" have alcohol in them.
Don't let me deter you from giving out your sage advice. I happen to enjoy dailydelicous alcoholic beverages, so sue me ::dunno::. I'm having a vodka and Clamato with garlic stuffed olives and tabascoright now. It's spicy and refreshing ::finger::

- Duchess - 09-21-2009

That sounds lovely, Sally !...Refreshing.

- Middle Finger - 09-21-2009

sally Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:I'm afraid to comment. Sally might slap me down between "daily delicious beverages" that "unfortunately" and "coincidentally" have alcohol in them.
Don't let me deter you from giving out your sage advice. I happen to enjoy dailydelicous alcoholic beverages, so sue me ::dunno::. I'm having a vodka and Clamato with garlic stuffed olives and tabascoright now. It's spicy and refreshing ::finger::

I know how we can get passed this. Get dressed in something sexy and take a pic so Duchess and I can evaluate and enjoy, while providing Ramsey with another opportunity to pretend she is qualified to comment on my marriage, or any relationship for that matter.

- Duchess - 09-21-2009

Wear one of those cute shorts skirts & a cleavege baring top, please...Thanks.

- Duchess - 09-21-2009

Oh hell !...I fucked that entire post up.

- Middle Finger - 09-21-2009

Sally, make us happy. We deserve that shit and you know it, you sexy post-civil rights/pre-modern era bitch.

- sally - 09-21-2009

I can't dress up sexy tonight, the kids friends are over. I'd look real nice out in the front yard playing volley ball with my tits hanging out and a bloody ceasar in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I'll save that trailer trash shit for when the kids aren't home.

I'm still drinking and smoking in front of the kids, it just looks less trashy because I'm dressed like a banker.

- Middle Finger - 09-21-2009

I'm not sure Jesus would approve of you drinking and smoking in front of the kids ...